Storytime with Counter Logic Gaming’s Auto | Esports Mad Lib League of Legends eSports

Champion – Mage Elise

Elise is a deadly predator who dwells in a shuttered, lightless palace, deep within the oldest city of Noxus. She was once the mistress of a powerful noble house, until the bite of a vile spider-god transformed her into something utterly inhuman, yet still beautiful—an arachnoid creature, drawing unsuspecting prey into her web. Elise now feeds upon the naive and the faithless, and there are few who can resist her seductions.

League of Legends Teams – Virtus Pro

Virtus.Pro has been involved since the early days of Dota 2. The team was founded in 2003, but only actively participated in the first Dota 2 tournament in 2012. One can remember here the veterans like KuroKy who joined shortly after the beginning. Of course, the team had also experienced its difficult times and there were many changes in direction and in the squad.

-Lunar Revel

The Chinese New Year begins on Tuesday, 01.02.2022. This year is the Year of the Tiger. Why should this interest you? Well, maybe because basically positive open-mindedness towards other cultures is always a good character trait. Or also because there are cool skins in League for it.

League of Legends Guides- Ekko Jungle Champion

In this – Season 11 Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Ekko in the Jungle. We’ll show you what makes the Time Breaker so strong and how to play the Assassin on the strongest position of the Solo Cue. You want to make life hell for your opponent’s Carries? No problem with our – Season 11 Ekko Champion Guide.

LoL League of Legends – Wild Rift: Patch 1.0a nerfed OP-Champs

The Wild Rift beta has been playable in several regions of the world so far. We Europeans will have to be a bit more patient until we get our hands on the beautiful mobile version of our favorite MOBA: League of Legends aka Wild Rift.

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