Starcraft Units – Ultralisk


The Ultralisk is a late-game Hive-tech unit that is only available once the Zerg player has an Ultralisk Cavern. It is very expensive costing 200 Vespene Gas, but has a great deal of health and its speed is still on par with Zerglings. It features two specific upgrades, for movement speed and unit armor, both at the Ultralisk Cavern. Its attack and armor can be further upgraded at the Evolution Chamber. Because of its speed and the hit points sustained, Ultralisks are quickly brought into battle and can frequently survive substantial fire.

It also has a unique upgrade called Chitinous Plating which adds +2 armor. It is the only upgrade in the game to add armor to a specific unit. This upgrade, when combined with the Zerg’s normal armor upgrades, makes the Ultralisk an extremely tough unit. Ultralisks are able to absorb a great deal of damage, particularly in drawing fire while units paired with it, such as Zerglings, can deal substantial damage. While the Ultralisk’s attack is unspectacular (about that of a pair of Zerglings) given the significant cost, it has much greater lasting power and is fearsome when massed. Since they only take one Larva to produce and consume four supply, they are perhaps the most production-efficient unit in the game.

hit points500
NeededUltralisk Lair
armamentemperor blades
taskHeavy Assault Warrior
TypeGround unit, biological, massive
attack typefloor
armor typeArmored
Damage15 (+20 vs armored)


General Information

The Zerg are arguably the youngest race in the universe, but as suddenly as they appeared, so rapidly did their numbers and power grow. With sharp claws, teeth and tusks, these savage beasts charge at their opponents and fight to the death without rhyme or reason. This boundless brutality and great willingness to sacrifice, combined with their large numbers, makes almost every opponent tremble.

Even though the organic building structures grow out of order and the attacks of the zerg hordes seem unplanned, it is known that they are commanded by a powerful being – the Overmind – with the help of psi powers. Since the Overmind is under Terran control, its most powerful creation – the assimilation Sarah Kerrigan – has seized command of the swarms.