Starcraft Units – Hetzer


The dark templar are a group of protoss who refused to subordinate their individuality to the overarching psionic community of the Khala. Long ago they were banished from Aiur, the homeworld of the Protoss. They eventually found a new home on the distant planet of Shakuras.

Without the support of the great armorers of Aiur, the dark templar were forced to find new ways to survive in a hostile universe. The dark templar warriors learned new methods of warfare. By focusing on their inner psionic strength and drawing power from the Void itself, the dark templar learned to veil their presence to strike unseen from the shadows. The relentless Exiles perfected their methods to sow fear and confusion among their enemies by assassinating enemy leaders and destroying vital facilities. After all, the dark templars were even a match for the mighty berserkers in battle.

However, the loss of Aiur showed that cunning alone cannot defeat a ruthless enemy like the Zerg. Following the example of the venerable dragoons, the dark templar began to construct their own war machines. The result is the Stalkers: machines controlled by the shadow essence of a dark templar warrior that could be fused with the metal bodies of a Stalker to protect their people.

Agile and deadly, the Stalkers have been credited with fantastic traits during recent conflicts. The most commonly observed ability, called ‘Transit’, teleports the stalker from one location to another instantaneously. This ability allows Stalkers to strike from unexpected directions, intercept fleeing enemies, or escape from dire straits.

Particle disruptors attached to the Hetzer’s hull are equally capable of destroying ground and air targets. So it’s no wonder that ambushes by Hetzers have been the undoing of so many attacking forces that just a short time before thought they were all too safe.

hit points80
Production facilitywarp node
taskMobile Scout / Ambushes
TypeGround unit, mechanical
attack typeground, air
armor typearmored
Damage10 (+4 vs armored)


General Information

With their advanced technologies, the Protoss manage to spread fear and terror throughout the universe. A variety of different combat robots, as well as some specially trained fighters who possess psi powers, are available to the Protoss in their battles against other forces. However, these also have their price, the of fighters and upgrading with robots, not only devours vast amounts of resources, but also costs a lot of time.

The Protoss are considered the oldest and most developed race, but their old culture also has disadvantages. The Protoss naturally see themselves as autocrats and do not adapt to the new dangers, they remain in their rigid caste system and preserve the strict hierarchy in their culture at all costs.