Starcraft 2 Commentary – No. 4 (T)ballerscuba vs. (P)Swerv Part 1 – StarCraft eSports

Heroes – Zeratul

Little is known about Zeratul’s origins, but he spent many years of his life away from his homeworld of Shakuras on various missions. Zeratul appears when he meets Tassadar alongside Jim Raynor on Char. Since the High Templar have a fundamental aversion to the Dark Templar, this meeting did not necessarily go smoothly, but after some time the three came to an agreement and hid from the Zerg.

Planets Starcraft – Mar Sara

Mar Sara was the eighth colony world settled by the former Confederation. Although the planet is rather desolate and remote, its mining industry was once considered a key strategic resource. He was overrun by the Zerg and later cremated by the . Intrepid Terrans terraformed the planet and recolonized it in 2502.

Starcraft Units – Siege Tank

The Crucio is the ’s successor to the hugely successful but outdated Arclite Siege Tank. The Arclite was renowned within the Confederacy for its devastating firepower and unwavering position and advance tactics. Originally conceived as a defensive cannon and last line of defense, the Siege Tank adopted a two-stage configuration in its final design:

Starcraft Missions – Inside the Enemy’s Body

There’s only one thing you need to be aware of in this mission: as soon as one of your units dies, you need to replace them immediately. With this you can easily complete this mission. If you diligently infect the neutral units with your queen during the fights in order to preserve their biomass, you shouldn’t have any problems with this success either.

Starcraft Buildings – Command Center

Command Centers are the nerve centers of all Terran outposts. Originally developed by the Confederacy as mobile resource processing centers for their prospectors, today’s command centers can still move under their own power to the nearest mineable deposit of minerals or vespin.

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StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only official expansion, StarCraft: Brood War, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, StarCraft was the best-selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, StarCraft was released for free, including the Brood War expansion and some customization’s.

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