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  – Suppressed Sniper Rifle

The Suppressed Sniper Rifle is a weapon in   in Fortnite . Depending on its rarity, the weapon can deal between 100 and 105 damage per hit to enemies.  scoped sniper rifle requires reloading after each shot. The silenced  make it easier to act from behind the scenes, but the weapon’s penetration is lower. The Suppressed Sniper Rifle can be found on the ground, in supply drops, or in chests. It can also be purchased from vending machines.

Maps Fortnite – Paradise Palms


Moisty Mire has been hit by a drought! In his position is now a desert outpost full of loot and new opportunities.” Paradise Palms is an area on the map of Fortnite’s mode. It replaced the Moisty Mire area at the beginning of – Season 5.

Fortnite Skins – Eon

Eon is a set of skins that can be used in Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode . You could get them by purchasing the Xbox One S bundle along with 2,000 . [1]Fortnite V-Bucks.png A Chinese version appeared later with restrictions.

Fortnite Items – Zapper Trap

The Zapper Trap is a trap and consumable item in Fortnite’s Battle Roylae mode. This trap is a throwable consumable that occupies an inventory slot. On impact, the item places a trap on either side of a building piece, dealing damage. Upon impact with clear terrain, the item automatically builds a wall and then places a damaging trap on either side.

Fortnite Outfits – Blackheart

Blackheart is a Legendary Outfit with T-Icon-Variant-64.png in Battle Royale that could be obtained as a reward from Tier 1 of Battle Pass – Season 8 Eight different styles and three clothing color variations for Blackheart may be unlocked by completing the Blackheart Challenges:

Fortnite Pickaxes – Guardian Axe

Guardian ‘s Ax is a Marvel rarity harvesting tool for Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode, and is one of the pickaxes that can be purchased for 500 in the Item Shop . It is also part of the Guardians Of The Galaxy set and was added to the  like the rest of the set as part of the Fortnite X Avengers: Endgame crossover event.



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