Sneak Peek: LoL Patch 13.16 Brings Shifting Meta

As the community settles into the newly released 13.15, anticipation is already building for the upcoming LoL . Scheduled for release on August 16, according to the official patch schedule, this patch promises to introduce a series of changes that could potentially reshape the game’s . Let’s dive into what Patch 13.16 has in store and how it might impact the game.

A Glimpse at Patch 13.15 and Its Highlights

Before we delve into the upcoming changes, it’s worth reflecting on the impact of Patch 13.15. This patch brought along the highly anticipated LoL Arena and marked the commencement of the Soul Fighter event. Players were treated to the engaging 2v2v2v2 game mode that has already become a favorite among the community. But it’s not just about the new modes; the patch also provided valuable into the evolving meta.

Meta Shifting and Rising Picks

One of the key takeaways from the start of the second ranked split is the gradual shift in the meta. The emergence of new power picks like Zyra and Xerath in the support pool is indicative of the changing landscape. This shift is part of a broader transition towards more poke-based champions. Champions that excel in the mid game and capitalize on objective fights, such as the new champion Naafiri, are becoming the cornerstone of successful strategies.

Tweaks and : Balancing the Battlefield

While has been actively working to address champion balance, the changing meta demands a closer look at many more champions. , a game designer at , provided a glimpse into the tentative changes planned for Patch 13.16. This includes buffs for 10 champions and nerfs for 5, along with significant adjustments to items like Duskblade of Draktharr, which has found its way into unintended champions’ arsenals.

Champion Buffs and Nerfs: A Sneak Peek

Among the changes in the pipeline, champions like Lucian, Lulu, Karma, Caitlyn, Wukong, Brand, Akali, Ekko, Sylas, and Milio are set to receive buffs. These adjustments aim to fine-tune their effectiveness on the Rift. Conversely, champions such as Rek’Sai, Shaco Support, Naafiri, Shyvana, and Tristana are in line for nerfs, seeking to restore balance and fairness to the gameplay experience.

System Changes and Immortal Journey Skins

Patch 13.16 introduces not only champion adjustments but also system changes. Items like Axiom Arc, Serpent’s Fang, Prowler’s Claw, Umbral Glaive, and Duskblade of Draktharr are receiving alterations that could impact strategic choices.

Moreover, the Immortal Journey Skins are set to make their appearance in Patch 13.16. Five champions will receive these visually stunning skins, with one lucky champion even getting a Prestige Edition variant. The vivid colors and powerful aesthetics of these skins continue to capture the imaginations of players.

Predicting the Meta Impact

With the preliminary changes unveiled, it’s still too early to determine precisely how the meta will respond. The adjustments in Patch 13.16 have the potential to shape gameplay dynamics and strategies. Players eager to understand the impact on their favorite champions and playstyles will need to stay tuned for a more detailed .

Embrace the Future: Patch 13.16 Awaits

As the of Legends community gears up for the release of Patch 13.16 on August 16, the anticipation is palpable. Players will soon have the opportunity to experience the evolving meta firsthand and adapt their strategies accordingly. With a combination of champion buffs, nerfs, system changes, and stunning skins, Patch 13.16 promises to inject new energy into the game.


Patch 13.16 is on the horizon, and the League of Legends community is brimming with excitement. As the meta continues to evolve and champions receive adjustments, players can look forward to dynamic gameplay and fresh strategies. Whether you’re a fan of buffs, nerfs, or simply curious about the impact on the game, the upcoming patch is sure to keep the community engaged.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When is LoL Patch 13.16 scheduled for release?

LoL Patch 13.16 is set to be released on August 16, according to the official patch schedule.

What were the highlights of Patch 13.15?

Patch 13.15 introduced LoL Arena and the Soul Fighter event, along with significant insights into the evolving meta.

What champions are receiving buffs in Patch 13.16?

Champions like Lucian, Lulu, Karma, Caitlyn, Wukong, Brand, Akali, Ekko, Sylas, and Milio are among those receiving buffs.

What champions are receiving nerfs in Patch 13.16?

Champions like Rek’Sai, Shaco Support, Naafiri, Shyvana, and Tristana are set to receive nerfs.

How will the system changes impact gameplay?

System changes to items like Axiom Arc, Serpent’s Fang, Prowler’s Claw, Umbral Glaive, and Duskblade of Draktharr could impact strategic choices and gameplay dynamics.