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World of Warcraft - TBC

we're going to go through for a big checklist of everything you should do as soon as possible on your level 70 in World of Warcraft The Burining Crusade Classic. In fact, you can do some of the things on this list at level 68 sooner!

Top 10 Things You Should Do When You Reach Level 70 In WoW Classic TBC

So you've just made it to level 70 in WoW Classic Burning Crusade, or maybe you're still in the process of doing so, are you wondering what you should do when you reach 70 level, what there is to do and what you should prioritize now that you have the maximum level? In this guide, we'll answer just that by going over the main content of Burning Crusade and giving you a roadmap of what you should prioritize to strengthen your character, earn more gold, and just have overall fun in the game.

1 Get Off the Ground

So the first thing you should do once you reach 70 is go to Shadowmoon Valley and get your flying mount. Flying is very important in Outland and not only gets you from point A to point B faster, but also unlocks more content for you. Unlike in the modern expansions where you have to create a bunch of content to unlock flying, in WoW Classic TBC you simply have to buy it from the trainers in Shadowmoon Valley. The cost of the basic flying skill plus the flying mount is 1000 gold. and really, if you have reached level 70, you should definitely have that, if not, we offer the cheap WoW Classic TBC gold for sale, check it out if you are short of gold. But really flying should be your first investment in the game. Remember that with the basic flying ability, you can only reach a speed of 60%, which is slower than your ground mount. So in some situations it is better to use your ground mount, for example if there are no obstacles in the way, and then there is the epic flying mount that flies at a strike speed of 280%, but that will earn you another 5000 gold , so for most people this will be more of a long term goal and probably not something you can do right away.

2. start your Karazhan attunement

The next thing you should do, if you haven't already, is to start your Karazhan attunement quest. This one starts outside of Karazhan in Deadwind Pass in Azeroth, and you'll have to do a lot of things around the world, so it's better to get started with it right away if you're doing the dungeons required for it on the side. Karazhan is the first raid of TBC and probably the first one you'll do, so it's important to start tuning in right away. So pick up the quests outside of Karazhan and just follow the quest chain until you are prompted to do Escape from Durnhold Keep, from there you can move on to other things or you could also do the entire quest chain now to get it out by the way, it's not very long but it will take a day or two depending on how easily you can find groups for these dungeons and clear them.

3. pre-bis quest rewards

Next, we recommend looking at your best-in-slot equipment list for your class and specialization before the raid. Wowhead should help you out in that they have great people making these pre-raid bi lists, but the reason you should look at them is that a lot of the best-in-slot pre-raid stuff comes from regular quests in Outland. And since your character's gear determines how quickly you can complete the rest of the game's content, pre-item quest rewards are an easy way to add a lot of power to your character very easily. Now many of these quests are no walk in the park, however, some require a 5-man party, but there are also many of them that can be done alone, so check out your pre-bis on list on Wowhead and get those powerful quest rewards.

4. get rewarded

Okay, you've got your flying, you've got yourself set up for Kara, and you've got some of your basic pre-raid gear out of the way. It's time for you to work on your reputation to unlock heroic dungeons. By the time you reach level 70, 9 times out of 10 you should already be honored with the most important reputations in Outland, except maybe the Sha'tar and the Guardians of Time. So, your goal is to be honored with all these factions as soon as possible. It is important to achieve respect in order to be able to buy the heroic keys from the factions' quartermasters. It's worth noting that this requirement is relaxed to "honorable" later in the game, instead of revered. Depending on when you started, you may have an easier time obtaining these keys. But the main way to get honored when you are honored is to finish the quests that you obviously haven't done yet, either on Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarch, Netherstorm, etc Honored achievement is to complete the normal dungeons Shattered Halls, Steamvaults, Shadow Labyrinth, all the dungeons in Netherstorm, and all the dungeons in Caverns of Time. These dungeons also give you reputation after honors with their respective factions, the rest of the other normal dungeons are low level dungeons and they don't give you reputation after honors, so your next goal is to farm the mentioned dungeons until you reach them worships and buy your heroic keys.

5. completing heroic deeds

Next, once you have access to heroic deeds, you should do them pretty much every day. Heroic deeds will be one of the main ways to equip in Classic TBC throughout the expansion. Think of them as Mythic Plus from the retail store. The reason you do them, aside from the gear they drop obviously, is to get Badges of Justice. This currency allows you to buy raid-equivalent gear, and it stays relevant throughout the expansion. So if you get Badges of Justice now, you'll be able to buy newer and better gear once it's unlocked, so you should always do as many of these Heroic Dungeons as your time allows each day. Before you go to a heroic dungeon, remember to stop by the daily Justice Quest badge in Shattrath's Undercity. This NPC gives a random quest every day in a rotation that asks you to kill the final boss of a particular heroic dungeon in . exchange for 2 Badges of Justice, this is the most efficient way to farm badges if you only want to do one dungeon every day.

6. level up your professions

From there, you have a choice of what you want to do next. One good thing to aim for next is to level up a profession. Professions are very, very important in TBC, even more so than in Classic, pretty much every profession can do something that is highly desirable by other players or even the player themselves. For example, as a hunter, leatherworking is super powerful, allows you to make very powerful gear for yourself and others, and it also has a very good money-making component thanks to the leg enchantments you can make with it. But that's just one example, any profession can be very good, so do your research and choose something that is good for you and/or can make you a lot of gold.

7. PvP

PvP is not everyone's cup of tea, but in TBC you might really want to consider it, PvP gear is sometimes comparable to heroic dungeon or even raid gear. And then you can take it a step further by doing Arena. If you don't want to deal with Arena at all, we recommend that you play at least 10 games every week so that you can earn Arena points at the end of the week. You'll be able to get gear comparable to raid gear, and of course the best PvP gear you can get. Blizzard has changed the PvP system a lot since the beta started and to be honest they will probably be working even more overtime, so it's hard to give you a recommendation on exactly what to do, but as a base you should do 10 matches every week, regardless of whether you win or lose to get Arena Points at the end of the week, you should try to do it every time. Beyond that, it's up to you where you want to do your scoring.

8. complete your pre-bis.

From there, you've pretty much unlocked everything TBC has to offer at this point. It's time for you to grind out your Pre-Raid Bis gear. As mentioned earlier, Pre-Raid-bis can come from a variety of sources, from regular quests in the world to bosses in heroic dungeons to rewards from Badges of Justice. Raiding is not hard at all in TBC, especially in Phase 1, so getting all your Pre-Raid-bis is not a requirement at all, but it is good to make your character strong enough so that you can pull your weight even then your heroic dungeons every day or when you are invited to a raid.

9. raid

But with this, you can get into raids as soon as you are ready. Now the only raids available in TBC are Karazhan, Magtheridon's Lair and Gruul's Lair, none of which are really hard to do and to be fair you could enter them the moment you hit 70, probably if your guild allows it, assuming you're tuned in in the case of Karazhan of course. But later raids will definitely be harder overtime, you might get invited to a SSC very early on, but probably not Tempest Keep or Black Temple or Hyjal. And unlike retail, earlier raids don't become obsolete in TBC, people will still run Gruul and Magtheridon in phase 5, they will faceroll them, but they still have a purpose to run them. As for you, we recommend you gear up. Step by step through the lower raids and then to the higher raid tiers, this is obviously an advantage if you start early in the expansion.

10. daily quests

We would like to add one more thing, and this will NOT be available from the start, daily quests. Dailies can be very good throughout the expansion, you of course have the Netherwing dailies to unlock a Nether Dragon which is one of the most beautiful flying mounts in the game, and you also have the Ogri'la dailies or the Dailies to fish or the Shattered Sun dailies on Quel'danas Island to make lots of gold. But basically, dailies are another way to get some useful rewards throughout the expansion. But that's pretty much it, to recap: once you reach 70, the first thing you should do is get your base flying mount and work overtime on your epic flying mount, as it's very expensive; Then start working on your Karazhan attunement. Kara will be the first raid you will do, and you want to get those easy first quests done early so you can move on to the dungeon quests. From there it's a good thing to get some of your pre-raid gear, at least the parts that come from quests in the world, these are easy to get and should boost your character strength with little effort. Being revered by each faction to unlock heroic dungeons is a must for everyone, so work on that as soon as possible, then of course do the heroic dungeons yourself to get badges of righteousness, don't forget the daily quest to be efficient. then just work on your professions, do your 10 arena matches for the week and start raiding by starting with the lower raid levels first and then working your way up.

