Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go is a free smartphone app that connects games to the real world. The game uses location and mapping technologies to create an "augmented reality" where players catch and train Pokémon characters in real-world locations. In this article, we take a look at how Pokémon Go works and answer some common questions parents have.

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About Pokemon Go

Pokémon (short for Pocket Monsters) is a franchise from Nintendo and began in the mid-90s as a game for the Game Boy. The game centers on fictional characters known as Pokémon, which are captured and trained by humans (Pokémon trainers) to fight against each other. The Japanese franchise became famous for its unique graphics and cute characters. The popular game evolved into a successful franchise that extended to television, trading cards, comics and toys. 20 years later, Pokémon has made a big comeback in the form of a location-based smartphone game.

Pokemon Go's Features

Pokémon Go is a free smartphone app that connects games to the real world. The game uses location and mapping technologies to create an "augmented reality" where players catch and train Pokémon characters in real-world locations. In this article, we take a look at how Pokémon Go works and answer some common questions parents have.

How does it work?

When users walk around in the real world, Pokémon characters appear on the game map. When users get close enough, the Pokémon appear on the device's screen and users throw Pokéballs at them to catch them. The goal is to collect as many different characters as possible. The map is an anime-like version of Google Maps, replacing real-world street names and landmarks with Pokémon-specific buildings. Another feature of the game is Pokéstops, which are real-world locations where players can usually collect free Pokéballs (for catching Pokémon). Players can also find Pokémon eggs, from which Pokémon hatch and can be added to their own collection.

Why is it so popular?

One of the reasons for its popularity is that it is free to download and very easy to play. For many players, the game is nostalgic, since Pokémon became a phenomenon in the late 90s, early 00s. It is also the first time that an augmented reality game has entered the mainstream. Young people in particular are fascinated by the gaming experience, where animated Pokémon characters are superimposed on the real world.

Is there a multiplayer mode?

Currently there is no multiplayer feature, but the game developers are still exploring multiplayer options. The only social part of the game takes place when you fight for control of a gym. The game does not allow players to play against their friends, but we expect that functionality to be expanded in the future. Players will be able to visit Gyms to train or battle other Pokémon. At a certain level, players will be asked to join a team, which will then allow them to use captured Pokémon to open a gym. If the gym is the same color as the player's team, the player can train in that gym. If the gym is a different team color, the player can enter it and fight for control of that gym.

Does the app cost anything?

The app is free to download, but there is an option to use Pokécoins as in-game currency, which can be used to purchase Pokéballs (for catching Pokémon). Users do not have to buy currency to play the game. As with most other apps, buying Pokécoins can make the game a little easier. Parents can restrict app purchases on their own smartphones and their children's smartphones. This can usually be done in the phone or tablet's settings.

Curveball Throws and Berries

Although a simple straight throw is enough to catch many common Pokemon, you'll have more luck if you perform curveball throws. Spin the Poke Ball in a circle a few times, then swipe up at an angle to curve your throw. This will increase your chances of catching the monster if you can hit it. Feeding the wild Pokemon a berry will also increase your chances of catching it. Berries come in different varieties. Razz Berries, for example, make it easier to catch a Pokemon, while Nanab Berries make the Pokemon move less - helpful for catching nervous monsters like Zubat. However, the effects of the berries can't be stacked; you can only use one berry at a time, and if the Pokemon manages to break out of the ball, the effect of the berry is nullified, so you have to use another one.

How to get Pokemon candies and evolve Pokemon

Pokemon don't level up in the traditional sense in Pokemon Go. Instead, you boost and evolve your monsters by feeding them candy. Every time you catch a Pokemon, you'll receive candy for that species. For example, if you catch a Bulbasaur, you will receive three Bulbasaur candies. You can then feed these candies to the Pokemon via the status screen to increase its combat power (CP) or evolve it. This spurs you on to catch as many Pokemon as possible, even if you already have a monster of that type. You can also double the amount of candy you get from a wild Pokemon by feeding it a Pinap Berry before catching it. Since you need candy to strengthen and evolve your Pokemon, the best way to collect candy is "catch and release": you repeatedly catch wild Pokemon and give those with worse stats to Professor Willow. You can view a Pokemon's stats by tapping "Judge" on the status screen. If you don't like the monster, tap Transfer to send it away. This will permanently remove the Pokemon from your collection, but you will receive a candy in return. With a few exceptions, most Pokemon in Pokemon Go evolve after you feed them a certain number of candies. For example, Bulbasaur requires 25 Bulbasaur candies to evolve into Ivysaur, while Ivysaur requires 100 Bulbasaur candies to evolve into Venusaur. However, some Pokemon also require a specific item to evolve. For example, Scyther requires a metal cloak and 50 Scyther candies to evolve into Scizor. All the required evolution items are displayed on the Pokemon's status screen.

PokeStops and Gyms

Pokemon Go is designed for you to play outside. To help you explore, the game turns certain real-world locations and landmarks into two different points of interest: PokeStops and Gyms. PokeStops are blue waypoints that give out items and XP. They initially appear as cubes on the overworld map and turn into a Pokeball icon when you are within their interaction radius. When you're at a PokeStop, tap it and spin the photo disc to receive a handful of free items and a field research task (more on that later). After you spin a PokeStop, it turns purple and you have to wait a few minutes before spinning it again. Gyms, on the other hand, resemble towers, and they work a bit differently than the Gyms in the classic Pokemon games. Instead of fighting a game leader, you can leave one of your Pokemon in a gym and defend it for your team. The color of the gym indicates which team is currently controlling it. If the gym is controlled by your team, you can place one of your Pokemon there (provided it has room) to guard it. If another team is in control of the gym, you can fight the Pokemon defending the gym and regain control. Depending on how long your Pokemon has defended a Gym, you will receive PokeCoins (the in-game currency of Pokemon Go) when it is finally defeated and returned to you. Each gym also has its own photo disc that you can spin to get free items and XP.

Raid Battles

Raid battles are also held regularly in gyms. In these cooperative battles, you'll have to team up with other players to take on a single, upgraded Pokemon. If you manage to defeat the monster within the time limit, you'll get a handful of items and the chance to catch it. Raids are divided into four levels:
  • One-Star Raids - They contain common Pokemon and can usually be completed alone.
  • Three-Star Raids - They contain evolved Pokemon and may require the cooperation of two or three other players.
  • Five-Star Raids - They contain Legendary Pokemon and require a team of at least seven players.
  • Mega Raids - They contain a Pokemon in Mega evolution and require a team of at least eight players.

How to join Raids

To join a raid, you need either a Raid Pass or a Remote Raid Pass. With the former, you can join the raid while in the gym, while with the latter, you can join the fight remotely. However, this has a small drawback: players who join a raid remotely do less damage than players who are on-site in the gym. There are several ways to get raid passes. You can get a free raid pass by spinning the photodisc in a gym; however, you can only have one free raid pass in your inventory at a time. Both types of Raid Passes are also available in the Pokemon Go in-game store. A single raid pass costs 100 PokeCoins, while a pack of three remote raid passes costs 250 PokeCoins.

