Thank you to Exil for uploading this video
Today, let’s talk about the craziest season of #LeagueofLegends history. This is by far the most interesting year that league had, with so many wild stories. Warwick one shots. Ahri rework with the highest win rate. Kalista release. Bard release. Faker getting benched. T1 winning worlds. With the brand new summoner’s rift map and the removal of beloved items such as DFG – It’s a history you won’t want to miss.
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Music is from Epidemic Sound, Runescape 3 OST, World of Warcraft OST
Sources (all used within fair use, and no copyright infringement is intended whatsoever. if any sources have an issue with the usage of particular clips, please contact me directly. Check out these videos and creators!)
Dunkey Bard
Amazing comparison between summoners rift old and new versions
Remus UI update league of legends
Travis Gafford interview with Easyhoon and Faker for MSI #LeagueofLegends
#LeagueofLegends Champion – Assassin Riven.
Once a swordmaster in the warhosts of Noxus, Riven rose through the ranks on the strength of her conviction and brutal efficiency, and was rewarded with a legendary runic blade and a warband of her own. However, on the Ionian front, Riven’s faith in her nation was tested and ultimately broken. She severed all ties to the empire, seeking to find her place in a shattered world, even as rumors abounded that Noxus had been reforged. Now forced to return in chains, she faces the judgment of her former homeland…
#LeagueofLegends Teams – PSG.LGD.
PSG.LGD Dota 2 Team LogoThe PSG can do more than just football, they prove to us every year in Dota 2. Because the team is by no means a newcomer, as many might think. After FTD (For The Dream) accepted sponsorship from PSG and renamed themselves PSG.LGD in spring 2018. With the financial upswing came success on the battlefield and PSG won the EPICENTER XL and also swept TEAM Liquid 3-1 off the field.
#LeagueofLegends #Skins-Potential Champion.
According to the tradition from the past 10 years and 10 Worlds champions, the fans as well as the players themselves are expecting new World skins for the characters. And we are lucky, because in an interview with the Damwon Champions some names have already been mentioned, for which the World Champions would like to have new skins.
#LeagueofLegends Guides- Amumu.
In this Season 11 Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Amumu in the Jungle. We’ll show you what makes the mummy so strong and how to give all the assassins a run for their money – on the strongest position of the solo cue, of course. Let’s start with our Season 11 Amumu Champion Guide!
LoL #LeagueofLegends – LEC Finals: G2 Esports takes the title.
On the final weekend of the LEC Playoffs, G2 Esports made it through the Lower Bracket once again. After a competitive five-game series against Rogue, the 2019 Worlds finalists had their rematch against Fnatic. There, G2 prevailed over their rivals to win their eighth trophy!
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