Thank you to Sweatband TV for uploading this video

#RevenantApexLegends #RevenantTips

In this video I explain the most important and tricks you can use to maximize your potential with Revenant in #ApexLegends Season 4. This will without a doubt make you a better Revenant player. You will be able to utilize your tactical “silence” ability and utilize your ultimate totem ability perfectly after watching this video. With the new update it can be tough to keep up with the competition and that’s why I am bring you this video! I am playing on Xbox One but these tips can obviously help you no matter what platform you are playing #ApexLegends on. I tried to include the similar controls on PS4 and PC so I hope that helped you guys out!

The goal of this video is to share some of my personal favorite Legendsk with all of you guys! Using Revenant’s abilities can be quite the tough task if you are not used to using this character in the game. This is why I go over some amazing Revenant tips in this video. Most other channels will show you How To Play Revenant but won’t go into detail on the #ApexLegends tips and tricks guide. Hopefully these revenant tips will make you all better with this apex legends guide. There is even some #ApexLegends Tips on how to use Revenants abilities to your advantage at the end if you stick around!

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