Rainbow Six Siege – Top 10 Defensive Operators

Prepare to fortify your defenses with the elite selection of in Six Siege. In the relentless world of combat, having the right operator can be the difference between victory and defeat. From impenetrable fortifications to lethal traps, these exceptional defenders are ready to take on any threat. Join us as we unveil the top 10 defensive operators who stand out for their unmatched skills and strategic prowess in the heat of battle. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, this list will guide you through the important operators you need to dominate the defensive side of Rainbow Six Siege.


Active Defense System

A stalwart in the world of Rainbow Six Siege, Jäger is known for his exceptional ability to provide active defense against incoming projectiles. With his unique gadget, the ADS (Active Defense System), he can intercept and destroy grenades, flashbangs, and other throwable items before they harm his team.

Roaming Capability

There’s no denying that Jäger excels at roaming thanks to his speed, agility, and well-rounded loadout. His ability to move swiftly around the map makes him a formidable opponent for attackers, as he can quickly flank or reposition to catch them off guard.

To further enhance Jäger’s roaming capability, players can utilize his powerful primary weapons, the 416-C Carbine or the 870 shotgun. These firearms, combined with his gadget and roaming skills, make Jäger a top pick for defenders looking to disrupt enemy plans and secure victory.


Even among the elite defensive operators in Rainbow Six Siege, Bandit stands out for his exceptional ability to manipulate electricity to his advantage. Armed with his Shock Wire gadget, Bandit can electrify metallic surfaces such as reinforced walls, barbed wire, and deployable shields to thwart enemy advances and disrupt their plans.

Shock Wire

Now, let’s probe into Bandit’s Shock Wire. This gadget is a powerful tool that can not only deal damage to enemies who come into contact with electrified surfaces but also destroy gadgets like drones and breach charges. It provides Bandit with a tactical advantage by creating obstacles and denying access to crucial areas.

Secure Reinforcement

Wire Secure reinforcement is a crucial aspect of Bandit’s kit. By electrifying reinforced walls, Bandit can create a formidable barrier that not only strengthens the defense but also punishes attackers who attempt to breach the area. It adds an extra layer of protection for the defenders, it harder for the opposition to penetrate the defenses.

A skilled Bandit player can strategically place Shock Wire to cover key choke points and objectives, making it difficult for attackers to push through. The combination of electrified defenses and secure reinforcements makes Bandit a potent force to be reckoned with, capable of turning the tide of a match in an instant.


Deployable Cameras

While some defensive operators rely on conventional surveillance methods, Valkyrie brings a unique approach to the table with her deployable cameras. These sticky cameras can be placed in strategically advantageous positions to provide valuable intel to the team.

Information Gathering

Any seasoned Rainbow Six Siege player knows the power of information in this tactical shooter, and Valkyrie excels in this aspect. With her cameras scattered around the map, she can gather crucial data on enemy movements and positions.

This enhances the team’s situational awareness and allows them to make informed decisions, increasing their chances of success in defending the objective. Valkyrie’s ability to provide real-time surveillance makes her a formidable asset in the hands of a skilled player.


Evil Eye

Now, let’s talk about Maestro’s gadget – the Evil Eye. This bulletproof, remote-controlled turret is a force to be reckoned with, providing valuable intel to the defending team. The Evil Eye is equipped with a high-powered laser capable of destroying gadgets and injuring enemies. With the ability to see through smoke and withstand a significant amount of damage, Maestro can gather crucial information and disrupt enemy tactics effectively.

Area Denial

Now, Maestro excels in the role of area denial, thanks to the Evil Eye’s versatility. By deploying the turret in key locations, Maestro can control choke points and limit enemy movement effectively. With the ability to rotate 360 degrees and fire at will, the Evil Eye can suppress enemy pushes and force opponents to rethink their strategies.

For instance, placing the Evil Eye near the objective can provide valuable protection against attackers attempting to plant the defuser or take control of the area. Its firepower combined with its ability to gather intel make Maestro a formidable operator in the defensive lineup.


Signal Disruption

Not all defensive operators in Rainbow Six Siege rely on firepower to be effective. Mute, with his Signal Disruptors, is a prime example of a utility-based defender. These gadgets jam communication signals, preventing attackers from using drones, breaching charges, and other devices within their radius.

Intel Prevention

While Signal Disruption is Mute’s primary function, he also excels at Intel Prevention. His jammers deny attackers vital information about the defenders’ setup by blocking their ability to use drones effectively. This disruptive nature can force attackers to approach objectives blind, increasing the defenders’ advantage.

On top of disrupting communication signals and denying intel, Mute’s jammers can also shut down important gadgets like breach charges and claymores. This multi-purpose utility makes Mute a must-pick operator for defenders looking to create chaos and hinder the attackers’ plans.


With Mute’s ability to disrupt signals and prevent attackers from gathering crucial information, he becomes a vital asset in any defensive lineup. By jamming drones and other electronic devices, Mute can tilt the balance of power in favor of the defenders, making him a top choice for players looking to control the battlefield.


Toxic Gas

Many Rainbow Six Siege players consider Smoke as one of the top defensive operators in the game. His ability to deploy toxic gas canisters makes him a formidable force to reckon with. The canisters release a smoke screen that not only disorients enemies but also inflicts damage over time, making it a deadly tool for area denial.

Area Control

Some players excel at using Smoke for area control, creating choke points and forcing enemies to divert their paths. This strategic play can be crucial in slowing down enemy advances or funneling them into traps set up by the defending team. By effectively blocking off entry points or objective locations, Smoke can turn the tide of a match in favor of the defenders.

One of the key strategies when using Smoke for area control is timing. Knowing when to deploy the toxic gas canisters can make all the difference in cutting off enemy movements and buying valuable time for your team to regroup and reposition to better defend the objective.

The flexibility of Smoke’s toxic gas canisters allows for versatile defensive strategies. Whether used for denying entry points, covering retreats, or delaying enemy advances, Smoke’s tools can be game-changing in the right hands.


Your go-to trap operator for slowing down and disrupting enemy movements, Lesion is a formidable defensive option in Rainbow Six Siege. His ability to deploy invisible Gu Mines across the map makes him a thorn in the side of attackers, punishing them for reckless advancement.

Gu Mines

One of Lesion’s main strengths lies in his ability to lay down Gu Mines throughout the map. These mines are invisible to attackers and when triggered, they cause damage over time and slow down enemies. This not only provides valuable intel on enemy positions but also disrupts their momentum, giving you an advantage in engagements.

Entry Deterrence

Assuming the role of Lesion in your defensive lineup allows you to establish a strong entry deterrence strategy. By strategically placing Gu Mines near objective entry points, you can make it extremely challenging for attackers to push through, forcing them to deal with the threat of stepping on a mine or risk taking damage and getting slowed down.

Mines laid down by Lesion can be a game-changer in holding off aggressive pushes from attackers. The threat of stepping on a Gu Mine not only deters enemies from pushing forward but also provides your team with crucial information on their whereabouts and intentions, allowing for effective counter-play.


Black Mirror

Keep in mind that Mira is known for her unique gadget, the Black Mirror. This specialized window can be placed on walls, providing defenders with a one-way vision while obscuring the view for attackers. It can completely change the dynamic of a match, allowing defenders to gather crucial information on enemy movements without compromising their own safety.

Line of Sight

Any Rainbow Six Siege player knows the importance of Line of Sight in gameplay. When playing as Mira, strategically placing her Black Mirrors can determine the outcome of a round. These mirrors offer invaluable into enemy positions and can be used to eliminate threats swiftly and efficiently.

Mira’s Black Mirror should be placed in positions that grant your team maximum vision across key areas of the map. This not only provides valuable intel but also forces enemies to rethink their approach, giving your team a significant advantage.


Drone Capture

After being introduced in Operation Burnt Horizon, Mozzie quickly became a formidable defensive operator in Rainbow Six Siege. With his ability to capture enemy drones and turn them against the attackers, Mozzie provides a unique advantage to the defending team.

Intelligence Support

There’s no denying the importance of intelligence gathering in Siege, and Mozzie excels in this aspect. His ability to capture enemy drones and deny attackers vital information is invaluable during the preparation phase and throughout the round.

You can use Mozzie’s captured drones to scout out enemy positions and provide real-time intelligence to your team, giving you a strategic edge over your opponents. Additionally, Mozzie’s ability to roam and set up his pests in key locations allows for flexibility in defensive strategies.


Banshee Devices

Melusi brings a unique defensive ability to the table – the Banshee Sonic Defense. These sonic devices create a sound field that slows and disorients attackers who come within range. Placing them strategically can greatly impede enemy movements and give defenders a tactical advantage.

Slowdown Effect

Melusi is renowned for her Slowdown Effect, causing attackers to move at a reduced speed when in proximity to her Banshee devices. This can disrupt enemy pushes, giving defenders the upper hand in key engagements and slowing down the pace of the round.

With Melusi‘s Slowdown Effect active, attackers must proceed with caution and adapt their approach to overcome the hindrance caused by the Banshee devices. The ability to manipulate the speed of attackers can be a game-changer in clutch situations, offering defenders a significant advantage in defending the objective.


With this in mind, the selection of defensive operators in Rainbow Six Siege plays a critical role in the success of a team. Each operator brings a unique set of skills and abilities that can greatly impact the outcome of a match. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each operator, players can strategically choose the best operators to complement their team’s defensive strategy. Keep in mind, communication and coordination among teammates are key to maximizing the potential of these top 10 defensive operators in Rainbow Six Siege.