Rainbow Six – Quick Guide to Operators

Most players of Six are familiar with the concept of , which are specialized characters with unique abilities that can be used in the game. These Operators are divided into different groups based on their respective CTU (Counter-Terrorist Unit) affiliations.

Choosing the right Operator for your playstyle and the objectives of the mission is crucial for success in the game. Each Operator has a specific role, such as attacker or defender, and their abilities can greatly impact the outcome of a match.

When starting out in Rainbow Six, it’s recommended to experiment with different Operators to find out which ones suit your preferences and strengths. To help you get started, here is a quick to some popular Operators:


Ash: Known for her speed and agility, Ash is a popular choice for players who prefer a fast and aggressive playstyle. Her ability to breach reinforced walls with her grenade launcher makes her a valuable asset for pushing objectives.

Thermite: As a hard breacher, Thermite is imperative for breaching reinforced walls and opening up new pathways for the team. His ability to destroy reinforced surfaces can be a game-changer in certain situations.


Rook: Rook is a popular pick for defenders due to his ability to provide armor plates that boost the team’s resilience. He is a solid choice for players who prefer a more supportive role in the team.

Doc: With the ability to heal himself and teammates from a distance, Doc is a valuable asset for defenders. His ability to revive fallen teammates can turn the tide of a match in favor of the defending team.

Remember that teamwork is imperative in Rainbow Six, so communication with your teammates and coordinating your Operator choices can greatly improve your chances of success. Additionally, staying updated on the latest patches and balance changes can help you adapt your playstyle and strategies for maximum effectiveness.

Overall, experimenting with different Operators, mastering their abilities, and working closely with your team are key factors in becoming a successful Rainbow Six player. So, go ahead, explore the vast array of Operators available in the game, and find the ones that truly resonate with your playstyle and tactics.