PoGO – Pokémon GO: The best counter Pokémon and attacks for all Raid bosses (Guide)

Since the latest update, players can fight special Raid Pokémon in Pokémon GO and also catch them if they succeed. In our guide, we explain the best way to fight the individual bosses and which counter Pokémon and attacks to use.

Pokémon battles always work according to an extended rock-paper-scissors principle – Niantic’s Pokémon GO is no exception: Raid bosses can also be defeated in this way. Since recently, players have been able to fight these particularly strong Pokémon, which come in different difficulty tiers, in Pokémon arenas at regular intervals. To make sure you’re well prepared for these battles, our guide – based on analyses from pokebattler.com and pokemongo.gamepress.gg – explains which Pokémon with which attacks are particularly well suited as counters against which bosses, and which Pokémon are best used as tanks or DDs in group raids.

Solo Raids: Pokémon on Tier 1 and 2

Currently, Pokémon GO has a number of bosses in raids that belong to tier one and tier two and that you can defeat solo and without much tactics, provided you have reasonably strong Pokémon:

  • On Tier 1: Karpador (1165 CP), Lorblatt (4,375 CP), Igelavar (5,085 CP), Tyracroc (5,207 CP).
  • On Tier 2: Sleimok (11,200 CP), Kokowei (12,633 CP), Smogmog (11,245 CP), Elektek (11,311 CP), Magmar (11,610 CP)
PoGO – Pokémon GO: The best counter Pokémon and attacks for all Raid bosses (Guide)
Pokémon GO: In our guide, we explain in detail which Pokémon are best suited as counters against which raid bosses. Source: Nintendo

Compared to the Tier 1 bosses, the Tier 2 Pokémon can attack quite a bit. The best way to counter their attacks is with the following Pokémon:


  • Optimal counter Pokémon: Rizeros with Clay Shell and Earthquake and Geowaz with Clay Shell or Clay Shot and Earthquake.
  • Good counter Pokémon: Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Ember and Rage Attack, Gale or Dragon Claw.
  • DPS Pokémon (less chance of survival, but more DPS than good counter Pokémon): Psiana with Confusion or Zen Headbutt and Seer, and Simsala with Confusion or Psychic Blade and Seer.


  • Optimal counter Pokémon: Scherox with Anger Blade and Cross Scissors.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Pinsir with Anger Blade or Bug Bite and Cross Scissors, Flamara with Fire Whirl and Flame Throw or Heat Fury, Glurag with Fire Whirl or Air Cut and Heat Fury or Flame Thrower, Tornupto with Ember or Dark Claw and Heat Fury, Dogemon with Stand or Fire Fang and Parasite, and Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Doom and Rage, Gale, or Dragon Claw.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Rizeros with Clay Tongue and Earthquake, and Geowaz with Clay Tongue or Clay Shot and Earthquake.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Ember and Rage Attack, Gale or Dragon Claw, and Despotar with Bite and Stone Edge.
  • DPS Pokémon: Psiana with Confusion or Zen Headbutt and Seer, and Simsala with Confusion or Psycho Blade and Seer.


  • Optimal countering Pokémon: Rizeros with Clay Thrall and Earthquake, and Geowaz with Clay Thrall or Clay Shot and Earthquake.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Ember and Rage Attack, Gale or Dragon Claw, Despotar with Bite and Stone Edge, Donphan with Counter and Earthquake, Nidoking with Rage Blade and Earthquake, and Sandamer with Clay Shot and Earthquake.
  • DPS Pokémon: Gengar with Dark Claw and Haunted Ball or Mud Bomb.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Rizeros with Clay Shank and Earthquake, and Geowaz with Clay Shank or Clay Shot and Earthquake.
  • Good counter Pokémon: Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Doom and Rage Attack, Gale or Dragon Claw, Despotar with Bite and Stone Edge, Donphan with Counter and Earthquake, Nidoking with Rage Blade and Earthquake, Sandamer with Clay Shot and Earthquake, Aquana with Aqua Claw and Hydropump or Wet Tail, Garados with Bite, Dragon Rod or Fire Doom and Hydropump, and Impergator with Aqua Claw and Hydropump.

Group Raids: Pokémon on Tier 3 and 4

At the latest from Tier 3 onwards, you will have to rely on a group when fighting Raid Pokémon. Here you may encounter the following Pokémon:

  • On Tier 3: Arkani (17,832 CP), Simsala (22,646 CP), Machomei (18,144 CP), Gengar (19,768 CP), Aquana (16,696 CP), Blitza (19,883 CP), and Flamara (21,155 CP).
  • On Tier 4: Bisaflor (26,921 CP), Turtok (24,162 CP), Glurak (28,485 CP), Rizeros (30,512 CP), Lapras (21,768 CP), Relaxo (25,419), Despotar (34,707 CP).
PoGO – Pokémon GO: The best counter Pokémon and attacks for all Raid bosses (Guide)
Pokémon GO: Tactics are required when fighting Raid Pokémon. Source: buffed

To optimize your chances against these Raid Pokémon, use the following counter Pokémon:


  • Optimal counter Pokémon: Rizeros with Clay Cuff and Earthquake or Stone Edge as well as Geowaz with Clay Cuff, Stone Throw or Clay Shot and Earthquake or Stone Edge.
  • Good counter Pokémon: Aquana with Aquacnare and Hydropump or Wet Tail, and Sandamer with Clay Shot and Earthquake.





  • Optimal counter Pokémon: Despotar with Bite and Stone Edge or Crusher.
  • Good counter Pokémon: Scherox with Anger Blade and Cross Scissors as well as Dog Monkey Timpanogos and Parasite.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Simsala with Confusion or Psycho Blade and Seer, and Psiana with Confusion or Zen Headbutt and Seer.
  • Good counter Pokémon: Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Ember and Gale, and Kokowei with Confusion, Zen Headbutt or Special Sensor, and Psychokinesis or Solar Beam.


  • Optimal counter Pokémon: Despotar with Bite and Stone Edge or Crunch.
  • Good countering Pokémon: Dogemon with Tirade and Parasite, and Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Ember and Rage.
  • DPS Pokémon: Simsala with Confusion or Psycho Blade and Seer, Psiana with Confusion or Zen Headbutt and Seer, and Gengar with Dark Claw and Haunted Ball or Mud Bomb.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Kokowei with Sphere Seed and Solar Beam or Seed Bombs, Bisaflor with Razor Blade or Tendril Slash and Solar Beam or Flower Vortex, Giflor with Razor Blade and Solar Beam or Flower Vortex, and Sarzenia with Razor Blade and Solar Beam.
  • Good counter Pokémon: Tangela with Tendril Slash and Solar Beam or Shrubber, and Blitza with Thunder Shock and Thunder Bolt.


  • Optimal countering Pokémon: Rizeros with Clay Shake and Earthquake, and Geowaz with Clay Shake or Clay Shot and Earthquake.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Donphan with Counter and Earthquake and Sandamer with Clay Shot and Earthquake.
  • DPS Pokémon: Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Ember and Rage Attack or Dragon Claw.
PoGO – Pokémon GO: The best counter Pokémon and attacks for all Raid bosses (Guide)
Pokémon GO An egg above a Pokémon arena tells you that a raid boss will soon appear here and which animal it will belong to.Those: Niantic


  • Optimal counter Pokémon: Rizeros with Clay Thrall and Earthquake or Stone Edge and Geowaz with Clay Thrall, Stone Throw or Clay Shot and Earthquake or Stone Edge.
  • Good counter Pokémon: Aquana with Aquacnare and Hydro Pump or Wet Tail, and Amoroso with Aquacnare or Stone Throw and Hydro Pump or Stone Hail.


  • Optimal counter Pokémon: Flamara with Fire Whirl and Heat Fury or Flame Throw, and Glurak with Fire Whirl or Air Cut and Heat Fury or Flame Throw.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Arkani with Fire Fang and Flame Throw, and Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Doom and Rage Attack, Gale, or Dragon Claw.
  • DPS Pokémon: Simsala with Confusion or Psycho Blade and Seer, and Psiana with Confusion or Zen Headbutt and Seer.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Blitza with Thunder Shock and Thunder Bolt, and Bisaflor with Razor Blade or Tendril Slash and Solar Beam or Flower Vortex.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Magneton with Spark Jump, Charge Beam or Thunder Shock and Lightning Cannon, Giflor with Razor Leaf and Solar Beam or Flower Vortex, and Sarzenia with Razor Leaf and Solar Beam.


  • Optimal counter Pokémon: Geowaz with Clay Cuff, Stone Throw or Clay Shot and Stone Edge or Rock Throw; Amoroso with Stone Throw or Aqua Claw and Stone Hail, Hydro Pump or Rock Throw.
  • Good counter Pokémon: Rizeros with Clay Trowel and Stone Edge, Despotar with Bite and Stone Edge, Aquana with Aquacnare and Hydro Pump or Wet Tail, and Mogelbaum with Rock Throw and Stone Edge or Stone Hail.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Aquana with Aquacnar and Hydro Pump or Wet Tail.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Kokowei with Bullet Seed and Solar Beam or Seed Bombs, Bisaflor with Razor Blade or Tendril Slash and Solar Beam or Flower Whirl, Giflor with Razor Blade and Solar Beam or Flower Whirl, Sarzenia with Razor Blade and Solar Beam, Tangela with Tendril Slash and Solar Beam or Shrubber, and Impergator with Aqua Claw and Hydro Pump.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Machomei with Counter or Karate Chop and Balancing Chop, Melee or Cross Chop.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Scaraborn with Counter and Melee, Blitza with Thunder Shock and Thunder Bolt, and Magneton with Spark Jump, Charge Beam or Thunder Shock and Lightning Cannon.
  • Tank Pokémon (greater survival probability, but less DPS than good counter Pokémon): Relaxo with Licker and Hyper Beam or Bodyslam, and Quappo with Smash and Blast.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Machomei with Counter or Karate Chop and Balancing Strike, Melee or Cross Slash.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Scaraborn with Counter and Melee, Dragoran with Dragon Rod or Fire Ember and Rage Attack, Gale or Dragon Claw, Ursaring with Counter and Melee; Simsala with Confusion or Psycho Blade and Focus Strike.
  • Tank Pokémon: Despotar with Bite and Stone Edge.


  • Optimal Counter Pokémon: Aquana with aqua snare and hydro pump or wet tail, and Machomei with counter or karate chop and cross slash, melee, or blast.
  • Good Counter Pokémon: Bisaflor with Razor Blade or Tendril Strike and Solar Beam or Blossom Vortex, Skaraborn with Counter and Melee, Impergator with Aqua Claw and Hydro Pump, and Quappo with Shatterer or Blubber and Sweeping Strike.

Pokémon GO

Pokémon Go is the mobile spin-off of Nintendo’s popular Pokémon game series for Android and iOS. It is a so-called “location-based game”, i.e. a game that uses the player’s immediate surroundings. It is based on the principle of augmented reality.

Pokémon Map: Between landmarks and sights

Pokémon Go uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the player’s location and displays it on a map that also represents the playing field. The map is based on OpenStreetMap maps. The game is played mostly outdoors and uses landmarks, landmarks and other notable or eye-catching objects in the world to position either PokéStops or arenas there for you to battle for supremacy. Join either Team Intuition (Team Yellow, Zapdos), Team Wisdom (Team Blue, Arktos), or Team Daring (Team Red, Lavados). Under their flag you can then fight for the arenas, which are placed at hotspots like churches or similar. Pokémon can appear anywhere, though.

Pocket monsters visible on the Pokémon Go Map are randomly loaded into the game’s virtual map by the game server. If several players are playing in the same location, each player can see and catch the Pokémon independently of the others.

Pokémon Go Updates, News, Raids and More

The developers at Niantic regularly provide Pokémon Go with new updates or special raids that should only be tackled in a group of several people. The Pokémon Go Raids are therefore very popular, as they also offer the prospect of particularly rare Pokémon. For example, in the past, legendary Pokémon could always be caught on special occasions (Pokémon Go events). For particularly eager mobile or smartphone Pokémon trainers, there is also an external IV calculator, such as the online tool from .gameinfo.io or on Pokefans.net, to check the values of your Pokémon.

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