PoGO – Pokémon GO: Research to get started rewards you with Shiny Evoli – Guide

To celebrate Pokémon Go’s third birthday, the developers at Niantic have introduced a new special quest to the game called “Research to Launch.” What is known so far about the individual steps and what rewards you can expect, we tell you in our guide to the quest in Pokémon Go.

The developers at Niantic are celebrating the third anniversary since the release of the AR app Pokémon Go and have come up with all sorts of fun bonuses that the trainers among you can enjoy. For example, trading Pokémon costs less stardust (only a quarter of the usual price) and you can also find Shiny versions of ALoLa Pokémon.

In addition, the special research “Research to get started” has become available. datamined hints suggest that you will be rewarded with a Dratini, a Lapras and a guaranteed Shiny Evoli as part of the quest steps. At least that’s what PoGo datamin Chrales found in advance.

PoGO – Pokémon GO: Research to get started rewards you with Shiny Evoli - GuideWhat you should do for the individual steps of “Research to get started” and how you will be rewarded, you can see below. Of course, we hope you have fun completing the new special research!

Research to get started – Step 1/6

  • Make a new friendship – Reward: 5,000 XP
  • Catch 3 Pokémon with weather enhancement – Reward: 5,000 XP
  • Hatch an egg – Reward: 5,000 XP

Rewards for completing Step 1: 2 x lucky egg, encounter with Dratini, 15,000 stardust.



Research to get started – Step 2/6

  • Earn a candy about walking with your buddy – Reward: 30 Dratini candies
  • Take a snapshot of Dratini – Reward: 30 Dratini candies
  • Develop a Dratini – Reward: 10,000 XP

Rewards for completing step 2: 2 x lucky egg, 1 x premium raid pass, 15,000 stardust

Research to Power Up – Step 3/6

  • Power up a Pokémon 10 times – Reward: 15,000 XP
  • Fight in Super League against another Trainer – Reward: 15,000 XP
  • Fight in a Raid – Reward: 15,000 XP

Rewards for completing step 3: 2 x lucky egg, 2 x star piece, 15,000 XP

Research to get through – Step 4/6

  • Catch 5 Pokémon of different types – Reward: Encounter with Panflam
  • Catch a Legendary Pokémon from a Raid or Field Research Breakthrough – Reward: Encounter with Plinfa
  • Hatch 3 eggs – Reward: Encounter with Chelast

Rewards for completing step 4: 2 x lucky egg, encounter with Shiny Evoli, 15,000 stardust

Research to get started – Step 5/6

  • Take a snapshot of Evoli – Reward: 30,000 XP
  • Send 5 gifts to friends – Reward: 30,000 XP
  • Swap 3 Pokémon – Reward: 30,000 XP

Rewards for completing Step 5: 2 x Lucky Egg, encounter with Lapras, 30,000 XP

Research to get through – Step 6/6

  • Win a Tier 3 raid or higher – Reward: 30 Dratini candies
  • Develop a Dragonir – Reward: 100,000 XP
  • Make a new friendship – Reward: 30 Dratini candies

Rewards for completing Step 6: 2 x Lucky Egg, 15,000 Stardust, 100,000 XP

Pokémon GO

Pokémon Go is the mobile spin-off of Nintendo’s popular Pokémon game series for Android and iOS. It is a so-called “location-based game”, i.e. a game that uses the player’s immediate surroundings. It is based on the principle of augmented reality.

Pokémon Map: Between landmarks and sights

Pokémon Go uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the player’s location and displays it on a map that also represents the playing field. The map is based on OpenStreetMap maps. The game is played mostly outdoors and uses landmarks, landmarks and other notable or eye-catching objects in the world to position either PokéStops or arenas there for you to battle for supremacy. Join either Team Intuition (Team Yellow, Zapdos), Team Wisdom (Team Blue, Arktos), or Team Daring (Team Red, Lavados). Under their flag you can then fight for the arenas, which are placed at hotspots like churches or similar. Pokémon can appear anywhere, though.

Pocket monsters visible on the Pokémon Go Map are randomly loaded into the game’s virtual map by the game server. If several players are playing in the same location, each player can see and catch the Pokémon independently of the others.

Pokémon Go Updates, News, Raids and More

The developers at Niantic regularly provide Pokémon Go with new updates or special raids that should only be tackled in a group of several people. The Pokémon Go Raids are therefore very popular, as they also offer the prospect of particularly rare Pokémon. For example, in the past, legendary Pokémon could always be caught on special occasions (Pokémon Go events). For particularly eager mobile or smartphone Pokémon trainers, there is also an external IV calculator, such as the online tool from .gameinfo.io or on Pokefans.net, to check the values of your Pokémon.

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