PoGO – Pokémon Go: Defeat Giovanni with Crypto-Latias – Counter Guide

Pokémon Go is richer by a legendary Crypto-Pokémon. Because where there’s light, there’s also shadow, and Giovanni has a new fighter in his ranks as part of the Rocket Outing event in April 2022: Crypto-Latias! We reveal the best counters for Giovanni and Crypto-Latias in Pokémon Go!

Update from April 4, 2022: Attention, once again Giovanni conjures up a new Crypto Pokémon in his team as part of the Pokémon Go event Rocket Team Outing. This time you can grab Crypto-Latias. But where there’s light, there’s also shadow – before you can add Crypto-Latias to your collection, you’ll have to defeat Giovanni first! We will give you the best countermeasures for the battle in the section “Defeat Crypto-Latias” below!

In Pokémon Go, you can finally face Team Go Rocket boss Giovanni again, after you’ve already shown Arlo, Cliff and Sierra who the better trainer is in the special research “A Long Shadow”. You will then receive a Super Rocket Radar and can use it to search for Giovanni. Once you’ve spotted his position at a PokéStop near you, it’s time to get down to business, because if you want to complete the special research, you’ll not only have to track Giovanni down and fight him in a trainer battle, but also defeat him.

In our guide to Giovanni, we tell you in a nutshell which Pokémon the boss of Team Go Rocket will use in battle and which pocket monsters are best to counter him with. By the way: You will be able to meet Giovanni once a month in the future if you complete the recurring special research for it. As soon as there are exact details about it, probably the steps will be based on those of “A Long Shadow”, you’ll hear about it from us.

Crypto Latias Defeat April 2022

Giovanni goes into battle against you with the following pocket monsters:

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Kramshef, Garados or Rihornior
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Always Latias

Remember, because only the first and last fighters on Giovanni’s team are fixed, you may have to figure out the optimal team composition first by triggering the second fighter! Unfortunately, this time there’s no overlap in the best counters for Snobilikat and the following fighters.

Defeat Snobilikat: Because Snobilikat has a weakness to Battle Pokémon, but its attacks are often of the Unlight type, you can rely on Despotar with Catapult and Crunch and Stone Edge, Terrakion with Catapult and Stone Hail and Melee, or Machomei with Counter and Cross Slash and Stone Hail. Anyway, you want to use this confrontation to tease out Giovanni’s shields.

Defeat Kramshef: Electric and rock attacks in particular take a toll on Kramshef. That’s why it’s best to pack Zekrom with Charge Beam and Surge or Voltolos (incarnation form) with Volt Change and Thunder Bolt. Both are also good as Garados counters. Alternatively, you can use Rameidon with Catapult and Stone Hail or Raikou with Volt Change and Surge.

Defeat Garados: As mentioned earlier, you should use electric fighters to heat up Garados. Zekrom with Charge Beam and Surge or Voltolos (Incarnation Form) with Volt Change and Thunder Bolt are good choices. As a low-buget fighter, Elevoltek also does well with Thunder Shock and Surge.

Defeat Rihornior: Rihornior’s weaknesses are twofold against Plant and Water, onefold against Ground, Battle, Ice and Steel. It makes sense to exploit these weaknesses, but it’s best to do so with counter Pokémon that don’t take too much damage from him. Chelterrar with Razor Ball and Flora Statue, Stalobor with Clay Shot and Impact Drill, and Kyogre with Cascade and Surfer are all suitable. Sumpex with Clay Shot and Aqua Howitzer is also a good alternative.

Defeat Latias: Let’s get to the Pokémon you’re actually here for! As a Dragon Pokémon, Latias takes more damage from other Dragons – but it can also use Dragon attacks, so you should think twice before fighting Latias with a Dragon. The following counters can serve you well: Dialga with Fire Ember and Draco Meteor, Zacian with Telltale and Cuddler, Gengar with Dark Claw and Spookball, Galar Flampivian with Ice Fang and Avalanche, and Mamutel with Powder Snow and Avalanche.

Crypto-Lugia defeat in November 2021

Giovanni goes into battle against you with the following pocket monsters:

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Kingler, Rihornior or Nidoking
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Always Lugia

Defeat Snobilikat: Despotar is your best bet against Snobilikat this time, using Catapult, Crusher, and Stone Edge. Snobilikat doesn’t have much going for it, so you can use Despotar to use up Giovanni’s shields. Furthermore, you can use Despotar against Lugia later on. Similarly, Terrakium with Catapult, Stone Hail and Melee is even a bit stronger against Lugia.

Defeat Kingler or Rihornior: If Giovanni uses Kingler or Rihornior, Chelterrar with Razor Blade and Flora Statue is a very good choice in both cases. Against Kingler, you can also go for Raikou with Volt Change and Surge, because Raikou is also the absolute top counter to defeat Lugia. Against Rihornior, leave Raikou in the bag and go for Stalobor with Clay Shot and Strike Drill or Kyogre with Cascade and Surfer instead.

Defeat Nidoking: Funny but true, Flunschlik is a good counter to Nidoking with Clay Shot and Earthquake. Alternatively, you can use Stalobor with Clay Shot and Percussion Drill or Kyogre with Cascade and Surfer. You can take Kyogre or other Water Pokémon if Nidoking’s Iron Tail is giving you trouble.

Defeat Lugia: For the fight against Giovanni’s Lugia, we have already recommended you a few counters: Raikou with Volt Change and Surge, Terrakium with Catapult and Stone Hail, Despotar with Catapult, Stone Edge and Crusher. Cheap alternatives are Magnezone with volt change and surge and ALoLa Sandamer with powder snow and ice blow.

We wish you much success!

Crypto Ho Oh in June 2021

Giovanni goes into battle against you with the following pocket monsters:

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Kangama, Nidoking or Knakrack
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Always Ho-Oh

Machomei with Counter and Cross Punch are still a good choice against Snobilikat and afterwards also if Giovanni should choose Kangama. Likewise, Machomei is a good Pokémon to tickle the shields out of Giovanni already, because you don’t really need Machomei against Ho-Oh.

Knakrack with Clay Shot, Earthquake, and Tantrum is a safe bet against Nidoking, but won’t do you much good otherwise. Alternatives against Nidoking are: Groudon with Clay Shot and Earthquake, and Metagross with Zen Headbutt and Psychokinesis.

The same goes for Togekiss with Charm and Antique Power against Knakrack. Alternatives for Knakrack are Arktos with Ice Shatter and Ice Storm or Guardevoir with Charm and Spell Glow.

Because Ho-Oh is weak against Electric, Water, and Rock, go for your all-purpose weapon: Despotar with Catapult, Stone Edge, and Crusher. Alternatives are Thanathora with Wrath Blade, Stone Edge, and Cross Slash or Terrakium with Catapult, Stone Hail, and Melee.

Crypto Arctos in March 2021

Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat

Pokémon – No. 2: Kangama, Nidoking or Knakrack

Pokémon – No. 3 : Always Arktos

Machomei with Counter, Cross Slash and Stone Slash is a strong choice for fighting Snobilikat and using up some shields.

Togekiss with Charm and Antique Power can be used against both Kangama and Knakrack – it’s even stronger against the latter. Togekiss, on the other hand, takes less damage from Kangama because of its flight type. Alternatives for Kangama: Dragoran with Fire Ember and Rage Attack, or Giratina (archetype) with Fire Ember and Dragon Claw. Alternatives for Knakrack: Arktos with Icepilter and Ice Storm, or Guardevoir with Charm and Psychokinesis.

Steel Pokémon should be used against Giovanni’s Nidoking, such as Impoleon with Cascade and Aqua Howitzer, Jirachi with Confusion and Kismet Wish, or Dialga with Fire Ember and Iron Skull.

Countering Arktos: The Fire and Steel Pokémon Heatran does quite well against Arktos when it attacks with Fire Whirl and Stone Edge. Cheap alternatives are Stollos with Catapult and Stone Edge, as well as Metagross with Cartridge Slash and Light Cannon, or Flampivian with Incinerate and Heatkoller.

Crypto Mewtu in October 2020

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Kangama, Nidoking or Knakrack
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Always Mewtu

Machomei with Counter, Cross Slash, and Stone Slash is a strong choice for fighting Snobilikat and using up some shields. On top of that, it can do well against Kangama because that takes more damage from combat attacks. Alternatively, you can also go for Rihornior (Clay Cuff, Stone Edge, and Power Colossus), but that will only really help you with Snobilikat.

Togekiss with Charm and Ancient Power can be used against both Kangama and Knakrack – it’s even stronger against the latter. However, Togekiss takes less damage from Kangama because of its flight type. Alternatives for Kangama: Dragoran with Fire Ember and Rage Attack, or Giratina (archetype) with Fire Ember and Dragon Claw. Alternatives for Knakrack: Arktos with Icepilter and Ice Storm, or Guardevoir with Charm and Psychokinesis.

Steel Pokémon you should use against Giovanni’s Nidoking, such as Impoleon with Cascade and Aqua Howitzer, Jirachi with Confusion and Kismet Wish, or Dialga with Fire Ember and Iron Skull.

For Mewtu, one of your ultimate counters is Despotar with Bite and Firestorm, because Despotar attacks quite quickly with Bite and basically bites the life out of Mewtu.

Update from July 26, 2020: During the special research “Stringing your way to victory” as part of Pokémon Go Fest 2020, you’ll face off against Giovanni, who uses a Crypto Mewtu for the battle. In addition, Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo use Crypto-Lavados, Crypto-Arktos, and Crypto-Zapdos, respectively. In this guide to Giovanni we give you an overview of useful counters for Crypto-Mewtu, for the counters for the legendary Crypto-Birds please have a look at our guide to the Team Rocket bosses Cliff, Arlo and Sierra.


  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Sandamer
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Mewtu

Machomei with Counter, Cross Slash, and Stone Slash is a strong choice for fighting Snobilikat and using up some shields. Alternatively, you can also go for Rihornior (Clay Cuff, Stone Edge and Power Colossus), but keep in mind that these fighters only really act strong against Snobilikat.

Kyogre or Garados are best used to get Sandamer out of the way. Kyogre is best with Kaskade and Surfer, Garados with Kaskade and Hydropump.

Against Mewtu in the trainer battle, Nachtara with Feint, Parasite, and Refuge, Zobiris with Dark Claw, Parasite, and Shadow Strike, and ALoLa Rattikarl with Bite, Crunch, and Hyper Fang prove themselves. One of your ultimate counters, by the way, is also Despotar with Bite, Frustration, and Stone Edge, because Despotar attacks pretty quickly with Bite and practically bites the life out of Mewtu.


Update from July 13, 2020: With the celebrations surrounding the 4th anniversary of Pokémon Go and the upcoming Pokémon Go Fest 2020, the developers at Niantic have once again changed the pocket monsters that Giovanni goes into battle with. Among other things, you now have to face Suicune in battle. Accordingly, the useful counters for the fight against Giovanni have also changed, which we will now discuss below. But first, of course, we want to let you know which Pokémon Giovanni is currently fighting:

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Digdri, Nidoking or Knakrack
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Always Suicune

It’s best to reach for the following counter Pokémon for this encounter:

  • Machomei with Counter, Cross Slash, and Stone Slash is a strong choice for fighting Snobilikat and using up some shields. Alternatively, you can also go for Rihornior (Clay Cuff, Stone Edge, and Power Colossus), but keep in mind that these fighters only really act strong against Snobilikat.
  • If the second Pokémon you face is Digdri or Knakrack, it’s best to choose Togekiss with Charm and Ancient Power. Against Digdri, Garados with Cascade and Rage Attack is also strong (Digdri is weak against Plant, Water and Ice attacks), while for Knakrack you can also use Arktos with Ice Shatter and Ice Storm (Knakrack has a double weakness against Ice).
  • Against Nidoking, you can resort to Impoleon with Cascade and Aqua Howitzer due to its weakness against Ice, Psycho, Water and Ground. You’d better take Impoleon instead of Garados or Arktos, because Nidoking attacks with attacks that do less damage against Steel-types – so go for the Water and Steel pocket monster Impoleon. Also useful are Jirachi (Confusion and Kismet Wish) and Dialga (Fire Ember and Iron Skull).
  • Suicune takes the most damage from Electro and Plant attacks, so go for fast Electro attackers like Raikou with Volt Change and Surge or Magnezone with Spark Jump and Surge.

Good luck in the fight!


Update from June 19, 2020: The Pokémon that Giovanni uses for battle haven’t changed, and so far Crypto Entei remains the same when you defeat the Team Go Rocket boss’s team. However, in the meantime, all sorts of new Pokémon have entered the game, and because of that, there are some pocket monsters that are better suited for battle at one point or another. We have updated our guide accordingly. But first, we’ll you which Pokémon Giovanni takes into battle:

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Kingler, Rihornior or Stahlos
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Always Entei
  • It’s best to reach for the following counter Pokémon for battle:
  • Meistagrif with Counter, Focus Strike and Strike to counter Snobilikat, Stahlos and as a Pokémon to use up the shields of Giovanni’s Pocket Monster. If none is available to you, then reach for Machomei.
  • Roserade with Razor Leaf, Shrubber, and Solar Beam to counter Kingler and Rihornior, and as a Pokémon to use up Giovanni’s Pocket Monster’s shields.
  • Kyogre with Cascade, Surfer, and Thunder as counters against Rihornior, Stahlos, and Entei, and as a Pokémon to use up Giovanni’s Pocket Monster’s shields. A solid alternative to Kyogre is Sumpex with Aquaknarre, Aquahaubitze, and Mudwoge.
  • Rihornior with Catapult or Clay Shot, Earthquake and Surfer to counter Stahlos and Entei.


February 12, 2020 update: In February, Team Go Rocket boss Giovanni is adding the legendary beast Raikou to his team – so you’ll be fighting Crypto-Raikou! We’ve updated our guide to reflect the new challenge via the special research “A Growing Challenge” and give you on the best counters for fighting Giovanni.

Due to the fact that Giovanni has Crypto-Raikou in his team in February 2020, there are some adjustments in the best counters for the fight against the boss of Team Go Rocket. Giovanni can take the following Pokémon into battle:

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Snobilikat
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Austos, Stahlos or Hippopoterus
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Always Raikou

The following Pocket Monsters are always suitable for battle, no matter which Pokémon Giovanni chooses in the second part of the battle.

  • Machomei with Counter, Cross Slash, and Balancing Strike as counters against Snobilikat, Austos, and Stahlos, and as a Pokémon to use up the shields of Giovanni’s Pocket Monsters with.
  • Bisaflor with Tendril Strike, Leaf Blade, and Flora Statue as a counter against Hippopoterus and Austos, and as a Pokémon that uses up the shields of Giovanni’s Pocket Monster
  • Kyogre with Kskade, Surfer, and Hydropump as a counter against Hippopoterus and Austos, and as a Pokémon to use up the shields of Giovanni’s Pocket Monster
  • Rihornior with Clay Cuff, Earthquake and Stone Edge as a counter against Raikou and Stahlos.

Alternatively, you can also use the following Pocket Monsters

  • Against Snobilikat: Machomei with counter and Cross Slash, Meistagrif with counter and Blast, Lucario with counter and Aurasphere
  • Against Austos: Machomei with counter and cross slash, Meistagrif with counter and balancing slash, Lucario with counter and aurasphere
  • Against Stahlos: Rihornior with Clay Shot and Earthquake, Glurak with Fire Whirl and Lohe Cannonade, Machomei with Counter and Cross Slash
  • Against Hippopoterus: Bisaflor with tendril strike and flora statue, Kyogre with cascade and surfer, Mamutel with powder snow and avalanche
  • Against Raikou, just about any ground attacker is suitable, including Groudon

Crypto-Arktos, Crypto-Lavados, Crypto-Zapdos Previous

Crypto Legends by Giovanni

  • Against Arktos and Lavados: Regirock with target shot and stone edge, Stolloss with catapult and stone edge, Tornupto with dark claw and lohe cannonade.
  • Against Zapdos: Rihornior with Catapult and Stone Edge, Mamutel with Powder Snow and Avalanche, Regice with Target Shot and Blizzard.

Pokémon GO

Pokémon Go is the mobile spin-off of Nintendo’s popular Pokémon game for Android and iOS. It is a so-called “location-based game”, i.e. a game that uses the player’s immediate surroundings. It is based on the principle of augmented reality.

Pokémon Map: Between landmarks and sights

Pokémon Go uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the player’s location and displays it on a map that also represents the playing field. The map is based on OpenStreetMap maps. The game is played mostly outdoors and uses landmarks, landmarks and other notable or eye-catching objects in the world to position either PokéStops or arenas there for you to battle for supremacy. Join either Team Intuition (Team Yellow, Zapdos), Team Wisdom (Team Blue, Arktos), or Team Daring (Team Red, Lavados). Under their flag you can then fight for the arenas, which are placed at hotspots like churches or similar. Pokémon can appear anywhere, though.

Pocket monsters visible on the Pokémon Go Map are randomly loaded into the game’s virtual map by the game server. If several players are playing in the same location, each player can see and catch the Pokémon independently of the others.

Pokémon Go Updates, News, and More

The developers at Niantic regularly provide Pokémon Go with new updates or special raids that should only be tackled in a group of several people. The Pokémon Go Raids are therefore very popular, as they also offer the prospect of particularly rare Pokémon. For example, in the past, legendary Pokémon could always be caught on special occasions (Pokémon Go events). For particularly eager mobile or smartphone Pokémon trainers, there is also an external IV calculator, such as the online tool from .gameinfo.io or on Pokefans.net, to check the values of your Pokémon.

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