PoGO – Pokémon Go: Counter Guide for Team Rocket’s Bosses Sierra, Arlo and Cliff – April 2022

In April 2022, there’s another Team event in Pokémon Go, and of course, Team Go Rocket bosses Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra won’t miss the chance to add a few new fighters to their teams to make victory – and thus the path to Giovanni – as difficult as possible for you. We have the latest counter guide for Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra in Pokémon Go in April 2022!

Update, April 4, 2022: With the April 2022 Rocket Team Outing event, Team Rocket bosses Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo are back in Pokémon Go to bully you with their powerful Pokémon. But the thing is, if you want to get your hands on Giovanni’s Crypto-Latias, there’s no way around fighting Arlo, Sierra, and Cliff. That’s why we have an up-to-date counter guide for you, so you can show the cheeky Rocket trio who’s boss here!

The time has come: Team GO Rocket has returned and is preparing to take over the world of Pokémon once and for all. The trainers’ task now is to prevent the villains from out their plan. To do this, they must assemble a special radar as part of a special quest series and track down the leaders of Team GO Rocket, as well as defeat them in battle.

In order to maximize your chances of success in the battle against Team GO Rocket, we have compiled the current best counters for all three boss fights. You can also find alternative counter Pokémon for each Rocket Pokémon in our guide.

Pokémon GO: Team GO Rocket – General

Before you jump into the fight against the three Rocket team leaders, take note of the following tips:

  • You must assemble the radar to locate the team leaders. When you activate the radar, a customized map will show you the way to the nearest team leader.
  • The radar is considered used up once you defeat the boss.
  • You can only challenge Team GO Rocket to battle between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm.
  • Battles against Team Leaders are similar to battles against regular rogues, but Team Leaders use shields in battle.
  • The Team Leaders’ Pokémon that you can catch and free have a small chance of getting the Shiny version.
  • Try to destroy the shields of the trainers as soon as possible and use your first Pokémon directly for this.
  • Prefer Pokémon that have fast attacks wid over Pokémon that deal a lot of damage.
  • Use shields against charging attacks.
  • You can repeat the battle against a team leader as many times as you want – until you defeat him. At the balloon, however, you have limited attempts.
PoGO – Pokémon Go: Counter Guide for Team Rocket's Bosses Sierra, Arlo and Cliff - April 2022
Pokémon GO: The best counters against Team GO Rocket bosses (Guide) (3) Source: Niantic

Pokémon GO: Team GO Rocket – Cliff

Cliff can attack with the following Pokémon

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Tragosso
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Elektek, Luxtra, or Amoroso
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Despotar, Sumpex or Glurak



No matter which team Cliff opposes you with, you’ll manage with the following counters. Remember that if you lose, you can repeat the battle. In this respect, you can first see which Pokémon Cliff sends into battle and then adjust to it.

  • Tragosso: As usual, the first fighter of a Team Rocket boss is not particularly difficult to defeat and serves you mainly to burn the shields. Problem with Tragosso: The best counters aren’t much use in the further course of the boss fight against Cliff. Too bad! Go for Zarude with Tendril Strike and Leaf Scourge. If at all a Mon can still bring you a use later (not MUST), then it is Kyogre with cascade and hydro pump.
  • Elektek: You’ll want to act quickly in this battle so it doesn’t drag on too long and cost your Pokémon important Health. Go for Demeteros (Animal Spirit Form) with Clay Shot and Stone Edge or Dialga with Fire Odo, Draco Meteor and Iron Skull. A cheap alternative is Mamutel with Powder Snow, Avalanche and Steamroller.
  • Luxtra: Against Luxtra you fight with ground fighters. If you already have Demeteros (Animal Spirit Form) with you, it’s best to use Clay Shot and Earthquake to effectively exploit Luxtra’s weakness. You can also use Knakrack with Clay Shot and Earthquake or Stalobor with Clay Clamp and Percussion Drill.
  • Amoroso: Be sure to use plant counters like Chelterrar with Razor Leaf and Flora Statue, Gewaldro with Bullet Seed and Leaf Blade, or Blubella with Bullet Seed and Leaf Blade. These can still serve you well in the potential fight against Sumpex.
  • Despotar: In the best case, Godzilla-Mon will be boxed by Lucario with Counter, Incremental Slash and Aurasphere or by Meistagrif with Counter and Blast … or by Machomei with Counter, Cross Slash and Blast. If you used Kyogre on Tragosso, use it again now!
  • Sumpex: You already have the perfect counters for Sumpex in your back pocket with Amoroso – Chelterrar with Razor Blade and Flora Statue, Gewaldro with Bullet Seed and Leaf Blade, or Blubella with Bullet Seed and Leaf Blade.
  • Glurak: Up until now, you’ve tended to use Ground Pokémon rather than Rock Pocket Monsters. However, those now help quite a bit with Glurak. Pack Rameidon with Catapult and Stone Hail or Rihornior with Catapult and Rock Thrower. Despotar with Catapult and Rock Edge also does a good job.
PoGO – Pokémon Go: Counter Guide for Team Rocket's Bosses Sierra, Arlo and Cliff - April 2022
Pokémon GO: The best counters against Team GO Rocket bosses (Guide) (2) Source: Niantic

Pokémon GO: Team GO Rocket – Arlo

Arlo can go into battle with the following Pokémon:

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Owei
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Dragoran, ALoLa-Kokowei or Brutalanda
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Scherox, Guardevoir, or Stahlos

The following counters are guaranteed to help you no matter what Pokémon Arlo’s team consists of. Remember that you can repeat the battle if you lose. In this respect, you can at which Pokémon Arlo sends into battle and then adjust to it.

Owei: This Pokémon is probably the easiest of them all, even compared to Cliff’s Tragosso and Sierra’s Traumato. Owei doesn’t present any real challenge, but is there as usual to tease the shields out of Arlo. Genesect with Wrath Blade and Cross Scissors and Yanmega with Beetle Bite and Beetle Hum don’t really matter with potential later opponents. Consider packing Galar Flampivian in Ice Fang and Avalanche or Mamutel with Powder Snow and Avalanche instead because of the dragons that may still come.

Dragoran: Fairy and Ice Pokémon like Togekiss with Charm, Antique Power, and Flame Throw or Feelinara with Charma, Moon Power, and Psycho Shock can serve you well … unless Dragoran uses Steel Wings as an attack. Then you’d better take Zacian with Telltale, Melee and Cuddler or Dialga with Fire Ember, Iron Skull and Draco Meteor.

Brutalanda: If you don’t hit Dragoran, you might hit Brutalanda. The counter-picture looks quite similar here. Togekiss with Charm, Anti-Power and Flame Throw or Feelinara with Charma, Lunar Force and Psycho Shock are worthwhile, as well as preferring Zacian with Telltale, Melee and Cuddler. If Brutalanda uses Fire Fang, then rather take Giratina (archetype) with Dark Claw, Shadow Strike and Dragon Claw.

ALoLa Kokowei: To this Pokémon of the type Plant and Dragon you pour with Ice Attackers. Switch back to your Galar Flampivian with Ice Fang and Avalanche or Mamutel with Powder Snow and Avalanche. Also worthwhile is Snibunna with Ice Shard and Avalanche.

Sherox: Sherox is not necessarily synonymous with Heavy Ox, but you won’t find Fire attackers preferable in any other battle. It’s best to go with Fire Mon, Reshiram with Fire Fang and Heat Fury, Lavados with Fire Whirl, Heat Fury, and Lohe Cannonade, or Lohgock with Fire Whirl, Fire Sweep, and Lohe Cannonade.

Stahlos: At least Stahlos gives you a counter that you might be able to use again later. This includes Zacian with tirade, melee, and hugger. Alternatives are Stalobor with Clay Shot, Percussion Drill, and Stone Hail, or Melmetal with Thunder Shock, Force Colossus, and Stone Hail.

Guardevoir: This Pokémon packs a powerful punch, so you’ll need to go heavy (and hopefully have a shield left). Go for Metagross with Bullet Slash and Star Slash, Skelabra with Burden and Haunted Ball, Gengar with Licker and Haunted Ball, Dialga with Metal Claw and Iron Skull, or Giratina (archetype) with Dark Claw and Haunted Ball.

PoGO – Pokémon Go: Counter Guide for Team Rocket's Bosses Sierra, Arlo and Cliff - April 2022
Pokémon GO: The best counters against Team GO Rocket bosses (Guide) (1) Source: Niantic

Pokémon GO: Team GO Rocket – Sierra

Sierra can have the following Pokémon on her team:

  • Pokémon No. 1: Always Traumato
  • Pokémon – No. 2: Lohgock, Tohaido or Lapras
  • Pokémon – No. 3 : Dogemon, Tengulist or Nidoqueen

To prevail against Sierra, you’ll use the following counters. Remember that if you lose, you can repeat the battle. In this respect, you can first look at what Pokémon Sierra sends into battle and then adjust to it.

Traumato: It’s best to pack a Pokémon with Spirit or Unlight attacks for this battle and for burning the shields – with fast attacks that fill up the Charge Attack as quickly as possible. Because, unfortunately, Unlight and Spirit Pokémon will bring you next to nothing in the possible following opponents. Pack Darkrai with a tirade and a spookball, Skelabra with a burden and a spookball or Snibunna with a tirade and a parasite.

Lohgock: The Psycho and Water Pokémon that serve you in this battle can come in handy later, too! Take Mewtu with Confusion and Psychic Strike. Alternatively, Latios with Zen Headbutt and Psychokinesis or Kyogre with Cascade and Surfer are also worthwhile.

Lapras: Do you have to fight Lapras? Stupid, because the best Electro-K onter aren’t much good for the later possible encounters. Go for Magnezone with Spark Jump and Surge. If you happen to have Kyogre on the first try, it will help you here with Cascade, Surfer, and Thunder. Or you can take Machomei with Counter, Cross Blow and Hail of Stones. This also fits if Tohaido is waiting for you instead of Lapras.

Tohaido: Normally we would recommend Plant Attackers at this point, but they haven’t gotten you very far so far. With Sierra’s current fighter selection, it’s better to go with Machomei with Counter, Cross Slash, and Stone Hail, or Palkia with Dragon Rod and Draco Meteor.

Hundemon: Is your Machomei still alive? Machomei (Counter, Cross Slash, Stone Hail) and Meistagrif (Counter, Sweeping Strike, Stone Edge) come to mind. You can also switch to Kyogre with Cascade and Surfer, which also does well against Dogemon.

Nidoqueen: Against Nidoqueen you go into battle with Mewtu with Psycho Blade and Psycho Strike, or take him again Kyogre with Cascade and Hydro Pump.

Tengulist: Similar to Traumato, the Tengulist counters are only useful specifically for this battle. These include Feelinara with Charm, Lunar Force, and Psycho Shock, Togekiss with Charm, Anti Power, and Flame Throw, and Hariyama with Counter, Melee, and Ram Boss.

We hope that our guide will help you succeed in the battles against the Team Go Rocket bosses and that you will be able to take on Giovanni afterwards. Do you have any other tips? Let us know in the comments! We will update our guide accordingly and add your tips later.

Pokémon GO

Pokémon Go is the mobile spin-off of Nintendo’s popular Pokémon game series for Android and iOS. It is a so-called “location-based game”, i.e. a game that uses the player’s immediate surroundings. It is based on the principle of augmented reality.

Pokémon Map: Between landmarks and sights

Pokémon Go uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the player’s location and displays it on a map that also represents the playing field. The map is based on OpenStreetMap maps. The game is played mostly outdoors and uses landmarks, landmarks and other notable or eye-catching objects in the world to position either PokéStops or arenas there for you to battle for supremacy. Join either Team Intuition (Team Yellow, Zapdos), Team Wisdom (Team Blue, Arktos), or Team Daring (Team Red, Lavados). Under their flag you can then fight for the arenas, which are placed at hotspots like churches or similar. Pokémon can appear anywhere, though.

Pocket monsters visible on the Pokémon Go Map are randomly loaded into the game’s virtual map by the game server. If several players are playing in the same location, each player can see and catch the Pokémon independently of the others.

Pokémon Go Updates, News, Raids and More

The developers at Niantic regularly provide Pokémon Go with new updates or special raids that should only be tackled in a group of several people. The Pokémon Go Raids are therefore very popular, as they also offer the prospect of particularly rare Pokémon. For example, in the past, legendary Pokémon could always be caught on special occasions (Pokémon Go events). For particularly eager mobile or smartphone Pokémon trainers, there is also an external IV calculator, such as the online tool from .gameinfo.io or on Pokefans.net, to check the values of your Pokémon.

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