PoGO – Pokémon Go: Chelcarain – Counter Guide to the Raid Boss

The first of the plant starter Chelast from the 4th generation has moved into the Tier 3 of Pokémon Go and is waiting for challengers. Like Chelast, Chelcarain is only of the Plant type, but the evolution Chelterrar also gets the Soil type. Do you still need a few for the battle? Then you’ve come to the right place with our Pokémon Go counter guide to Chelcarain!

The Raid rotation in Pokémon Go is once again playing “change your tree” and, in keeping with the name of the children’s game, brings with it a plant Pokémon: Chelcarain! The latest evolution Chelterrar even carries a tree on its back. With a whole herd of Chelterrar wandering around in search of water, you could almost mistake them for a running forest! Plus, little Pokémon build nests on its back and spend their entire lives there. Reason enough to raid Chelcarain!

Chelcarain as a raid boss

Chelcarain is only of the plant type and thus brings five weaknesses: flight, poison, beetle, fire and ice. The attacks are strengthened by the weather in this order: wind, overcast, rain, sun, clear weather, and snowfall. So pay attention to the weather forecast if you want to get more out of your attacking Pokémon – we hope the sun stays for now ^^

Chelcarain will face you in battle with 12,972 CP. If you are a solo player in Pokémon Go, let us tell you: the raid is doable on your own. But if you’re having trouble because your level is low or you haven’t collected any strong Pokémon yet, up with some other Pokémon trainers! Below is a list of the best attackers against Chelcarain.

  • Mega Glurak Y (normal coloring) with Fire Wheel and Lohe Cannonade
  • Crypto Lavados with Fire Wheel and Sky Sweeper
  • Crypto Ho-Oh incinerate and swoop
  • Mega Bibor with Poison Blow and Mud Bomb
  • Crypto Entei with Fire Fang and Heat Fury
  • Mega-Dauboss with Wind Blast and Nosedive
  • Mega-Gengar with licker and mud bomb
  • Mega Glurak X (blue-black coloring) with Fire Wheel and Lohe Cannonade
  • Crypto Kramshef with peep and swoop
  • Crypto Glurak with firewheel and lohecanonade
  • Reshiram with firewheel and heatcannonade
  • Crypto Staraptor with wingbeat and swoop
  • Crypto Tornupto with incinerate and lohecanonade
  • Mega Dogemon with Fire Fang and Flame Throw
  • Crypto Snibunna with ice shatter and avalanche

Pokémon Go: Catch Chelcarain

Once you’ve defeated Chelcarain, there’s only one thing left to do – get rid of the Pokéball! At level 20, the evolution of Chelast has 1080 CP at a 100% IV value. If the Pokémon is boosted to level 25 in sunny or clear weather, it will have 1350 CP with perfect 100% IV values. We wish you a successful hunt!

Pokémon GO

Pokémon Go is the mobile spin-off of Nintendo’s popular Pokémon game for Android and iOS. It is a so-called “location-based game”, i.e. a game that uses the player’s immediate surroundings. It is based on the principle of augmented reality.

Pokémon Map: Between landmarks and sights

Pokémon Go uses a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the player’s location and displays it on a map that also represents the playing field. The map is based on OpenStreetMap maps. The game is played mostly outdoors and uses landmarks, landmarks and other notable or eye-catching objects in the world to position either PokéStops or arenas there for you to battle for supremacy. Join either Team Intuition (Team Yellow, Zapdos), Team Wisdom (Team Blue, Arktos), or Team Daring (Team Red, Lavados). Under their flag you can then fight for the arenas, which are placed at hotspots like churches or similar. Pokémon can appear anywhere, though.

Pocket monsters visible on the Pokémon Go Map are randomly loaded into the game’s virtual map by the game server. If several players are playing in the same location, each player can see and catch the Pokémon independently of the others.

Pokémon Go Updates, News, Raids and More

The developers at Niantic regularly provide Pokémon Go with new updates or special raids that should only be tackled in a group of several people. The Pokémon Go Raids are therefore very popular, as they also offer the prospect of particularly rare Pokémon. For example, in the past, legendary Pokémon could always be caught on special occasions (Pokémon Go events). For particularly eager mobile or smartphone Pokémon trainers, there is also an external IV calculator, such as the online tool from .gameinfo.io or on Pokefans.net, to check the values of your Pokémon.

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