Overwatch Support Guide – How to Keep Your Team Alive and Win More Games

is a game that thrives on , and as a player, your role is vital in ensuring your team stays alive and secures victories. In this , you will learn effective and to enhance your healing, positioning, and overall support gameplay. By mastering these techniques, you can significantly impact the outcome of your matches and help your team dominate the competition. Get ready to elevate your support skills and be the backbone your team needs to succeed!

The Role of Support Heroes in Overwatch

Understanding Support Roles

The support heroes in Overwatch play a vital role in maintaining your team’s effectiveness during battle. They are responsible for healing teammates, providing utility, and enabling your allies to perform at their best. By fulfilling these responsibilities, support heroes allow other roles to focus on offense and without constantly worrying about their health or status in the game.

Key Characteristics of Effective Support Heroes

Little things matter when it comes to effective support heroes. These characters typically possess abilities that restore health, apply buffs, or disrupt enemies. Their effectiveness often hinges on their versatility, positioning, and ability to maintain line of sight with teammates while avoiding enemy fire. Understanding these traits can help you maximize your contribution to the team.

With the ability to heal or provide shields, effective support heroes can significantly alter the outcome of fights. Their skills often feature cooldowns that require strategic timing to ensure your allies stay alive. A good support hero must also be aware of their surroundings, ensuring they stay out of harm’s way while being able to assist where necessary. Being proactive rather than reactive is key.

The Impact of Supports on Team Composition

Even though support heroes may often be overlooked, their impact on team composition is immense. Choosing the right support can complement your team’s overall strategy, filling gaps and providing important coverage. As you construct your team, consider how the support heroes you select can synergize with the rest of your squad, influencing the effectiveness of your overall strategy.

To build a well-rounded team, it’s important to pick support heroes who enhance your team’s strengths and address their weaknesses. For instance, if your team lacks mobility, consider selecting a support that can boost movement speed. A well-rounded composition with effective support can sway the outcome of your matches, turning the tide in your favor when executed properly.

Essential Tips for Playing Support Heroes

Assuming you want to excel as a support hero in Overwatch, there are several key strategies you should adopt to keep your team alive and turn the tide in battles:

  • Prioritize healing your teammates over damaging enemies.
  • Utilize the environment to protect yourself while healing others.
  • Communicate with your team to coordinate ultimate abilities effectively.
  • Be aware of enemy positions to avoid unnecessary deaths.
  • Know when to switch heroes based on the needs of your team.

Perceiving these tips can significantly enhance your performance as a support player.

Effective Healing Strategies

The key to successful healing is timing and awareness. Focus on low-health teammates first and be proactive in your healing, anticipating damage before it happens. Use your abilities wisely and track health bars to ensure you’re always providing assistance where it’s needed most. Effective healing isn’t just about keeping your allies alive; it’s about empowering them to fight back and hold their ground.

Damage Boosting: When and How to Use It

Support players can significantly impact battles by knowing when and how to boost their teammates’ damage output. Timing is vital, as boosting damage during critical moments—like when a teammate is about to eliminate an enemy—can turn the tide of a fight.

Plus, consider using damage-boosting abilities in coordination with your team’s ultimates. Pairing a boost with a powerful attack can lead to quicker eliminations, forcing the enemy to reconsider their strategy. Be mindful of your positioning when using these abilities as well; staying safe while empowering your allies is key to your survival and success in the game.

Positioning for Maximum Effectiveness

Clearly, your positioning as a support hero greatly affects your impact on the game. Stay close enough to your teammates to provide healing and damage boosts, but also maintain a safe distance from enemy threats. Using high ground or cover can give you the advantage to heal or boost without being easily targeted.

Playing intelligently with your positioning allows you to evaluate the battlefield and adjust your location whenever necessary. Strategic movement can protect you while ensuring your allies are receiving the support they need in crucial moments. Always be aware of advancing threats and be ready to reposition for maximum effectiveness.

How to Communicate Effectively with Your Team

Not communicating effectively can spell disaster for your team in Overwatch. Enhancing your communication skills can greatly increase your chances of winning. Here are some strategies to help you convey critical information to your teammates.

Voice Communication Tips

Now, using voice chat can elevate your gameplay tremendously. Make sure to keep your communication concise and relevant by doing the following:

  • Inform your team about enemy locations and ultimates.
  • Coordinate strategies and call out targets clearly.
  • Provide timely updates when you’re ready to engage or use your abilities.
  • Stay positive and encourage your teammates.
  • Assume that your allies may not see the same things you do, so always report critical information.

Using In-Game Signals and Pings

Tips on utilizing in-game signals can enhance team awareness and strategy. Use your ping system effectively to quickly communicate enemy locations, request assistance, or signal , even if you can’t speak.

Using the in-game ping system allows you to provide important information without needing voice chat. The visual cues it offers help your teammates understand your intentions quickly, such as indicating when to group up or when you see an enemy flank. This can be a game-changer when working with players who might be muted or prefer not to use voice chat.

Encouraging Team Coordination

Clearly establishing a coordinated effort will greatly benefit your team dynamics. Be proactive in suggesting strategies and positioning that will maximize your team’s effectiveness.

Effectively encouraging team coordination involves not just sharing plans but actively listening to what others propose. Foster an open atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas. When your team feels empowered to coordinate, your chances of pulling off successful plays and securing victories increase significantly.

Understanding Map Awareness for Support Players

Once again, map awareness is a vital skill for support players in Overwatch. Being aware of your surroundings and understanding the layout of the map can significantly enhance your ability to keep your team alive. Knowing where to position yourself, identify key areas, and utilize terrain effectively can make all the difference in securing a . Let’s explore these aspects further.

Identifying Key Areas for Support Role

Clearly, understanding the key areas on the map where fights are likely to occur is necessary. Identifying chokepoints, high ground, and locations where your allies are likely to engage the enemy can provide you with valuable insight. Position yourself in these areas to provide healing and utility while remaining safe from enemy threats.

Learning Map Layouts for Efficient Movement

Awareness of specific map layouts can empower you to move efficiently around the battlefield. Knowing shortcuts, potential escape , and effective paths to reach your teammates means you can respond faster to their needs and adjust to changing circumstances during matches.

For instance, on maps with multiple layers or elevation changes, being mindful of the various routes can allow you to rotate quickly between your team’s front line and their backline. Understanding how entrances and exits work can save valuable seconds when your teammates need assistance or when you need to reposition for safety.

Utilizing Terrain to Stay Safe

Terrain can serve as a valuable ally when staying alive in tricky situations. By using natural cover, you can minimize exposure to enemy fire, making it easier to heal your teammates without drawing attention to yourself.

This strategic use of terrain allows you to engage enemies with limited vision and increases your survivability during hectic fights. If you position yourself near walls or objects that obstruct enemy line of sight, you can heal or provide utility while staying hidden from potential threats, giving your team the upper hand as battles unfold.

Factors That Affect Healing Efficiency

Many players underestimate the various factors that can significantly affect your healing efficiency in Overwatch. Understanding these elements can help you make better decisions and keep your team alive longer. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Positioning: Your location relative to teammates and enemies.
  • Communication: Sharing information effectively with your team.
  • Ultimate Management: Timing your ultimates for maximum impact.
  • Enemy Threats: Identifying potential threats to your teammates.
  • Healing Output: Knowing each hero’s healing output and cooldowns.

Any improvements in these areas can greatly enhance your team’s survivability and overall performance.

Grouping Strategies: When to Stay Together

Any successful strategy in Overwatch involves knowing when to stick close to your teammates. Staying together allows you to provide consistent healing and offers better opportunities for support roles to gather ult charge. Working as a unit makes it easier to react to threats and execute coordinated attacks.

Target Priority: Who to Heal First

With so many heroes on the battlefield, choosing who to heal first can greatly impact your team’s chances of survival and victory. Prioritizing key players like tanks or damage-dealers can turn the tide of a fight and significantly improve your team’s effectiveness.

Target priority is not merely about healing the lowest health teammate but understanding the context of each encounter. For instance, if your frontline tank is being focused by the enemy, they should be healed promptly to maintain their presence in battle. Conversely, if a damage dealer is near elimination but about to secure a crucial pick, they may take precedence over others. Always evaluate the situation to optimize your healing decisions.

Tracking Enemy Ultimates: Staying Ahead of the Game

The ability to track enemy ultimates can give your team an edge during crucial moments in the match. By being aware of what ultimates your opponents have available, you can plan your healing and positioning strategies more effectively, making it easier to mitigate potential damage to your teammates.

Game awareness extends beyond your own team’s abilities; knowing what your enemies can unleash helps you make faster, more informed decisions. If you see the enemy team accumulate enough progress on their ultimates, you can prepare to react, whether it’s using your own ultimates, repositioning your team, or preemptively healing high-priority targets. Staying ahead in ultimate tracking allows you to create opportunities that can lead to victory.

The Importance of Ultimate Abilities

Unlike other roles in Overwatch, support players must strategically utilize their ultimate abilities to maximize team survivability and increase the chances of victory. Mastering these ultimates can mean the difference between life and death during critical moments of the game.

Types of Support Ultimates

Ultimates come in various forms, each providing unique advantages for your team. Below is a breakdown of some common support ultimates:

Ultimate NameEffect
Sound Barrier (Lucio)Grants a shield to allies for temporary protection.
Valiant Resurrect (Mercy)Revives a fallen teammate, giving them a second chance.
Transcendence (Zenyatta)Grants invulnerability to allies in a radius while healing them.
Amplification Matrix (Baptiste)Doubles damage and healing output for teammates who pass through.
Graviton Surge (Zarya)Captures enemies in a ball, setting them up for a perfect team attack.
  • Understanding your ultimate’s unique capabilities can help in planning engagements.
  • Coordinate with other players to maximize the effectiveness of ultimates.
  • Be aware of enemy ultimates to avoid counter plays.
  • Using your ultimate at the right moment is crucial for securing kills.
  • Perceiving how your ultimate fits into the overall flow of the match is vital.

Timing Your Ultimates: The How-To

Clearly, the timing of your ultimate ability can dictate the flow of combat. A well-timed ultimate can turn the tide of battle, so it should align with team engagements and enemy ultimates.

Another key aspect is to monitor your teammates’ ultimates. Communicating their status will help you gauge the perfect moment to use your own; in tandem, multiple ultimates can guarantee kills or secure objectives. Always assess the battlefield for engagement opportunities when your ultimate is ready to unleash the maximum impact while protecting your team.

Synergizing Ultimates with Teammates

On the battlefield, synchronization with your teammates’ ultimates is crucial for success. It enhances the effect of each ultimate, allowing you to capitalize on enemy vulnerabilities.

With proper communication, you can plan coordinated attacks that incorporate multiple ultimates simultaneously for a devastating effect. Always keep in mind the timing and combination patterns that work best with your squad; this collaboration maximizes your chances of overwhelming the enemy team and maintaining over the objective.

Adapting Your Playstyle to Different Heroes

Despite the diverse roster of support heroes in Overwatch, you can maximize your team’s potential by adapting your playstyle to fit their unique strengths and weaknesses.

Key Differences between Support Heroes

Little nuances exist between support heroes that affect how you contribute to the team. For instance, while Mercy excels at single-target healing and mobility, Baptiste offers area healing and utility with his immortality field. Recognizing these differences will help you choose the right approach for each hero, ensuring your team benefits from their unique abilities.

Adjusting to Team Needs during Matches

Matches often shift rapidly, and your role as a support player is to respond to your team’s needs effectively. This means evaluating the battlefield and understanding when your teammates need healing, damage boost, or even crowd control to gain an advantage.

With the dynamics of each match constantly changing, assessing your team’s composition and the enemy’s threats will guide your approach. If a damage dealer is becoming overwhelmed, focusing your heals or damage boost on them can turn the tide. Conversely, if your tank is taking heavy fire, positioning yourself to shield or heal them becomes paramount. Adjust your priorities based on assessments of who needs assistance most urgently to enhance overall team survival.

The Art of Switching Heroes Mid-Game

Adjusting to the flow of the game may sometimes necessitate switching your hero mid-match. This skill can be vital when your current hero isn’t meeting the demands of the situation or the enemy’s strategy has shifted significantly.

Support players often have several heroes at their disposal that can fill various roles in response to in-game developments. When an enemy’s dive comp is overwhelming your backline, switching to a character like Zenyatta may provide the damage output needed to fend them off. Conversely, if the enemy focuses down your front line, choosing a hero with more sustain or healing can help mitigate that pressure. The ability to switch seamlessly not only boosts your team’s resilience but also exemplifies your versatility as a support player.

Team Composition and Its Impact on Support Roles

Keep in mind that team composition can significantly influence the effectiveness of your support role. Understanding how different heroes work together allows you to maximize healing and utility, ultimately keeping your teammates alive and contributing to the overall success of your team.

Understanding the Meta: Current Trends

While the meta can shift frequently, it’s crucial to stay updated on current trends that favor particular hero combinations. This knowledge enables you to make informed choices about your support picks, ensuring they complement your team’s strengths and counter the enemy’s weaknesses.

Building Synergy with DPS and Tanks

To enhance team performance, focus on building synergy with your DPS and tank players. Selecting support heroes that amplify your allies’ abilities or provide crucial counters can create a well-rounded team capable of overcoming various challenges.

Composition can dictate your strategy and the way you approach engagement. For instance, pairing a high-damage DPS with a support like Baptiste can provide the necessary healing along with damage amplification. Similarly, opting for a tank like Reinhardt can allow you to position better and sustain fights, letting you concentrate on keeping them alive while they lead the charge.

The Importance of Flexibility in Teams

An adaptable team can respond better to the dynamic nature of Overwatch gameplay. When each player, especially supports, can switch roles or heroes as needed, it becomes much easier to counter enemy compositions and address team weaknesses.

This flexibility allows you to tailor your abilities to match the battlefield conditions. For example, if your team is facing dive compositions, switching to a support like Lucio can provide mobility to escape threats or engage effectively. Alternatively, if you require more healing, prioritizing a hero like Moira can deliver consistent support to your tank and DPS, enhancing overall survival and effectiveness.

Handling High-Pressure Situations

To thrive in high-pressure situations during Overwatch matches, your focus and composure are paramount. Making quick yet effective decisions can significantly impact the outcome of a game. Handling pressure means not just surviving moments of chaos, but actively working to keep your teammates alive while steering your team towards victory.

Staying Calm Under Fire

Calmness is key when your team is under heavy assault. Instead of panicking, focus on your surroundings and prioritize your healing targets. Assessing the situation will allow you to provide timely support, making sure that you save your resources for those who need it the most while maintaining your own safety.

Tips for Situational Awareness

Tips for improving your situational awareness can significantly enhance your gameplay. Make it a habit to constantly monitor the battlefield, paying attention to who on your team needs assistance. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Always check the kill feed to see which teammates are down.
  • Listen for audio cues that indicate enemy ultimates or incoming attacks.
  • Use your mini-map to keep track of enemy positions and movement.

Perceiving the overall flow of the game will allow you to make better-informed decisions.

To develop stronger situational awareness, engage with your team and communicate vital information. Call out enemy positions, alert your teammates to your ultimate availability, and let them know when you are healing them. The better you inform your team, the better your chances of making impactful plays together.

  • Use voice chat or quick commands to share information quickly.
  • Position yourself where you can see multiple choke points and support lanes.
  • Stay aware of crowd control abilities that may interrupt your healing.

Perceiving these elements can lead to more successful plays and ultimately, better game outcomes.

Managing Cooldowns Effectively

Some aspects of managing your cooldowns revolve around awareness and timing. Knowing when to use your abilities can be the difference between life and death for you and your team. Always be mindful of your healing abilities and defensive tools, ensuring they are available when you need them most.

The key to effectively managing cooldowns lies in anticipating damage and coordinating with your team. Instead of blindly casting abilities, try to predict when your teammates will engage or retreat. Prioritize your healing based on team needs and incoming threats, ensuring you have the tools ready to counter any enemy assaults. This proactive approach will enhance your overall effectiveness.

How to Analyze Your Performance as a Support Player

After playing a few matches, it’s vital to take the time to evaluate your performance as a support player. Analyzing your gameplay can provide insights that lead to improved efficacy in keeping your team alive and contributing to victories. It’s not just about the wins and losses; understanding your decision-making process and playstyle can be incredibly beneficial.

Post-Game Review Techniques

Some effective post-game review techniques include watching your replays and focusing on key moments in the match. Pay attention to your positioning, ability usage, and communication with teammates. Look for both positive contributions and areas where you could have made different decisions to enhance your team’s survivability.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the best ways to grow as a player is by identifying your strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on specific situations where you excelled in supporting your teammates or faltered under pressure. This can help you understand where you shine and what aspects of your gameplay require further development.

Techniques that can aid in identifying your strengths and weaknesses include keeping a gameplay journal or discussing your matches with fellow players. Analyzing your successes can highlight your effective strategies, while recognizing your mistakes allows you to focus on areas needing improvement. This dual analysis promotes a balanced approach to skill enhancement.

Setting Goals for Improvement

Goals are an important component of your development as a support player. By setting specific, measurable objectives, you can have a clear direction for your improvement efforts. Whether it’s enhancing your healing output or improving your reaction time, having defined goals helps you stay focused and motivated.

For instance, you might set a goal to increase your healing per minute by 20% in the next few matches or to actively communicate with your team at least every minute. Such goals create accountability and give you a benchmark to measure your progress, allowing you to adjust your strategies as needed. This structured approach elevates your performance and increases the overall effectiveness of your support role.

The Importance of Self-Care for Support Players

Now that you understand your role as a support player, it’s important to prioritize self-care to ensure peak performance during matches. Your well-being significantly affects your decision-making, communication, and overall gameplay. By taking care of yourself, you can provide the best support to your team and secure more victories.

Managing Tilt and Mental Fatigue

There’s a tendency for support players to absorb the frustrations of their team, leading to tilt and mental fatigue. Acknowledging your feelings and taking steps to manage them can significantly enhance your gameplay. Focus on maintaining a steady mindset, even when the match gets intense; your performance will benefit as a result.

Taking Breaks to Increase Focus

An effective way to combat fatigue is by taking intentional breaks during gameplay. Allowing yourself time to recharge can provide clarity and prevent burnout. This practice will help you maintain a high level of focus and energy, which is important for your role as a support player.

Increase your effectiveness by planning short breaks between matches or even during long sessions. Use this time to step away from the screen, hydrate, and stretch. This practice refreshes your mind and body, enabling you to return to the game with renewed focus and energy, ready to tackle your next challenge.

Building a Positive Mindset

You should strive to cultivate a positive mindset, as it directly influences your gameplay and interactions with your team. Emphasizing the positives in each match and learning from your mistakes can help you develop resilience and improve your overall performance.

Self-care extends beyond just physical breaks; it involves mental strategies as well. Engaging in positive self-talk and visualization techniques can help you maintain confidence and composure. Embrace each match as an opportunity for growth, and focus on celebrating small achievements. This mindset will not only elevate your performance but also enhance your experience in the game.

Utilizing Tools and Resources for Continuous Improvement

All players can benefit from utilizing a variety of tools and resources to enhance their skills and gameplay. Whether you’re just starting or looking to refine your performance, these resources can empower you to keep your team alive and contribute towards winning games effectively.

Overwatch Resources for

Tools such as official guides, YouTube tutorials, and beginner-friendly forums can help you grasp the fundamentals of Overwatch. Start by exploring these types of resources:

Resource TypeDescription
Official Blizzard GuidesDetailed instructions and tips directly from developers.
YouTube ChannelsVisual tutorials covering gameplay basics and strategies.
Community ForumsDiscussion platforms where you can seek advice from other players.

Advanced Training Aids for Support Players

While you’re progressing in your support role, advanced training aids can provide deeper insights into your gameplay mechanics and decision-making processes. Using these tools can enhance your ability to sustain your team effectively:

Training AidDescription
Overwatch Replay AnalysisReview your gameplay to identify areas for improvement.
Custom Game ModesPractice specific scenarios without pressure.
Simulation ToolsEngage in exercises targeting healing and support dynamics.

Plus, utilizing these training aids consistently will allow you to internalize advanced techniques, and therefore become a more reliable support player. Set specific goals for each practice session to ensure you’re focused on key areas for improvement.

  1. Track your performance metrics to gauge your progress.
  2. Experiment with different heroes to diversify your skill set.
  3. Participate in simulated team matches to practice your coordination.

Community and Coach Resources

Clearly, connecting with the Overwatch community can provide you immense support in your improvement journey. Engaging with other players, coaches, and mentors can significantly enhance your understanding of the game.

Training with others through organized communities or coaching platforms can lead to real-time feedback on your gameplay. Learning from more experienced players helps you incorporate their strategies into your own gameplay, creating a more robust understanding of your role in the team.

How to Stay Updated with Overwatch Changes

Unlike many games, Overwatch frequently undergoes updates that tweak hero abilities, introduce new content, and refine gameplay mechanics. Staying on top of these changes elevates your performance and allows you to make informed decisions in matches. You want to know what’s effective and what to expect in any given patch.

The Importance of Patch Notes

With patch notes being the primary source of information about updates, they’re important for understanding the latest hero adjustments and gameplay changes. Reading these regularly will give you insight into how best to adapt your strategies and team compositions to remain competitive.

Following the Overwatch Community

If you’re not engaging with the Overwatch community, you might miss important conversations and insights about the game. Following streamers, content creators, and forums can give you a broader perspective on how the meta is evolving.

Plus, engaging with the community offers you the chance to learn directly from experienced players who share their thoughts and strategies regarding new updates. Platforms like Reddit, Discord, and Twitter are great for connecting with others, asking questions, and discovering the latest trends in hero play and team synergy.

Adapting to Game Meta Changes

The evolving game meta requires you to stay adaptable to succeed in Overwatch. As patch notes roll out, certain heroes and strategies may rise or fall in effectiveness, making it important to adjust your playstyle accordingly.

Following the shifts in meta ensures you are prepared to swap heroes or change your strategy to suit the current environment. Whether it’s picking up a newly buffed hero or changing your team composition, staying informed allows you to capitalize on the strengths that the latest updates bring into play.


As a reminder, mastering the support role in Overwatch is important for both keeping your team alive and increasing your win rate. By focusing on communication, positioning, and ability usage, you can significantly impact your matches. Always stay aware of your teammates’ needs and adapt your strategies accordingly. Implementing the strategies outlined in this guide will empower you to become a more effective support player, fostering teamwork and cohesion that can turn the tide in challenging games. Your contributions are vital to achieving victory.


Q: What is the primary role of a support hero in Overwatch?

A: The primary role of a support hero is to assist and enhance the effectiveness of their teammates. Support heroes typically provide healing, shields, or buffs to keep allies alive and improve their performance in combat. They play a key part in team coordination and strategy, ensuring that front-line players can engage without worrying about taking fatal damage.

Q: How can I improve my healing output as a support player?

A: To enhance your healing output, focus on your positioning and awareness. Stay close to your team but also maintain a safe distance from enemies. Use your healing abilities in an optimal manner; for example, prioritize healing players who are low on health. Communicate with your team so they can inform you when they need assistance, and practice managing your resource abilities to ensure they’re available when needed most.

Q: What strategies can I use to stay alive as a support player?

A: Staying alive as a support player involves a combination of positioning, awareness, and movement. Utilize cover to shield yourself from enemy attacks and avoid staying too close to frontline fighters who may absorb attention. Keep an eye on flanking paths where enemies might approach from, and use mobility abilities to escape dangerous situations. Creating distance between yourself and attackers can keep you in the game longer to provide necessary support.

Q: How can I effectively communicate with my team while playing support?

A: Effective communication is vital for any role in Overwatch, especially as a support player. Use voice or text chat to alert your team about important information, such as enemy ultimates or positioning cues. Establish a clear understanding of your team’s needs by asking questions or suggesting strategies. Pinging systems are also helpful for signaling your allies when you need assistance or when you’re about to perform an important action like healing or using an ultimate ability.

Q: Which support heroes are best for beginners?

A: For beginners, heroes like Mercy, Lucio, and Moira are excellent choices. Mercy’s simple healing mechanics and ability to fly to teammates make her accessible for new players. Lucio offers a versatile playstyle, featuring speed boosts and healing over time. Moira allows for self-sustain as well as healing teammates while dealing damage. These heroes provide a straightforward introduction to support gameplay without overwhelming mechanics.

Q: How can I contribute to my team’s overall strategy as a support player?

A: As a support player, you can contribute to team strategy by maintaining situational awareness and providing feedback during matches. Observe enemy movements and tactics to inform your team. Additionally, coordinate ultimates with your team—for instance, using a speed boost from Lucio just before a frontline engagement. Encourage your teammates to group up for stronger pushes, and suggest strategic retreats when necessary to preserve team resources.

Q: What should I do if my team is not following my support strategies?

A: If your team is not adhering to support strategies, try to maintain a positive attitude. Use polite communication to offer suggestions and express the need for teamwork. If the situation allows, adjust your own playstyle to accommodate your team’s actions, such as adapting healing focus based on who is engaging the most. Sometimes, individual player dynamics differ, and staying adaptable will help you be an effective support regardless.