Overwatch Scrub Cup – Thunderstruck – Scrims – No. 2 Overwatch eSports

Top 5 Best Players of All Time

Overwatch is a dedicated and extremely skill-intensive game. To get better, you’ll have to dedicate a lot of time to the game. Today we pay our respects to some of the most legendary players in the game’s history, counting down the five who have become synonymous with the game and its scene.

Overwatch Heroes – Pharah

Like a force of nature, Pharah hurtles through the air in her battle suit, raining down explosive missiles from the sky with her rocket launcher.The standard PC key mapping shown below can be customized in-game.

Overwatch: Lijiang Tower- Map Guide

The map is set in the area around the Lijiang Tower. Two points are directly in front of it, the third is on one of the upper floors. In our Overwatch Guide to Lijiang Tower, we explain the map to you and tell you where it keeps popping and what you have to watch out for.

Overwatch Patch 2.91 – all nerfs and buffs

The Overwatch Patch Notes have gone live and deliver what they promised on the test servers… most of them at least. The planned changes for the Heal Moira have been postponed. Genji, Hanzo, Echo and Orisa were considered for this – the latter only getting a sound adjustment. Now her Halt ability is more audible, which is more likely to warn opponents. But that was it for Orisa. So let’s look at the bigger changes.


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