Overwatch: Origins Reaper Play of the game Overwatch eSports

Hero Rotation – changed hero pools and current bans

It was not very popular in the community: the Hero Rotation. Every week, up to four heroes were removed from the Overwatch Hero Pool, which was supposed to provide variety, but mainly caused resentment. Now Blizzard has announced that the Heroa Rotation will only play a role in certain rank games:

Overwatch Heroes – Zenyatta

Zenyatta uses his spheres of harmony and discord to heal his teammates and weaken his enemies, while he himself strives for a state of transcendence that grants him complete immunity to damage.The standard PC key bindings shown below can be customized in-.

Overwatch: Hanamura – Map Guide

In Hanamura, the “flower village,” the sparks fly between slot machines, cherry blossoms and rustic temple complexes. Two points want to be conquered or defended. It’s hardly surprising that there’s a lot of fighting at these two points.

Overwatch updates improved multiplayer and more

Feeling like there hasn’t been a lot going on in Overwatch lately? Well, Blizzard is finally trying to get things rolling – and we’re getting three new Overwatch updates this time.A few days ago, Game Director Jeff Caplan posted on YouTube in his now-iconic “selfie” style to explain what new Overwatch updates are coming. So what’s new?


A new patch is now live for Windows PC, and Xbox One. Learn more about the latest changes here.If you want to share your feedback, please post it in the General forum.A list of known bugs can be found in the Forum Bug Report.

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