Overwatch: Lijiang Tower- Map Guide

The map is set in the area around the Lijiang Tower. Two points are directly in front of it, the third is on one of the upper floors. In our to Lijiang Tower, we explain the map to you and tell you where it keeps popping and what you have to watch out for.

To stand a chance in the battles of Overwatch, you not only need to know your hero, but also the map on which you are fighting. In our guide to Lijiang Tower, we’ll show you the most important locations and how to use them to gain an advantage for your team. In addition to the most important positions for snipers and turrets, we’ll tell you the best side paths to use to flank the enemy team. The overview is divided into two main sections, in which we highlight the most important locations and routes; you can jump directly to the point you are interested in using the following table of contents.

Overwatch: Lijiang Tower

The three points in Lijiang Tower play pleasantly differently. There is a niche for each hero, so all heroes are playable and none gets the stamp “superfluous”. We particularly liked the checkpoint on the upper floors of the skyscraper. Although the action takes place exclusively inside and the rooms are un-
unspectacular, there are exciting encounters here. Crisp action in a small space with small barriers to hide in remind us a bit of a paintball match.

Overwatch: Lijiang Tower – Garden

Lijiang Tower: Points 1 and 2 – Fire in the Hole!

The first checkpoint is located in a small building on an artificial island in the garden in front of the Lijiang Tower. Through the windows, however, you can attack the point from almost all sides. Since there’s no friendly fire in Overwatch, you can use all the rockets and grenades in your arsenal to your heart’s content. In the case of Junkrat, for example, you let the grenades rain down on the point in a high arc over the wall. Of course, this way you won’t land direct hits and won’t cause the highest damage. In return, however, you are relatively safe here, because if the enemy wants to shoot you down, he will have to leave the point and chase after you.

Lijiang Tower: Point 3 – We’re going in circles

The checkpoint is circular with an obstacle in the middle and open on all sides. Playing a stationary hero here is downright suicide. Even the tanks should keep moving so as not to give an easy target for outside shooters. To get the advantage in close combat on your side, you can also secure the barrier in the middle with self-shooting devices. This way, enemies will take an extra portion of damage.

Lijiang Tower: Point 4 – Duel in the back room

At the back of the checkpoint is a small room that can be entered from both sides. This is where things bang hard in the early stages of the game, as both sides look to gain control of the flank. Later, the team that has captured the point usually retreats and leaves the field to the attackers. But even then, as an attacking hero, you should never be too safe here, because one or the other enemy can fall into your side here.

Lijiang Tower: Point 5 – Good flight

The bridges, over which the shortest way to the checkpoint leads, pose a great danger. Heroes like Lúcio like to simply push you down here. Never fight with other players on the bridge. Run across quickly and avoid the danger of involuntary flying off. And remember: the danger comes not only from the heroes who are on the bridge. Pharah or Junkrat will quickly slam you down even from a distance.

Lijiang Tower: Point 6 – Ambush

On the opposite side of the checkpoint is a building, behind which is a large medipack. This is where fiery heroes like to hide, then peek out of the door, shoot down an enemy from ambush and disappear again. Use the medipack to heal yourself up again and continue.

Overwatch: Lijiang Tower – Night Market

Overwatch Lijiang Tower- Map Guide

Lijiang Tower: Point 7 – Dangerous side path

In addition to the main path through the two front doors, you can also take the side paths to the checkpoint and thus escape the greater hustle and bustle. It’s not without danger, though, as the Abyss lurks on the outside for unwary heroes. Besides, the flank is so popular that actually every defender expects to be attacked from there. Nevertheless, the path can definitely lead to success. Especially if you attack in a coordinated manner from the front and via this outer path. The defending team must then direct their firepower and concentration to two different sides, while you fire from all guns towards the point.
You don’t even have to break through to the checkpoint via the flank, but can also fire through the open door or window. As a defender, there’s hardly anything better than placing a mine in the door and detonating it when the enemy tries to get in. The attacking hero will then sail right into his end.

Lijiang Tower: Point 8 – Courtyard of Hell

The forecourt of the conquest point is not infrequently the scene of heated skirmishes. Attackers try to get through to the checkpoint, while the defenders never cease firing from that very point. Often you can see guns standing in the corners here, which additionally give the attacking heroes a bellyache, as well as self-firing devices.

Lijiang Tower: Point 9 – Poor visibility

The only viable position for snipers offers a limited field of view of the forecourt. If you still want to snipe, you should sneak into the other team’s side so you can shoot advancing heroes in the back.

Lijiang Tower: Point 10 – In high arc

Heroes like Junkrat can simply fire over the outer wall into the front yard. Others have the option to climb the wall or fly up to fire a few shots and then hide behind it again. Good tactics

Lijiang Tower: Point 11 – I have you all in view

The platform on the upper floor is the only position where you can take up position next to the actual control point. From there, you have the perfect overview of the entire combat area. In return, however, you stand on a kind of silver tray for the enemy. Therefore, fire only a few shots down and quickly retreat again. The enemy heroes won’t keep their attention on the opening for long. At that moment, look out again and fire again.

Lijiang Tower: Point 12 – Comprehensive Balcony

The balcony on the outside of the building stretches almost across the entire map, but hardly plays a role in the battle. Heroes rarely stray outside and try to fire on point from there. However, the field of fire is unfavorable and the danger of being pushed into the abyss is omnipresent. Most often, therefore, the balcony is used to sneak past the enemy team and stab them in the back. This tactic becomes more effective the higher the team’s own lead. Then the attackers become frantic, quickly running past you and to their doom.

Lijiang Tower: Point 13 – Death Trap

Since the enemy team usually comes through the main corridor, you should secure it with all available options. Symmetra’s self-fire units are excellent for this, for example, even if you shouldn’t place them as close as in the picture, but rather spread them out. Then the opponents won’t have such an easy time taking them all out in one fell swoop.


In Overwatch, heroes fight in a variety of locations around the world. From the technological wonder Numbani to the production center Volskaya, each map has its own layout and very specific conditions that your team must fulfill in order to win.

The battles of the heroes of Overwatch will be fought on the various maps. At the same time, the locations differ not only because of their scenery, but also their modes.

If you want to play successfully in Overwatch, you need to know not only the heroes, but also their surroundings. After all, the different maps offer a variety of flanks to stab the enemy team in the back, in addition to the main path. However, not all of them are suitable for everyone. We’ll also show you the most popular places for snipers and where turrets like to hide. Knowing the position of the medipacks is also a big advantage in the battle. We will show you all this in our detailed map guides. For a better overview, we have divided the maps into the three game modes. We’ll start with point capture and then move on to cargo transport/escort and control.

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