Overwatch League Week 5 w Mineral: The Shock Complete the Golden Stage | ESPORTS IN 30 Overwatch eSports

2 Item Guide: Gleipnir

After all, we’ve already featured Dota 2 items like Blade Mail, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, Abyssal Blade, Manta Style, Spirit Vessel, and Hand of Midas. Now we continue with Gleipnir. It is a potential upgrade for Rod of Atos and Maelstrom, two very different items.

Heroes – Pharah

Like a force of nature, Pharah hurtles through the air in her battle suit, raining down explosive missiles from the sky with her rocket launcher.The standard PC key mapping shown below can be customized in-game.

Overwatch Kings Row map guide – all sneak paths, sniper positions and more

This is where it all happens at the beginning. The and turrets first entrench themselves at points 3 and 4. Via point 5 (second floor in the house) you reach the large courtyard via a sneak path, where you can target the defenders, who dominate especially the first and the last checkpoint on King’s Row.

Valorant Act 3 – All Battle Pass Rewards

Valorant Act 3 brings us a ton of new content, such as a new agent called Skye , a new map called Icebox , and a brand new Battle Pass with 50 rewards to unlock. There will be 10 chapters in total, each containing free and premium rewards. In order to unlock the premium rewards, you have to pay for the Battle Pass upgrade, which costs 1000 Valorant points.


This nerve-wracking in-game event gives you the opportunity to add spooky new extras to your collection and relive the chilling story of Junkenstein’s Revenge in our limited-time PvE Brawl – with a few new surprises. In the shocking challenges of Junkenstein’s Revenge, you can expect devilish variations on Dr. Junkenstein’s nasty plans.

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