Hero Rotation – changed hero pools and current bans

It was not very popular in the community: the Hero Rotation. Every week, up to four were removed from the Overwatch Hero Pool, which was supposed to provide variety, but mainly caused resentment. Now Blizzard has announced that the Heroa Rotation will only play a role in certain rank :

Overwatch Heroes – Torbjorn

Torbjörn’s versatile arsenal includes a bolt cannon, a hammer, and his very own forge that allows him to set up guns.The standard PC key mapping shown below can be customized in-game.

Overwatch: Hollywood Map Guide

In a mixture of cargo transport and points conquest, you’ll compete against each other in various sets of a classic film studio. In our guide, we show you all the important points of the Hollywood map and explain in detail what you can expect on the map.

The Overwatch Summer Games 2020 are here – here come the sunny skins!

It doesn’t matter if the sky is blue and the sun is shining or a low storm is raging over your heads, summer is starting today in Overwatch. The Summer Games 2020 event starts today and brings with it some fancy skins and items. Blizzard has not yet revealed what exactly is on the plan, but the data and two skins have been revealed.


The damage increase of the shuriken doesn’t sound particularly high, but enemy targets will have a threshold exceeded, allowing them to be eliminated with one less hit. To compensate for this higher penetrating power of his primary weapon, we reduce the damage of the ultimate ability Dragon Blade. This is also a limit on some targets when the damage is increased.

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