Overwatch Heroes – Torbjorn

Torbjörn’s versatile arsenal includes a bolt cannon, a hammer, and his very own forge that allows him to set up guns.

The standard PC key mapping shown below can be customized in-game.


Overwatch Heroes - TorbjornBOLT CANON

Slow single shot mode with long range.


Inaccurate fire mode, devastating at short range.

Overwatch Heroes - TorbjornBLACKSMITH HAMMER

Repair the turret or bash enemies.


Overwatch Heroes - TorbjornSET UP GUN

Deploys a gun.



Overwatch Heroes - TorbjornOVERLOAD

Gives armor. Increases attack, movement and reload speed.



Overwatch Heroes - TorbjornMOLTEN CORE

Creates hot puddles of cinders that enemies. Deals more damage against armor.




Torbjörn, age: 57

Occupation: Weapons developer

Base of Operations: Gothenburg, Sweden

Affiliation: (former)


At its peak, Overwatch had one of the most advanced arsenals of weapons on the planet, arguably due to the work of genius engineer Torbjörn Lindholm.

Torbjörn had already achieved some notoriety before the Omnic Crisis for his work on weapons systems used by countries around the world. However, Torbjörn believed that technology should primarily help humanity achieve a better future, which often caused him problems with his clients who wanted to connect his weapons to intelligent computer networks.

Torbjörn was very suspicious of a self-aware artificial intelligence, while most of his contemporaries saw this as mere paranoia. But his worst fears came true when the robots of this world turned against their human creators during the Omnic Crisis. As a result, he was recruited by Overwatch and became part of the first Strike Team. His extraordinary engineering skills would prove essential in ending the crisis. In the years that followed, Overwatch transformed into an international peacekeeping force, and Torbjörn remained an indispensable resource for engineering equipment and his signature weapons systems.

But after the fall of Overwatch, many of Torbjörn’s weapons were stolen or stored or hidden around the world. Torbjörn still feels responsible for his creations and is determined to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands or causing harm to innocent people.

are the main element in the game Overwatch, as the player can freely choose between them and their class and later play them.

In Overwatch you’ll find a variety of heroes: from the time-traveling adventurer to the armored, rocket-hammer-wielding warrior to the meditating robot monk. Each of the heroes plays differently, so mastering their abilities will only unlock their full potential. No two heroes are alike.

In Overwatch you can expect an international team of powerful heroes, each of whom has made a name for himself in his own way.


Overwatch is a team-based 6vs6 shooter that was released on May 24, 2016. Overwatch stays true to the true style of Blizzard’s previous titles. It was developed by Jeff Kaplan and is considered a “new concept” shooter in the FPS genre. The game was officially unveiled at BlizzCon along with 12 heroes on November 7, 2014.

The story of Overwatch is set on a highly fictionalized future version of Earth. In a time where humans and robots, which are called Omnics, live together (Chris Metzen hinted that the story deals with this very robot race). 30 years before the time when Overwatch takes place, the so-called “Omnic Crisis ” occurred. The robots, once helpers of humans, rebelled against their creators for reasons as yet unknown and triggered a worldwide chaos. Faced with the imminent destruction of human civilization, the best soldiers of all nations came together to form a program called “Overwatch”.

Their job was to protect the world from the Omnics, which they succeeded in doing. For the next 25 years, they were the protectors of the planet, united in an international coalition. Some agents stayed, some were replaced, but at some point something changed: the Overwatch disintegrated. However, 5 years later after this event, incidents with Omnics are again accumulating, a worldwide terrorist organization also seems interested in destabilizing the world order. A new crisis is looming. At this point, your career as an Overwatch agent begins.