Overwatch: Hanamura – Map Guide

In Hanamura, the “flower village,” the sparks fly between slot machines, cherry blossoms and rustic temple complexes. Two points want to be conquered or defended. It’s hardly surprising that there’s a lot of fighting at these two points.

So much for Zen and harmony – in Hanamura, Hanzo and Genji’s home village, all hell breaks loose when attackers and defenders fight over the two conquest points. In our map overview we show you the most important focal points, sneak paths for flank attacks, passages as well as defense and sniper positions. The overview is divided into two main sections, where we highlight the most important and routes; you can jump directly to the point you are interested in using the table of contents below.

The following guide is up to date with patch 1.0.4 and will be regularly updated and adapted to all changes in . You can find more guides to Overwatch in our beginner guides, hero guides, map guides or the big overview page to all Overwatch guides.

Overwatch: Hanamura
In the “flower village” Hanamura (Hana = flower, Mura = village), Genji’s and Hanzo’s hometown, the air is on fire: Between arcades and temple complexes, attackers and defenders fight for two cap zones. The majority of all matches take place at and behind the gate to the temple courtyard. If the attackers manage to conquer point A, the final rendezvous takes place inside the temple. The sticking point awaits the attacking team at the gate to the temple complex: attackers who don’t storm the courtyard in a coordinated manner will be picked apart by the defenders one after the other – the number of entrances is more than manageable, but the amount of defensive positions is all the greater.

Overwatch: Hanamura – First Conquest Point

Overwatch: Straight across the courtyard or rather left around the corner to stab the defenders in the back?

Hanamura: Point 1 – Storm the Gate

The attacking team must forcefully pass through the large gate that leads into the temple courtyard and thus toward the first point to be captured; heroes who climb or fly can slip through the “window” to the left of the gate, but they are also unprotected. From the start, two main paths lead to the gate, and in addition, the attackers can reach the bridge and the cottage opposite the entrance to the courtyard via two alleys on the left and right, respectively.

Hanamura: Point 2 – Sniper position for attackers

From the cottage opposite the temple courtyard, snipers of the attacking team have a good view over the battlefield lying between the gate and the cap zone. But be careful: according to its popularity, the position is well known to most players. In principle, however, the spot is super suitable for backing up your own team as it passes through the goal and eliminating careless defenders or at least forcing them further into the defensive.

Hanamura: Spot 3 – Through the back door

Once the attackers have made it through the gate, you have the option of going around to the left across the back of the facility to the first cap zone. Watch out for Junkat’s mines or Pharah’s impulse, so that you won’t be suddenly transported over the edge of the map! Stricken heroes will also find a large medipack inside the hut. Climbing and/or flying characters – whether attackers or defenders – also have the option to climb onto the roof and use it as a sniper spot. From there you can see the entire courtyard. However, especially as an aggressor, watch out for approaching defenders who come from the direction of the respawn point and often run directly towards you.

Hanamura: Point 4 – Defend the Gate

The defenders’ focus is clearly on the gate leading into the temple courtyard: If you can’t fly or climb and slip through the window to the right of the gate, you’ll have to go through the main entrance as the aggressor. As a defender, it is therefore effective to place turrets or bastions directly behind the gate or in the space next to it and target passing intruders from the blind spot. Symmetras should consider securing the gate as well as said space with self-propelled grenades.

Hanamura: Point 5 – Protect the flank

The small bridge above the passage leading towards the second cap zone is also suitable for snipers and guns. From here, players have an overview of the entire courtyard and can take refuge inside the adjacent building should they be spotted and taken under fire. Not only is there a medipack, but there is also a staircase leading to the first floor, to a door from which you, as a sniper, can even see the front gate or quickly get to the cap zone.

Hanamura: Point 6 – The Cap Zone

The room where the Cap Zone A to be conquered is located is in the temple building opposite the gate and has four entrances. The attacking team will usually try to invade from the front as well as via the left flank or the rear entrance (both accessible via left sneak path, see point 3). Via the right passage, the defending team will advance from the direction of the respawn point. Heroes like Mei would do well to block the entrances with ice walls to save precious seconds or to divert the attackers to other paths and thus possibly into ambushes.

Hanamura: Point 7 – The temple garden

The temple garden connects the courtyard and the main room of the temple complex, where the second and final cap zone is located. Most heroes will walk along here towards the main entrance. Conveniently, the pavilion in the middle of the square contains a large medipack, and the roof of the small building in turn may serve Sniper as a firing position.

Hanamura: Point 8 – Attacks via the main entrance

The main entrance is tempting, of course, but to be avoided without a solid tank. No matter if defending bastions or snipers – everybody pays attention to the big door and the window next to it! If you don’t want to rush straight over the small bridge directly into the cap zone, you’ll find a small medipack under the bridge and also have the possibility to attack from the flank via a small staircase on the side.

Hanamura: Point 9 – Flank attacks over the left side

In principle, any hero can attack via the left side. Flying characters like Pharah, Widowmaker with grappling hook (see middle picture) Genji via double jump and storm strike, Reaper via teleport or Junkrat thanks to mine trick jump have the advantage that they can overcome the abyss between the balconies, thus saving an incredible amount of time and thus performing fast and devastating flank attacks. Accordingly, on the
Overwatch: keep an eye on the (from the defender) right entrance.
Overwatch: Keep an eye on the (from the defender) right entrance.
Source: buffed
Hat should therefore be the defending team and be prepared for surprisingly appearing, fast opponents. They, in turn, have to be careful not to run blindly into mines, self-fire systems or sniper fire from the interior. And also be warned of enemy explosive devices that can carry a hero over the parapet.

Hanamura: Point 10 – Flank attacks via the right side

To the right, behind the passageway into the temple garden, a sneak path leads across the outside, to the inside of the temple complex. The special thing: On the way you will not only find a few medipacks to take care of your wounds, but you will also get directly to the balcony on the upper right side. From there, you have the chance to disable snipers on the opposite balcony, use your own snipers or turrets to get into the cap zone below you, or even go one step further.

Hanamura: Point 11 – Stabbing the defender in the back

Many defending teams monitor the final cap zone with guns, bastions, and of course snipers placed in the corners next to the shrine or in the hallway at the back of the hall. As an attacker, you can either cause them trouble from one of the balconies. Or you can use the stairs at the end of the right balcony (see point 10) to appear directly in the corner of said corridor and give inattentive players hell.

Hanamura: Point 12 – The Left Balcony

Also on the left side of the room (as seen from the entrance) is a balcony from which you can guard and fire at the cap zone; however, only heroes like Widowmaker or Pharah can get there. The advantage: Just like on the opposite side, you have a good overview of the action below you and there is hardly any danger of someone stabbing you in the back. Disadvantage: Up there you don’t have any cover possibilities, so use the gallery more for intermediate stops.

In Overwatch, heroes fight in a variety of locations around the world. From the technological wonder Numbani to the production center Volskaya, each map has its own layout and very specific conditions that your team must fulfill in order to win.

The battles of the heroes of Overwatch will be fought on the various maps. At the same time, the locations differ not only because of their scenery, but also their modes.

If you want to play successfully in Overwatch, you need to know not only the heroes, but also their surroundings. After all, the different maps offer a variety of flanks to stab the enemy team in the back, in addition to the main path. However, not all of them are suitable for everyone. We’ll also show you the most popular places for snipers and where turrets like to hide. Knowing the position of the medipacks is also a big advantage in the battle. We will show you all this in our detailed map guides. For a better overview, we have divided the maps into the three game modes. We’ll start with point capture and then move on to cargo transport/escort and control.

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