League MVP Sinatraa leaves Overwatch for

Another will have to squeeze out a pro to Valorant. This time it’s none other than the MVP of the Overwatch League: Sinatraa announces his retirement from Overwatch to compete in Valorant in the future.Jay “Sinatraa” Won is the reigning MVP of the Overwatch League and Overwatch World Champion 2019, but unfortunately, he is now no longer an Overwatch .

Overwatch Heroes – Brigitte

Brigitte specializes in armor. She can throw repair kits to heal teammates, and nearby allies automatically receive healing when she hits enemies with her flail. She can swing her flail to hit multiple targets, or throw a flail strike to stun a distant enemy.

Overwatch: Route 66 Map Guide – All important positions of the map

In our map guide to Route 66, we show you which sneak paths, sniper and turret positions there are on the Overwatch map and how you can stab your opponent in the back. We show you the most important points with map drawings.

Only today on Overwatch: The Thunder Doomfist

Overwatch is releasing a very special Doomfist skin in honor of Overwatch League – Season 2 Champion: San Francisco Shock.Right after the Archives 2020 event, is releasing the Overwatch skins. Who knows this tweet from the official Overwatch League account with the promise “Shock the World”?


Celebrate the release of Christie Golden’s new Overwatch.Short Story “Stone by Stone” with Symmetra’s Rebuilding Challenge! Secure limited-time rewards like the Marammat skin for Symmetra by winning matches and watching Overwatch on Twitch until November 30.

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