Overwatch – Enforcing the Meta

Thank you to Zylbrad for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkku8DH6F2k.

It’s a tough job keeping citizens in check

It’s a tough job keeping citizens in check

#Overwatch destroying the #Overwatch ?

#Overwatch Hero Pools, #Valorant, and COVID-19 are just some of the reasons why fans were dissatisfied and many players turned their backs on #Overwatch. Is #Overwatch itself the reason for the decline of the #Overwatch League?

#Overwatch Heroes – Lucio

On the battlefield, Lúcio fires projectiles at his opponents with his sonic booster and sweeps them away with a sonic pulse. His songs can heal his teammates or increase their movement speed, depending on what he’s putting on.

#Overwatch: Lijiang Tower- Map Guide

The map is set in the area around the Lijiang Tower. Two points are directly in front of it, the third is on one of the upper floors. In our #Overwatch Guide to Lijiang Tower, we explain the map to you and tell
you where it keeps popping and what you have to watch out for.

How good will #Overwatch 2 be?

Ever since Blizzcon, #Overwatch 2 has been one of the hottest topics among gamers. The new story mode, the replayable co-op mode and the upgrades to the game engine will be discussed. But can #Blizzard Entertainment use the current hype?


We are increasing the rate of fire of Genji’s shuriken so that he has more of an impact on gameplay even without his ultimate ability. To compensate for the increased damage potential, we are increasing the cost of Dragon Blade.

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#Overwatch is a multiplayer -person shooter from the US game developer #Blizzard Entertainment. The game is set in #Blizzard’s fourth universe after Warcraft, #StarCraft and Diablo. #Overwatch was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Since then, bug fixes (patches) and updates have been released at regular intervals. A version for Nintendo Switch has been available since October 15, 2019. In #Overwatch, two teams of six players each compete against each other. Both teams fight for control of a given location or escort a cargo on the playing field within a given period of time.

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