Overwatch Anniversary Event – Playin’ the modes Overwatch eSports

League: the new bans in the OW Hero Pool

Some OW players are probably thanking the gaming gods now, because some of the most disliked, because often chosen and strong champions have been removed from the Overwatch Hero Pool. Even though Blizzard is planning a change that casual gamers up to a certain rank will no longer be affected by the weekly Hero Bans, they still play a role in the upper tiers and the OW League.

Overwatch Heroes – Junkrat

Junkrat’s area-effective weaponry includes a grenade launcher that fires ricocheting grenades, remotely detonated mines that catapult enemies into the air, and steel traps to hold enemies in place.The standard PC key bindings shown below can be customized in-game.

Overwatch: Guard Point Gibraltar – Map

Looking for atmospheric baller orgies in the sunset? You’ll definitely get your money’s worth at Watchpoint Gibraltar. The goal of the attackers is to transport the cargo from A to B. The defenders – who would have thought? The defenders – who would have thought it – try to prevent exactly that.

The Overwatch All-Star Legendary Skins have been revealed

The Overwatch League – Season 2020 is in full swing! New skins for D.Va and Reinhart were revealed on September 13th. Each skin represents its region and they all look cool – plus the colors are really trendy. The skins will be available from September 29th to October 12th. What do you think, are the skins worthy of a champion?


A new patch is now live for Windows PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox. Learn more about the latest changes here.If you want to share your feedback, please post it in the General forum.A list of known bugs can be found in the Forum Bug Report.If you have technical problems, you can visit the forum from our technical support.

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