Thank you to ThatPunchKid LIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P92ZEyEqPdE.

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Edited by Karoline https://twitter.com/thatKaroline
Business contact: ThatPunchKid@gmail.com

• Streaming live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thatpunchkid

• MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/@ThatPunchKid
• Twitter – https://twitter.com/ThatPunchKid
Edited by Karoline https://twitter.com/thatKaroline
Business contact: ThatPunchKid@gmail.com

#Valorant pro Sinatraa fired over abuse allegations

#Valorant pro Sinatraa is currently accused of sexually abusing his ex-girlfriend Cleo ‘cle0h’ Hernandez. The evidence presented is overwhelming and has now led to him being kicked off his team, the Sentinels, until further notice. Here’s the full story.

#Overwatch – Genji

Genji hurls shuriken at his targets that are as precise as they are deadly, and uses his advanced katana to reflect enemy projectiles or perform a storm strike to cut a path through his opponents.The standard PC key bindings shown below can be customized in-game.

#Overwatch: Route 66 Map Guide – All important positions of the map

In our map guide to Route 66, we show you which sneak paths, and turret positions there are on the #Overwatch map and how you can stab your opponent in the back. We show you the most important points with map drawings.

The #Overwatch All-Star Legendary #Skins have been revealed

The # Season 2020 is in full swing! New skins for D.Va and Reinhart were revealed on September 13th. Each skin represents its region and they all look cool – plus the colors are really trendy. The skins will be available from September 29th to October 12th. What do you think, are the skins worthy of a champion?


Fixed a bug that caused D.Va’s mech to face the wrong direction when appearing in the starting area, and that caused D.Va to face the wrong direction when exiting the mech through emergency egress or the use of self-destruct.

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#Overwatch is a first-person shooter from the US game developer #Blizzard Entertainment. The game is set in #Blizzard’s fourth fantasy universe after Warcraft, #StarCraft and Diablo. #Overwatch was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Since then, bug fixes (patches) and updates have been released at regular intervals. A version for Nintendo Switch has been available since October 15, 2019. In #Overwatch, two teams of six each compete against each other. Both teams fight for control of a given location or escort a cargo on the playing field within a given period of time.

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