Overwatch 2 News: Beta, characters, reworks

Five more days until the 2 PvP beta begins. On April 26, numerous interested parties will have the opportunity to test Blizzardโ€™s revamped and expanded hero shooter. There wonโ€™t be an NDA either, so youโ€™ll also find an almost endless amount of content about the beta on YouTube, Twitch and the like. Since we have already seen the first content from the alpha, we are all curious to see what has happened since then.

Besides the new 5 vs. 5 team size, the new โ€œPushโ€ game mode, the four new maps โ€œCircuit Royalโ€, โ€œMidtownโ€, โ€œNew Queen Streetโ€ and โ€œColosseoโ€ as well as the new ping system, it is of course and above all about the characters.

Among other things, the new heroine Sojourn will be in the game for the first time, bringing her railgun with her to cause a lot of turmoil and, above all, damage on the battlefield. But what other cybernetic abilities does her kit offer, and which other heroes have actually been reworked?

Hero Reworks in Overwatch 2

In the Overwatch 2 PvP Beta, which starts next Tuesday, the Hero Reworks of Orisa, Doomfist, Bastion as well as Sombra will be tested. Below we want to introduce you to Sojournโ€™s abilities as well as the changed abilities and possibilities of the characters you already know in their old forms.

Sojourn: Great mobility and lots of firepower

Sojourn is the 33rd heroine in the game and offers a unique gameplay experience complete with incredible abilities that give her great mobility and mid-range firepower. In addition to the railgun including two fire modes as a deadly primary weapon, she gets to use the Disruption Shot, Powerslide, and Ultimate Overclock abilities to decide the match in favor of her team.

Rework: Doomfist

One of the biggest changes in Overwatch 2, in terms of heroes, comes to Doomfist. He will act as a full tank in the future! To adequately fill this role, his maximum health will be raised to 450. In addition, his automatic ammo recovery will be improved so that he gets a new projectile every 0.4 seconds. In return, his damage suffers somewhat, so that each pellet only deals five damage instead of six as before.

The only ability that is completely replaced is โ€œUppercutโ€. Instead, he resorts to a โ€œ Blockโ€. This allows him to protect himself against frontal attacks. If a lot of damage is blocked in this way, Doomfist uses it to strengthen his โ€œRocket Punchโ€ in Overwatch 2. This makes it fly faster and farther and causes more damage.

Since Doomfist was previously a damage dealer, it was predictable that as part of his re-functioning into a tank, his damage would suffer fundamentally. So now he has to use his new mechanics to continue to really dish it out offensively with Rocket Punch. The maximum recharge time will be reduced to one second and the impact damage will be lowered to 15-30. The additional damage for wall collision is also reduced to 20-40.

The โ€œSeismic Slamโ€ is fundamentally changed, which will let Doomfist take off in the future, similar to Winstonโ€™s jump. Upon landing, enemies in the target area will be damaged and slowed down. What would a tank be without enemy ? True to this question, the Ultimate โ€œMeteor Strikeโ€ will also be adapted and will slow down all hit enemies in the future. In return, the damage caused is reduced to 100-15, and the time until activation is reduced to 0.5 seconds.

Doomfist becomes a full tank in Overwatch 2! Source: Blizzard

Rework: Orisa

While weโ€™re on the subject of tanks, letโ€™s move on to Orisa. Three of her skills will be completely replaced, so you wonโ€™t find โ€œProtective Barrierโ€, โ€œHalt!โ€ or โ€œSuperchargerโ€ in the future. Instead, she will start with the following skills.

In the future, Orisa will shoot large projectiles that get smaller and smaller with each projectile fired. In addition, her weapon will rely on heat mechanics instead of ammunition, making reloading a thing of the past. The only ability that remains is โ€œFortifyโ€, which from now on, however, brings additional properties with it. In Overwatch 2, โ€œFortifyโ€ grants Orisa an additional 125 temporary health points, slows her down by 20 percent and reduces the heat produced when firing the weapon by 50 percent โ€“ a true โ€œtank modeโ€.

The new โ€œEnergy Javelinโ€ allows Orisa to throw her spear. If this hits an enemy, they are stunned and knocked back. The effectiveness of the ability increases if the target is also thrown at a wall. The spear may also be spun with the second new ability, Javelin Spin, to destroy projectiles, repel enemies, and increase their movement speed in line of sight.

Last but not least remains her new Ultimate โ€œTerra Surgeโ€, which Orisa can use to charge into enemies and anchor herself there. This gives her the effect of Fortify at the target location and also charges up a damage wave that can optionally be triggered early via primary fire.

Rework: Sombra

Sombraโ€™s alignment is to be fundamentally changed in the form that she will rely less on enemy control in the future and get even more damage potential if you use her properly. A minor exception to this rule is the change that the cooldown for hacking will be drastically lowered.

Hacks will now last eight seconds and have two properties. While the hack can still limit abilities of other heroes, this effect is minimized to one second. The second part of the hack against enemy heroes is completely new and leaves hacked targets marked for Sombraโ€™s team to see, even through walls. This marking lasts for the entire duration of the ability.

Her passive ability now deals a full 50 percent more damage to hacked targets. Sombraโ€™s ultimate ability no longer removes all shields from its target. Instead, it does 40 percent damage to the current health of all targets. Last but not least, Sombra can hack while in her stealth in Overwatch 2. While you will be slightly visible for the duration of the hack, the cloaking effect will no longer be completely broken.

Rework: Bastion

Bastionโ€™s new kit in Overwatch 2 has also been known for a while, but since it will also be available in the upcoming beta, we want to mention it again for the sake of completeness. The polarizing robot will be able to move in his tower form in the future and will also get completely new abilities, such as โ€œTactical Granadeโ€ or the new Ultimate โ€œArtillery Strikeโ€. In addition, it will be given a more modern model.

In the future, you will search in vain for the ability to self-repair. Instead, Bastion will get a brand-new ability in Overwatch 2 that works via secondary fire. In the future, he will be able to shoot an energy charge that bounces off walls and sticks to hit enemies and then explodes to inflict heavy damage on multiple targets.

Also reworked is its primary fire, which in the future will no longer have dispersion. To compensate for this advantage, the rate of fire will be drastically reduced. In addition to the โ€œTank Modeโ€, which Bastion could switch to as an Ultimate in Overwatch 1, he gets an โ€œArtillery Modeโ€ in Overwatch 2. This does not completely replace the old form, but gives the hero a different focus. When you switch to the new form, the camera zooms out and lets you mark three target locations for an artillery strike from a birdโ€™s eye view.

The old tank form remains, newly with cooldown, and even lets you move freely in it, but with reduced speed. The popular firepower of the form also remains.

The new ping system

All participants in the Overwatch 2 PvP beta will be able to test the new ping system for the first time, which will be introduced in the second part of the hero shooter. This is intended to expand communication and offer an alternative to voice chat. You can mark the following things by pressing a key:

  • Enemy
  • Watching here
  • Going in
  • Attacking
  • Fall back
  • Need help
  • Countdown
  • Defending

In addition, the pings are more accurate than exclamations such as โ€œBehind youโ€ or โ€œOver there,โ€ explained Principal Designer Adam Puhl in reference to the new ping system in Overwatch 2.

Systems Designer Gavin Winter also stated:

โ€œWe wanted to develop a system that extends voice communication and provides alternatives for team information sharing. We wanted it to graphically represent communication to voice chat understanding. We also wanted to make all voices heard and include an option for who donโ€™t want to use voice chat.โ€

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