Nintendo is Looking Into Cloud Technology – A Future Service Planned!? Overwatch eSports

Amazon Prime releases in May 2022 What’s coming this week

Amazon Prime Video has been striving to become the next Netflix for quite some time, but continues to fail in its attempt to make bigger waves. While there are some offerings worth watching, it fails due to the fact that Netflix is simply ubiquitous and gets more attention and, of course, the fact that Disney+ has stolen all the good franchises.

Heroes – Tracer

Equipped with her two pulse pistols, energy-based time bombs and a lightning-fast mouth, Tracer is able to jump through time and space and turn back her personal timeline in the name of justice.

Overwatch: Volskaya Industries – Map Guide

Volskaya, Volskaya, throw the glasses against the wall. Let’s set the map on fire. Wohohohooo!” Russia calls, we follow and brave the freezing cold for an exciting round of point conquering. Find out what you need to keep in mind in our map guide.

comes without controversial feature

With the competitive tactical shooter Valorant, developer Riot Games is based entirely on the League of Legends model. Accordingly, the action title manages without a controversial feature, which is common practice in many other Free2Play games.


A new patch is now live for Windows PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox. Learn more about the latest changes here.If you want to share your feedback, please post it in the General forum.A list of known bugs can be found in the Forum Bug Report.If you have technical problems, you can visit the forum from our technical support.

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