NEW MAP LOTUS! – Offline TV vs Mogul Moves – HIGHLIGHTS | Ludwig x Tarik Invitational | VALORANT

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Ludwig x #Tarik Invitational
Offline TV vs Mogul Moves – HIGHLIGHTS | Ludwig x #Tarik Invitational | VALORANT
VALORANT Champions Tour OFF//SEASON 2022

United States Offline TV
1 United States tarik
2 United States Masayoshi
3 United States Brodin
4 Canada yvonnie
5 United States QuarterJade

United States Mogul Moves
1 United States Ludwig
2 Canada #shroud
3 Canada Aiden
4 United States Envy
5 United States Yingling

Offline TV vs Mogul Moves, Offline TV x Mogul Moves, Offline TV Mogul Moves,
Mogul Moves vs Offline TV, Mogul Moves x Offline TV, Mogul Moves Offline TV,
CASE vs Mogul Moves, CASE x Mogul Moves, CASE Mogul Moves,
Mogul Moves vs CASE, Mogul Moves x CASE, Mogul Moves CASE,
LUDWIG vs Offline TV, LUDWIG x Offline TV, LUDWIG Offline TV,

#VALORANT ##Tarik #Ludwig #Ludwigx#Tarik ##TarikxLudwig #VALORANTOffSeason #VCT ##ValorantMundi #VALORANTHighlights #VALORANTTournament ##ValorantChampionsTour ##ValorantEsports ##ValorantCompetitive

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#Valorant Agent : Phoenix.

Our #Valorant Agent Guide will help you keep up with all beta players who have been playing the game since April. We will give you an overview of each agent’s and how you should use them. Today we present you the #Valorant poster boy: Phoenix.

#Valorant Player of the Month, December 2021: zeek.

Since zeek joined Acend, the team has simply moved to the next level. After his performance at #Valorant Champions, now is the best time to take a closer look at him. Spoiler: He is one of the best players and we will definitely hear from him for a while.

#Valorant Guide: How to play Duelists.

Duelist agents are the most represented among the players in #Valorant. This is because they have the highest chances of kills. Duelists’ utility is designed to attack opponents head-on. But if you don’t know how to best use a duelist’s abilities, you won’t realize the agent’s true potential.

Are valorant skins pay-to-win?.

You may have heard about #Valorant’s closed beta for the Prime collection, specifically the Vandal skin. The issue was also recently brought into the spotlight by the statement of players from the Sentinels team. The players believe that certain skins greatly affect the gameplay.

Patch Notes – #Valorant gets a PBE.

#Valorant is now over a year old and surprisingly there is still no beta server. Fortunately, that’s changing. Riot has released their PBE plans in an official blog post.

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#Valorant is a free-to-play first-person shooter developed by #RiotGames. It is the first game developed by #RiotGames in this genre. The game was first announced in October 2019 with the code-name Project A. It was released for Windows on June 2, 2020. It was originally scheduled for release in the summer of 2020. A closed beta launched back on April 7, 2020, and participation for the closed beta was done by sending game-keys for watching live streams of the game on the video platform Twitch (so-called “Twitch Drops”). The Twitch account had to be connected to the #RiotGames account for this. #Valorant left the beta phase on June 2, 2020.