NEW EXPANSION!! NEW CHAMPION IS NILAH?? Fates Voyage: Onward – Legends of Runeterra

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The New Legends of # expansion has just been announced: Fates Voyage: Onward. It looks like Nilah, , Qiyana and are all likely options to be part of the expansion as and new champions?
★ Timestamps
00:00 – Start
00:10 – Deluge
01:12 – Wizened Helmsman
01:54 – Vikrash the Exuberant
03:09 – Formless Blade
04:16 – Wildfire
06:19 – Thoughts
12:35 – Spells & Skills Update
14:22 – Champion Reveal Predictions
16:12 – Thoughts Continued
19:16 – Closing Words
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Edited by: Shadoka
#lor #Legendsof#Runeterra #Snnuy

#LeagueofLegends Champion – Assassin Malzahar.

A zealous seer dedicated to the unification of all life, Malzahar truly believes the newly emergent Void to be the path to #Runeterra’s salvation. In the desert wastes of Shurima, he followed the voices that whispered in his mind, all the way to ancient Icathia. Amidst the ruins of that land, he gazed into the dark heart of the Void itself, and was gifted new and purpose. Malzahar now sees himself as a shepherd, empowered to bring others into the fold… or to release the voidling creatures that dwell beneath.

#LeagueofLegends Teams – Virtus Pro.

Virtus.Pro has been involved since the early days of Dota 2. The team was founded in 2003, but only actively participated in the first Dota 2 tournament in 2012. One can remember here the veterans like KuroKy who joined shortly after the beginning. Of course, the team had also experienced its difficult times and there were many changes in direction and in the squad.

#LeagueofLegends #Skins-Potential Champion.

According to the tradition from the past 10 years and 10 Worlds champions, the fans as well as the players themselves are expecting new World skins for the characters. And we are lucky, because in an interview with the Damwon Champions some names have already been mentioned, for which the World Champions would like to have new skins.

#LeagueofLegends Guides- Viego, The Ruined King – Skills & Playstyle.

LoL Patch 11.2 is out and with it comes the newest #LeagueofLegends champion – also the first of 2021. Viego, the Ruined King will not only be available in #LeagueofLegends, but he’s also coming to many other platforms and even getting his own game in Ruined King – a #LeagueofLegends Story.

LoL #LeagueofLegends – Patch Notes 10.18 – All Buffs and Nerfs!.

#LeagueofLegends is heading towards the Worlds and #RiotGames is putting the final touches on the – everything has to be fancy for the big event. In order to make the champion pool as large as possible, #RiotGames has especially improved less played champs like Rumble, Twitch and Xin Zhao in patch 10.18. Many frequently picked champs, especially in the LEC/LCS, such as Sett and Ashe, have had to take a few cuts in return.

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