Neon Dawn: Everything about the new Season

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With Operation Neon Dawn, the new defender Aruni joins Rainbow Six: Siege.

Operation Neon Dawn is waiting in the wings: On December 1, 2020, the latest – Season of Rainbow Six: Siege will begin, which will bring the Thai defender Aruni into the game. In the following overview, we provide you with the most important information about the release, the current patch notes and everything you can expect with Y5S4.

Operation Neon Dawn: All info about the Y5S4 patch

Release: When does Operation Neon Dawn start?

Operation Neon Dawn from Rainbow Six: Siege launches on December 1, 2020. You can download the game on your PC from 2 pm German time begin.

Download: How big is Operation Neon Dawn?

The size of the Y5S4 patch for Rainbow Six: Siege via Steam amounts to. 60 GB. In return, the update should reduce the overall size of the game so that R6 takes up less space on your hard drive.

Content: What’s in the new – Season ?

In the meantime, Ubisoft has long since announced what specifically changes to Rainbow Six: Siege with Y5S4. We have summarized the most important innovations that Operation Neon Dawn brings with it for you as follows:

New operator Aruni

Aruni is the new defender of Rainbow Six: Siege and has the primary weapons P10 Roni, Mk 14 EBR, the secondary PRB92, as well as the equipment proximity alarm and barbed wire. She can also place a laser field on the map thanks to her special ability. You can learn more about the defender Aruni in our detailed preview.

Skyscraper map rework

The rework of Skyscraper level should have been attacked for quite some time – now it’s finally done: – Season Y5S4 is supposed to improve the gameplay balance and navigation of the map. For this, several accesses were blocked and a part of the balcony was removed to counteract camping. Likewise, there is a new interior at the same time as well as a bridge between the VIP and tea room on the second floor.

Gameplay changes

Additionally, there are a few important gameplay changes that affect the Hunter, Hibana, and Echo operators, among others. Also, the detection time of defenders outside has been reduced from two seconds to one. This is mainly to benefit attackers who are eliminated at the beginning of a round while they are still outside. Additionally, defenders will have to take a greater risk should they decide to go outside

More details on this can be found in the on the second page of this article.

More on the topic:

– Video analysis: What is the new direction of R6: Victories from 2020?

– How did R6: Siege become so successful? GameStarTV at GameStar Plus

Defender Aruni: What can the new operator do?

The most important info about the new defender of Rainbow Six: Siege named Aruni can be found below:

  • Gadget: Aruni can attach laser grids to doors, walls, and hatches. This destroys enemy gadgets, deals 40 damage to entering attackers, and then disappears. The slogan “Can you take the heat?” and the logo from the official tweet indicate that the laser gadget will indeed appear in – Season 4.
  • Melee Attack: Aruni uses her prosthetic arm to punch large openings in destructible walls, comparable to a bullet hole from a shotgun. Barricades crumble after just one hit.
  • Equipment: Aruni carries as primary weapons either the P10 Roni from Mozzie or the MK 14 EBR from Dokkaebi. Her secondary weapon is the PRB92 (Beretta), plus barbed wire or the proximity alarm.

Rainbow Six: New operator and all changes from Y5S4 presented

Rainbow Six: New operator and all the changes of Y5S4 presented

How to continue with Siege in 2021By the way, Ubisoft already reveals in the roadmap for Year 6!

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