Most Toxic Gaming Communities: Unveiling the Dark Side of Esports

A Tale of Toxicity in – Ranked 1 (good) to 10 (worst)

Gaming has evolved into a massive industry, attracting millions of players worldwide. , in particular, has gained immense popularity, allowing players to engage in competitive gaming at both amateur and professional levels. However, behind the thrilling gameplay and intense matches, some gaming communities harbor a toxic underbelly that can tarnish the gaming experience for all. In this article, we delve into the realm of toxicity and shed light on the top 10 most communities that plague the esports world.

: A Breath of Fresh Air

Overwatch, despite being on our list, stands as an exception to the rule. This team-based first-person shooter game managed to cultivate a relatively toxic-free environment due to a strict code of conduct and comprehensive word filters. Players can enjoy a tranquil and casual gaming experience, although some argue that the enforcement methods may be a tad overbearing.

: Where Cards Unleash Snarky Emotes

Who would have thought a card game could breed toxic behavior? Hearthstone, another game by Activision-Blizzard, limits communication to six voluntary emotes, one of which is known for its short, snarky remarks. The nature of the game often results in emote spam, with players expressing their annoyance at every opportunity. While the limited options prevent major disruptions, the toxic players within the Hearthstone community would undoubtedly do more harm if given the chance.

: Fast-Paced Competition, Team-Based Griefing

, a game that blends soccer and cars, shares a similar emote system with Hearthstone. However, the crucial distinction lies in its team-based nature. The presence of chat-spamming teammates elevates Rocket League to the ranks of the most toxic gaming communities. With short matches and quick judgments, coupled with a younger player base, even high-level play can be tainted by emotionally unstable teammates.

: Size Matters in Toxicity

Call of Duty, with its massive player base and mature subject matter, has a reputation for toxic gaming communities. As the game’s popularity soared, the average person experienced online lobbies for the first time, fostering a culture of trash-talking. Content creators and communities centered around controversial behavior further contributed to Call of Duty’s notoriety as one of the most toxic games in history.

: Popularity Breeds Poison

Fortnite, a free-to-play battle royale game, has quickly emerged as one of the most toxic gaming communities. Its close connection to streaming platforms, where anger often attracts attention, combined with a young player base, has led to a tarnished reputation. The high-variance nature of the game and its cultural significance draw both angry children in chat and frustrated streamers, positioning Fortnite just outside the top five of toxic gaming communities.

Fighting Game Community: A Double-Edged Sword

The fighting game community (FGC), known for its dedication and passion, unfortunately, harbors a toxic side. Players in games like Tekken 7 and Street Fighter V often stomp on and demean newcomers, prioritizing personal gain over sharing knowledge. Misinformation runs rampant within the FGC, with individuals providing opinions on games they’ve never even played. While the FGC can showcase the best in gaming communities, it also bears the weight of negativity and misinformation.

: Origin of Console-Based Toxicity

Halo, the iconic multiplayer shooter on Xbox, has become one of the most toxic games in history. Many harassment complaints directed at Xbox Live are the result of personal grudges formed within Halo matches. Content creators and professional Halo esports players often contribute to the toxicity, with some celebrities a living by recording themselves disrupting multiplayer matches. The community that invented “teabagging” exemplifies the toxicity prevalent in Halo’s gaming community.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Where Toxicity Runs Rampant

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (), a first-person shooter, possesses all the ingredients for a toxic gaming community: free-to-play, voice chat, high skill ceiling, and griefing potential. Valve, the game’s developer, has taken steps to combat toxicity, but the rampant presence of toxic players remains a significant issue. Smurfing and cheating are prevalent, leading to chat bans and account suspensions. Despite Valve’s efforts, CS:GO secures a place among the top three most toxic gaming communities.

: A Breeding Ground for Toxicity

Dota 2, a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, shares many toxicity-related problems with other esports titles. The abuse of voice chat and griefing are common occurrences. However, what sets Dota 2 apart is the ability of toxic players to stay ahead of the developers. Exploits, such as avoiding AFK detection or wasting resources, contribute to a toxic environment. With burner accounts and rampant smurfing, Dota 2 solidifies its position as one of the most toxic gaming communities.

: The Reign of Toxicity

Taking the crown as the most toxic gaming community is League of Legends (LoL). The toxicity within LoL is not a mere conjecture; it has been studied extensively. IBM’s artificial intelligence software determined that the League of Legends subreddit is one of the most toxic gaming communities on the site. The combination of a punishing gameplay experience, where mistakes are heavily penalized, and the absence of voice communications amplifies the toxicity. Toxic League players exhibit their creativity through obnoxious behavior, making League of Legends the pinnacle of toxicity in gaming.


As esports continues to grow, it’s essential to address the toxicity prevalent in some gaming communities. This article highlighted the top 10 most toxic gaming communities, shedding light on the dark side of competitive gaming. While toxicity can dampen the overall experience, it’s crucial to remember that many vibrant and supportive communities exist within the esports world. Let’s strive to promote a positive and inclusive gaming environment for all.


Are all gaming communities toxic?

Not all gaming communities are toxic. While some communities struggle with toxicity, there are numerous positive and supportive gaming communities that foster a welcoming environment for players.

How can we combat toxicity in gaming communities?

Combating toxicity requires a collective effort from developers, players, and community managers. Implementing strict code of conduct, enhancing reporting and moderation systems, and promoting positive behavior within the community can all contribute to reducing toxicity in gaming communities.

Can toxic gaming communities be rehabilitated?

With concerted efforts, toxic gaming communities can be rehabilitated. Developers can take proactive measures to address toxicity, and players can promote positive behavior and encourage others to do the same. It’s essential to create an environment where toxicity is not tolerated and inclusivity is encouraged.

Can toxicity impact a player’s performance in a game?

Yes, toxicity can significantly impact a player’s performance. Toxic behavior can lead to distractions, demotivation, and reduced focus, ultimately affecting a player’s ability to perform at their best.

How can I find non-toxic gaming communities?

Finding non-toxic gaming communities can be achieved by engaging in research and seeking recommendations from fellow gamers. Online forums, social media groups, and community-driven platforms often provide into positive gaming communities. Remember to prioritize respect, inclusivity, and fair play when choosing your gaming communities.