Monkey King – Quick Gameplay – Dota 2 patch 7.00 – Dota eSports

Cosmetics -Blessed Luckvessel

“No key or seal is required for this treasure, as it is already open. These items will not be tradable or marketable until March 1, 2015.”— Description Blessed Luckvessel is a treasure from 2.

Heroes Dota 2 – Keeper of the Light

Ezalor, the Keeper of the Light, is an intelligence hero from DotA and Dota 2. He is a ranged combat unit of the Radiant. Due to its numerous abilities, the Keeper of the Light is suitable for both supporting allies and effectively fighting enemies. In the game, he can take on the role of a Nuker, Support, and Lane Support.

Dota 2 Player – HappyDyurara – Sergey Horonzhiy

HappyDyurara’s previous team was Azimut. He spent 398 days as a part of the team.Sergey “HappyDyurara” Horonzhiy has total earnings equal $ 13,436 and as for 2021 had income equal .

Items Dota 2-Sange

Sange are a utility item from DotA and Dota 2.

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