Minecraft’s Vulnerability: Guarding Against Malware

Whether on PC or smartphone, most spreads among gamers through , Kaspersky researchers found.

Minecraft, which is distributed by Microsoft and is very popular, is the most frequently abused of all games for spreading malware. And this is true both on the PC and on smartphones. Cheats and pirated copies are particularly popular points of attack.

Kaspersky identifies Minecraft as the biggest gateway for malware

According to an analysis by Kaspersky over a period from July 2021 to July 2022, Minecraft is the most frequently abused to distribute malware, with a total of 131,005 users affected. It is followed by titles such as , Roblox, Far Cry, Call of Duty, Need for Speed, Grand Theft Auto, , The Sims and .

Compared to PC games, mobile games fared slightly better in terms of absolute numbers. Nevertheless, Minecraft is at the top with 26,270 affected gamers, followed by GTA, PUBG, Roblox and FIFA.

Compared to the previous year, however, in which the Corona pandemic banished a particularly large number of gamers to their own four walls due to political decisions, the numbers have decreased significantly. For example, the spread volume decreased by 30% and the number of affected Minecraft players by 36%.

Downloaders pose a particular threat to gamers

Most malicious files identified by Kaspersky are downloaders. They often pass through security scans unhindered because they are harmless themselves and only download the actual malicious code once the user executes them.

However, adware and Trojans that steal user data or allow an attacker to gain remote access also like to abuse popular titles like Minecraft to spread among gamers. Malicious programs that grab their victims’ information or install crypto-miners on their system are particularly respected among hackers.

Cheats and pirated copies are popular points of attack

The market is an interesting place for hackers in general. Thus, gamers are always looking for ways and means to gamble cost-intensive and new games for free. Not everyone can afford a full-price title, which often costs €70 or more. Therefore, the victims often search for pirated alternatives that deliver the malware at the same time.

On the other hand, some gamers also want to sabotage their game progress by using cheats or special game items to gain an advantage. This aspect is especially interesting for titles like Minecraft. Fake in-game stores invite you to buy items for real money, which then never reach the player.

Cheats, cracks, installation packages or key generators are thus popular points of attack for cybercriminals. The sheer mass of millions of gamers in this market adds fuel to the fire and provides a large attack surface. However, alarm bells should ring at the latest when a Minecraft installation routine instructs the player to temporarily disable his antivirus program for the installation.

However, for everyone else who always has the security aspect on their radar and is not fooled, currently is the best time to be a gamer.

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