Mercy vs Brig | Brigitte | Overwatch – Season 20 Overwatch eSports

The League A Sinking Ship

It’s no surprise that some games are just doing better than Overwatch right now. With major sporting events across all spectrums cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, it seems that the Overwatch League in particular has been hit the hardest of all the major .

Overwatch Heroes – Widowmaker

Widowmaker’s equipment is completely focused on eliminating her targets. Among them are mines that emit poison gas, a visor that provides her team with infrared vision, and a powerful sniper rifle that has a fully automatic firing mode.

Overwatch: Nepal – Map Guide

The three points to in Nepal could hardly be more different and all need their own strategy. In our to Nepal, we explain the map to you and tell you where things keep popping up and what you have to watch out for.

BlizzCon 2021 – Twitch ruins Metallica live concert

BlizzCon 2021, also known as BlizzCononline, took place this weekend. In addition to a lot of great information about our favorite games like Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4, there was also a very strange appearance by Metallica, which Twitch promptly ruined.


There will be several special unlockable content in Overwatch taken from Baptiste’s short story “Traces of the Past” that showcases his progression. By winning ranked matches, Quick Search, or Arcade, you can earn themed sprays, a player icon, and a new epic skin: FIELD MEDIC FOR BAPTISTE!

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