In the latest beta build of WoW: Dragonflight, Blizzard developers have massively lowered the experience points required to get to level 60. This allows twinks and newcomers to reach the content of the upcoming expansion much faster.
With the start of a new expansion, the content of the previous areas is usually pretty devalued and is only interesting for leveling. On the way to the maximum level, only twinks and newcomers then fight their way through the old areas, while most players romp around in the current endgame. This will also be the case with WoW: Dragonflight.
Here, the developers are once again relying on the system introduced with Shadowlands that, thanks to XP adjustments and chromie time, playing through a single expansion (plus the previous starting area) is enough to start directly into the current expansion afterwards. To achieve this, the experience points were already adjusted during the alpha. Now the required amount has been significantly reduced.
Main story should be enough
At the time, the XP needed was adjusted so that after the starting area, you could play through the quests in Shadowlands and then start on the Dragon Isles. However, the developers used the XP currently needed in Shadowlands as a basis.
This would have meant that players would not only have to play through the main campaign with their Twinks, but also various side quests – as is also currently necessary in Shadowlands to reach max level. Or to get bonus experience through the respective events or the rest bonus. Neither of these should be necessary for twinks and newcomers. Therefore, the developers have now massively reduced the required experience points in the beta.
This should make it possible to play through only the main story of the respective expansion and then go directly to the Dragon Islands. In some cases, you will probably even reach level 60 before the end of the story.
After the recent adjustment, the amount of experience points needed is almost back to what the alpha started with back then.
Source: wowhead
Compared to the last beta build, the experience points needed have been more than halved and are back to roughly the same level as the first alpha build. The XP you need to complete the starting area, on the other hand, remains unchanged. Whether the developers are satisfied now or make further adjustments will be seen in the coming weeks.
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