Marco Verratti Rulebreaker SBC in FUT!

With Marco Verratti the next Rulebreaker SBC is available in 22 Ultimate Team. But what difference does the upgrade make for the Azzurro? We show you the cheapest solution for the SBC!

Having a European champion in your team is always a good decision. Marco Verratti, in particular, performed well at the European Championship and once again proved his strengths on the pitch. But how does it look in FIFA 22? Not so good. His pace is simply underground (67), but his dribbling (91) and passing (87) at least help you build up. To be honest – there are silver cards with better stats.

Something completely different: Fancy a pair of VR glasses? Then we have something for you.

With the release of the Rulebreaker Team 1, we were left speechless for a while. EA simply put in a few meta players and shook up the FIFA transfer market again. That’s why the expectations for the Rulebreaker SBCs were very high. And with Marco Verratti they were fulfilled… at least partly.

Rulebreaker SBC in FIFA 22 – Marco Verratti
Before getting to the upgrades, we need to talk about a downgrade. The passing game of Verrati goes down by 6 points to a 81, but the physique of the Italian rushes up by 21 points (88). The pace (72) is also improved, defense and dribbling also get a small boost. The card is viewed very differently by the community. Of course, the majority howls around because the pace was not screwed to 99. But please just hold it. Only once. The meta flap.

Anyone who wants to run around brainlessly in the final attacking third with Verratti, a defensively minded playmaker, hasn’t understood soccer. His boosts defensively make the European champion a reliable clearer, and you can live with a 72 pace in the end. With the rulebreaker Verratti, you get a new midfield engine on board. But is he one of the best ZDM’s in FIFA 22?

Rulebreaker Marco Verratti SBC – All Challenges
Whether you get Verratti in the end is up to you. If you want to complete the SBC, you should have around 120,000 coins left. In total you have to send in four teams for the SBC. Let’s go!

  • Rulebreakers: min. 1 Halloween player, min. 82 OVR, min. 80 chemistry

  • Tactics copy: min. 1 player from PSG, min. 83 OVR, min. 75 chemistry.
  • Ligue 1: min. 1 Ligue 1 player, min. 84 OVR, min. 70 chemistry
  • International: min. 1 player from Italy, min. 1 TOTW player, min. 85 OVR, min. 65 chemistry

If you want to grab a Moments special card in Ultimate Team, you should take a look at the Kevin Prince Boateng SBC!

(short SBC)

The FIFA Squad Building Challenges (SBC for short) are about putting together a team according to certain specifications. They are an important part of FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT) and bring coins, valuable packs or special cards when fulfilled.

For the most part, you’ll have to line up eleven players that you have in your club and then send this squad off. These players will then disappear from your club. In return, you’ll receive a reward, such as a pack or a special card. As with FIFA 19, FIFA 20 and FIFA 21 we will report about the latest SBCs for FIFA 22 here and help you to judge if it is worth to complete a challenge.


In Squad Building Challenges (SBCs), you can use your player items to build unique teams based on various challenge conditions. You can then submit these to receive bonuses.

Here’s how:

  • From the FIFA 22 main menu, select the FIFA Ultimate Team section.
  • In the home page section, select Squad Building Challenges and call them up.
  • Select the challenge you want to complete. They are grouped by category.

Create a team.

  • Using items from your club or from the transfer market, build a team that meets the challenge conditions. Usually this is a mix of player quality, team chemistry, team value, nationalities, leagues and clubs.

Master the Challenge to submit your team and receive bonuses.

  • All SBC submissions cannot be undone. Once you complete an SBC, the submitted items will be permanently removed from your club in exchange for bonuses. Our consultants cannot restore submitted items.
  • For some SBCs, you will only have a limited amount of time to complete them. Once a challenge has expired, you will no longer be able to submit a team.

More details about SBCs

  1. Some SBCs consist of multiple challenges with individual bonuses and a larger overall completion bonus. Other challenges are single challenges.
  2. Some SBCs are repeatable. You have a chance to get different bonuses for each team submission, but you might also get the same bonus.
  3. SBCs are available in all FIFA 22 versions, but they can vary depending on the platform. Bonuses can also vary from platform to platform.