Maelstrom! Stasis! NUKES! Soma! Micro Arena! Phantoms old and new! FFA! FME! – StarCraft – Brood War

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video

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##StarCraft ##StarCraftRemastered #broodwar

00:00 Falcon Wakes Up
6:52 Falcon Says Hello!
10:18 SDanny 3v3 FME
48:42 3v3 FME Nibbler
1:08:45 Connor vs Slickyfats TvP on Neo Dark Origin
1:20:45 Connor vs Slickyfats TvP on Retro
1:31:31 Barracks vs Soma TvZ
1:42:45 3v3 BGH Beyonce
2:14:34 BTS vs nOOB on Vermeer
2:47:55 2v2v2v2 on BGH
3:24:17 3v3 FME Wk’cross and Bigwan 3v3 FME
3:37:54 ToyCop vs Barcode PvZ
4:01:39 Old Phantom Realultra Yimmy Xtv DarkKnight Psychonuts JohnDoe SaviorSword Gallons
4:36:05 New Phantom ToyCop realultra Bigwan Boltzmann StayPuft verszivo hamster Striker
4:56:46 New Phantom #2 iam8up RJB StayPuft Gallons Realultra Xtv Bigwan SaviorSword
5:14:34 4v4 FME CanIplayplz vs Team RJB
5:48:18 4v4 FME REMATCH
6:15:10 UMS Micro Tournament!
6:44:11 Falcon Unrest FFA fOcUsPanic JohnDoe Hello_Friends RJB SaviorSword AvcaTiNuS Striker Gallons

#Starcraft Heroes – Zeratul.

Little is known about Zeratul’s origins, but he spent many years of his life away from his homeworld of Shakuras on various missions. Zeratul first appears when he meets Tassadar alongside Jim Raynor on Char. Since the High Templar have a fundamental aversion to the Dark Templar, this meeting did not necessarily go smoothly, but after some time the three came to an agreement and hid from the #Zerg.

Planets #Starcraft – Korhal.

Korhal IV is the headquarters of the #Terran , and its irradiated surface is a common testament to humanity’s warlike past in the Koprulu Sector. The planet is the fourth in the Korhal system and is often simply called “Korhal”. It was green and had a mild climate when it was colonized by the #Tarsonian settlers in the early years of #Terran expansion.

#Starcraft Units – Probe.

The Probe is the #Protoss worker. It harvests Resources, has a low-powered ranged attack (with a range of one), and can build any #Protoss building. All buildings other than a Pylon, Nexus, and Assimilator must be built within power range from a nearby Pylon. Unlike the #Terran SCV, the Probe does not have to keep working on a building being warped in, and instead can go do other tasks such as build more buildings or harvest resources.

#Starcraft Missions – Echoes of the .

Description: I returned to our homeworld of Aiur. The #Zerg Infestation still plagues most of our planet. The withered remains of the Overmind were still there, a memorial to battles lost and won.

#Starcraft Buildings – Ghost Academy.

The Ghost Academy unlocks the Ghost unit, which can be built from the Barracks. The Ghost Academy can research upgrades for Ghosts and can arm itself with a Nuke that can be deployed under a Ghost’s command, however each Ghost Academy may only hold one Nuke at a time.


#StarCraft is a real-time game developed by #Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only official expansion, #StarCraft: #BroodWar, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, #StarCraft was the -selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, #StarCraft was released for free, including the #BroodWar expansion and some customization’s.

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