Lunar Banquet | Lunar Revel 2022 – Event Trailer – League of Legends: WildRift

Cook up something special for the Lunar New Year! Get the party started to earn rewards in the Lunar Banquet event.

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Dive into WildRift: the -and-strats 5v5 experience of , now built from the ground up for mobile and console. With fresh controls and fast-paced games, players of every level can team up with friends, lock in their champion, and go for the big plays.

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of Legends Champion – Assassin Irelia.

The Noxian occupation of Ionia produced many heroes, none more unlikely than young Irelia of Navori. Trained in the ancient dances of her province, she adapted her art for war, using the graceful and carefully practised movements to levitate a host of deadly blades. After proving herself as a fighter, she was thrust into the role of resistance leader and figurehead, and to this day remains dedicated to the preservation of her homeland.

League of Legends Teams – Fnatic.

Fnatic and Dota 2 have always had a difficult relationship with each other. If you were to ask a non-Dota connoisseur how Fnatic is doing, the answer would be unequivocal: “Somewhere upstairs”. The reality therefore seems much more unreal, Fnatic has not yet had a podium success in Dota. Only a second place at the DreamLeague – Season 9 and the DOTA Summit 8 are worth mentioning at all.

League of Legends Skins-All Ultimate.

Games has brought us thousands and thousands of Champion Skins. Some of them are extremely expensive, others are totally rare and many are no longer available. For those who want to feel really prominent, has also brought Prestige Skins that you can only buy with Prestige Points.

League of Legends Guides- Maps.

Summoner’s Rift. The name is almost synonymous with League of Legends. It is the most famous battle arena of any MOBA ever. It’s a map that players have called home for the past 10 years, but with such a prominent map, is there even room for other maps in League of Legends?

LoL League of Legends – Clash dates 2021.

Last weekend, the League of Legends in-house Clash Tournament took place again and the winners of each group were able to unlock cool skins, stickers and summoner icons. However, since even the losers don’t leave the tournament empty-handed, Clash is also a very good opportunity for less active players to get essences and emotes.

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