LoR Masters Europe – Chronicles of Bandlewood – Day 3

Thank you to Legends of Runeterra for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HteUQYWgY8I

You can find the details of the competition here:

Legends of Runeterra Sign Up & Download

of Legends Champion – Assassin Fizz.

Fizz is an amphibious yordle, who dwells among the reefs surrounding Bilgewater. He often retrieves and returns the tithes cast into the sea by superstitious captains, but even the saltiest of sailors know better than to cross him—for many are the tales of those who have underestimated this slippery character. Often mistaken for some manner of capricious ocean spirit, he seems able to command the beasts of the deep, and delights in confounding his allies and enemies alike.

Teams – Team Secret.

Throw #NaVi, Fnatic and Alliance in one hat and you have Team Secret. Founded shortly after the TI4, may still be known to some of you as “The Shuffle”. Because some of the parent teams wanted to do their own thing and that became the think tank among the Dota 2 teams. Unfortunately, there were no successes and the former top players were scattered all over the world. Except for former veteran “Puppey” (who decided to stay), all of the “Founding Fathers” are now elsewhere or in gamer retirement.

League of Legends – Skins-Damwon Worlds.

LoL Patch 11.8 is out today. But not only that! There was some news in the beta servers as well. New skins, chromas and even more are being tested there so that they look perfect when everyone can play them.

League of Legends Guides- Eclipse.

You look in the item store and almost get an epileptic seizure? All the bonuses, Legendary, Mythics, you can’t keep track anymore? Do you just want to go back to “the old days” when Lee Sin could still buy Sightstone?

LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.22: Seraphine enters the stage!.

It’s patch time! Patch 10.22 is out and everyone is either cheering or booing Seraphine. She has gone live with the new update and is now floating across the divide on her chunky looking platform.Along with Seraphine and her ultimate K/DA skin, League of Legends fans can get all the other members of K/DA and their new looks for their comeback.

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