LoL Tips for your first hours of play – eSportsNews eSports LoL

The biggest international of Legends event is heading to the 2021 League Worlds Grand Final after eight exciting months of league play. Be there to watch the spectacle live on November 6 at Twitch or Youtube!

To make it to the top, demands a lot of time from the player. Our 10 on the basics will boost you there.

Focus on yourself

League of Legends is a team game where you win together and lose together. In the end, you can’t every match and you rarely get the perfect team members. The goal should always be to improve individually. Even if it is sometimes difficult, you should therefore focus on your own mistakes as much as possible in order to learn from them.

Distractions can come in many forms in League of Legends, so you have to find a way to block them out. Chat, for instance, rarely contributes to a better experience on the Rift, especially not all-chat. Most of the time, this also affects team chat, making the mute button your friend, especially at the beginning. Disable active items on a secondary monitor. It can also quickly become too much of a stimulus in the game, which is why it can definitely help to reduce graphics settings in order to find your way around better, especially in team fights.

In a complex game like League of Legends, it’s almost impossible to master all the details right away. That’s why it’s helpful to set small goals for individual games. In one game, for example, you can focus on getting as many minions as possible, in the next you can focus on rarely dying, and in the third you can focus on neutral targets like structures and dragons. Focusing on areas where you’re unsure can help you make tremendous progress – after all, practice makes perfect.

You want to generate the greatest amount of gold and experience in the shortest amount of time, so it means giving up as few minion waves as possible. What to do besides not dying? You should know ahead of time what items you want to buy so you don’t waste time in the base. You have to develop a sense of wave management in order to choose the right moment to return to the base in order to lose as few minions to your tower as possible.

The right items are game-changing not only in tight games. Guides to understand the benefits of the different item builds of your own champions are especially crucial here. A certain basic knowledge of the other characters is nevertheless of great advantage, as this can influence the optimal item choice. For example, if the majority of the enemy characters are based on attack damage, the armor variant on the shoes in particular is enormously cost-efficient.

and use vision

In order to generate as much information as possible, it is important to place Wards and at the same time reduce the number of Wards of the opponents. Finally, the information you get is only useful if you work with it. Where are my team members? How many enemies do I see at the moment? Where did I see them last? All these are simple questions that can help you better assess situations in order to make the right decisions.

Specialize in one role

To develop efficiently in League of Legends, you should decide on a role and specialize in it, especially at the beginning. Which role is unimportant and should simply correspond to your personal preference. You can then look for guides or idols for this role in order to learn more specific tips and tricks to develop individually.

A small champion pool

When it comes to the Champion Pool, the initial rule is: less is more. To really perfect champions and their mechanics, countless games are necessary. In order to try out various item builds and different match-ups and to understand them in detail, you should therefore play as few champions as possible, especially at the beginning. These should fit the aforementioned role and be fun to play. Ignore counterpicks or momentary pro-picks in the beginning, as you’ll always do better on comfort picks that you’ve really mastered.

Use the exercise tool

While nothing can replace direct experience against other players, it is important to master the basic mechanics on your main champions, for which the Practice Tool is ideal. With the help of this tool, you can develop routines for characters and learn to better estimate the damage potential of given items, which should further increase your confidence and trust in your own abilities.

The right choice of runes

To get the most out of your character and not start a game with a disadvantage, the right choice of runes is crucial. Character-specific guides can be helpful in this regard, such as those provided by pro players. Nevertheless, you should not forget to adjust the rune slot for armor or magic resistance to the opposing team or direct lane match-up.

However, all these tips are irrelevant if the most fundamental basic factor is not fulfilled – namely, having fun with the game. If you have this, it is also much easier to constantly improve. In the end, you will only develop a feeling for the complex mechanics of the game if you really play it regularly.

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