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Starcraft Heroes – Daggoth
Daggoth, the Overmind’s right hand and one of its greatest cerebrates, was the master of the Tiamat Brood, the largest and most powerful brood within the Zerg Swarm. Daggoth served the Overmind with ferocity and valor.[1] In order to support his own operations, Daggoth had access to the Hunter Killer, a special and powerful type of hydralisk.
Planets Starcraft – Tarsonis
On the planet Tarsonis landed the gigantic supercarrier Nagglfar, one of the four colony ships carrying Terrans to the Koprulu sector. Because the Nagglfar had led the flotilla, on board was the supercomputer ATLAS, which had guided all four ships on their eighty-two-year voyage.
Starcraft Units – Zergling
The wild little Dunewalkers of the Zz’gash sand world were admitted to the swarm to serve as scouts and attack troops of the first wave. While little more than wild animals, Zerglings work well together under the command of larger Zerg warriors. The voracious Zerglings are very fond of tearing their foes to pieces with the help of their razor-sharp curved claws and fangs.
Starcraft Units – Ultralisk
The Ultralisk is a late-game Hive-tech unit that is only available once the Zerg player has an Ultralisk Cavern. It is very expensive costing 200 Vespene Gas, but has a great deal of health and its speed is still on par with Zerglings. It features two specific upgrades, for movement speed and unit armor, both at the Ultralisk Cavern.
Starcraft Missions – Supernova
You start by smashing your way to camp (1). First leave the photon cannons unattacked and fly in from the side – attack the Hetzer and then destroy the pylons, then you can safely switch off the cannons. Feel free to do all of this in stealth mode, as it counts toward your kill level (you need 75 kills with stealthed banshees to succeed).
Starcraft Buildings – Supply Depot
The Supply Depot is a building constructed by Terran for the purpose of providing supply. Each Supply Depot raises the Terran’s supply cap by eight. Supply Depots are also used for strategic purposes, typically for walling. Another use for them is to be placed near other Terran buildings to create obstructions that enemy units must walk around, giving Terran time to out micro his opponent.
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Starcraft is a turn-based game. The active player receives the obligatory first player token, so it should always be clear whose turn is being played, and especially interesting: StarCraft does not require any dice at all.
To get started, you first have to agree on your faction, then gather all the necessary figures, cards and tokens of your faction (woe betide the game master who only starts sorting now!) and leave the table in the middle free, as this is where the galaxy, i.e. the playing field, is built.
This proceeds similarly to Twilight Imperium.
Each player draws two planet tokens, which they can use to pick their planets from the planet stack. This step is necessary because the planet cards are shaped differently and the tokens are the only way to ensure that the drawing is random.
The starting player then places his first planet in the center of the table and can already build a base – but he doesn’t have to, then he has to do it on his second planet as soon as he lays it out.
Once the first planet is in place, it is the next player’s turn to lay out his first planet and connect it to the previous player’s planet with a navigation route cardboard piece. The last player may lay out both planets at the same time and then it goes in reverse order to the starting player. This way a more or less interconnected galaxy is created.
Finally, Z-axes are laid, which are navigation routes across loose ends, sort of a 3D conversion.
Each player receives the corresponding resource cards for his two planets and then only the event cards are reduced according to the number of players, shuffled and placed on the board. There are three event card phases, which is symbolized by different card backs and should help the game to become faster and more powerful towards the end. Now the game can start.
Each round is divided into three phases.
Starcraft is a turn-based game. The active player gets the obligatory first player token, so it should always be clear whose turn is being played, and most interestingly, StarCraft doesn’t require any dice at all.
To get started, you first have to agree on your faction, then gather all the necessary figures, cards and tokens of your faction (woe betide the game master who only starts sorting now!) and leave the table in the middle free, as this is where the galaxy, i.e. the playing field, is built.
This proceeds similarly to Twilight Imperium.
Each player draws two planet tokens, which they can use to pick their planets from the planet stack. This step is necessary because the planet cards are shaped differently and the tokens are the only way to ensure that the drawing is random.
The starting player then places his first planet in the center of the table and can already build a base – but he doesn’t have to, then he has to do it on his second planet as soon as he lays it out.
Once the first planet is in place, it is the next player’s turn to lay out his first planet and connect it to the previous player’s planet with a navigation route cardboard piece. The last player may lay out both planets at the same time and then it goes in reverse order to the starting player. This way a more or less interconnected galaxy is created.
Finally, Z-axes are laid, which are navigation routes across loose ends, sort of a 3D conversion.
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