League of Legends – Top 10 Dragon Control Tips

Unleash your potential on the Summoner’s Rift with our expert-curated list of necessary dragon control in . Securing the Dragon can significantly impact the outcome of the game, leading your team to victory. From proper vision control to strategic team fighting, mastering these crucial techniques will give you the upper hand in securing this vital objective. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, these proven strategies will elevate your gameplay and help you dominate the competition. So, prepare to dominate the Dragon pit and lead your team to glory with our top 10 dragon control tips.

Ward Dragon Pit

Place Stealth Wards

A crucial aspect of controlling the Dragon Pit is to place Stealth Wards in strategic locations around the area. These wards provide vision of incoming enemies and help your team anticipate any attempts to contest or steal the Dragon. Placing wards in the river brush and near the entrance of the Dragon Pit can give your team valuable information and control over the objective.

Use Control Wards

In the matter of securing the Dragon Pit, using Control Wards is crucial. Control Wards not only provide vision but also deny enemy vision in the area, making it harder for them to sneak in and steal the Dragon. Always have a Control Ward in your inventory to establish dominance over the pit and prevent any surprises during crucial moments.

Dragon control is heavily influenced by the proper use of Control Wards. These items not only grant vision but can also deny enemy vision, giving your team the upper hand in securing objectives like the Dragon. By strategically placing Control Wards in key locations around the Dragon Pit, you can effectively control vision and dictate the flow of the game.

Jungle Camp Control

Clear Enemy Camps

If you want to establish dominance over the map and control the pace of the game, clearing enemy camps is crucial. Little do many players realize the impact of denying the enemy jungler resources. By invading and taking down their camps, you not only set them back in experience and gold but also limit their ability to gank effectively. Remember to ward their jungle and coordinate with your team to secure these objectives efficiently.

Secure Your Camps

There’s no point in invading enemy camps if you’re not actively defending and securing your own. Your team’s jungle resources are just as important as denying the enemy’s. Little do many players recognize that losing control over your camps can lead to a significant disadvantage. Make sure to communicate with your team, establish vision control, and clear your camps regularly to maintain a strong presence in the jungle.

Your camps act as a vital resource that can make or break the success of your team. Securing them not only ensures a steady income of experience and gold for yourself but also prevents the enemy team from gaining an upper hand.

Timing Dragon Respawns

Note Spawn Times

Little do many players know, in of Legends follow a strict 5-minute respawn timer after they are slain. This means that keeping track of the exact time when a Dragon is taken can give your team a huge advantage in controlling objectives and securing buffs.

Prepare Ahead

Note that being proactive in preparing for Dragon respawns can make or break the outcome of a game. Ensure your team clears vision around the Dragon pit, peruses the map for enemy whereabouts, and coordinates back timings to purchase key items before the next Dragon fight. Any oversight in these preparations could cost your team not only the Dragon but also map control and potentially the game.

This strategic play can give your team a significant edge by setting up vision control, ensuring all members have adequate items and resources for a fight, and being in prime position to engage or disengage as needed. Be mindful of, Dragon control is not just about securing the buff but also about leveraging it to your advantage in future fights.

Team Composition Strategy

Pick Engage Champions

Many successful teams in League of Legends prioritize picking engage champions as part of their team composition. Engage champions have abilities that allow them to initiate fights and catch out-of-position enemies, giving your team the upper hand in teamfights. Champions like Malphite, Leona, or Sejuani are great choices for this role, as they can start fights and create opportunities for your team to secure objectives like dragons.

Choose Smite Users

If you want to have control over dragon pits and secure objectives efficiently, you’ll need to have champions on your team who can use the summoner spell Smite. Smite is crucial for securing dragon kills and enhancing your team’s overall objective control. Junglers are typically the ones who bring Smite, so make sure your team has a dedicated jungler to handle this task.

Team composition is crucial in League of Legends and can greatly impact your team’s chances of securing dragons and winning games. Make sure to communicate with your teammates during champion select to ensure a well-rounded composition that includes engage champions and Smite users. By strategically selecting champions with these abilities, you can increase your team’s chances of dominating the dragon control game.

Learning Dragon Patterns

Memorize Dragon Behavior

To effectively control dragons in League of Legends, it’s crucial to understand their behavior patterns. Memorize the timings of when dragons spawn, how often they respawn, and the buffs they provide. This knowledge will help you anticipate dragon movements and strategically plan your team’s objectives.

Anticipate Dragon Movement

To secure dragon control, it’s vital to anticipate the dragon’s movements on the map. Movement prediction is key in positioning your team for successful engagements around the dragon pit. By reading the map, tracking the enemy team, and understanding vision control, you can anticipate when the dragon will be contested and plan your gameplay accordingly.

Understanding the enemy team’s behavior patterns and movements is crucial in anticipating dragon plays. Are they setting up vision around the dragon pit? Are they grouping up near the bot lane? Any signs of suspicious activity could indicate an imminent dragon fight, allowing you to prepare in advance and gain a strategic advantage.

Prioritize Dragon Types

Your success in controlling dragons in League of Legends heavily relies on understanding the importance of different dragon types. Each type of dragon provides unique bonuses to your team, which can significantly impact the outcome of the game. It is crucial to prioritize infernal, mountain, ocean, cloud, and elder dragons based on your team composition and game strategy. Perceiving the strengths and weaknesses of each dragon type will enable you to make informed decisions during gameplay.

Infernal DragonProvides increased damage output for your team
Mountain DragonGrants bonus true damage to epic monsters and turrets
Ocean DragonRestores health and mana to your team over time
Cloud DragonBoosts out-of-combat movement speed
Elder DragonEmpowers your team with powerful bonuses after slaying multiple dragons

Identify Key Dragons

Dragons play a crucial role in shaping the battlefield and providing advantages to the team that claims their buffs. Understanding the benefits of each dragon type allows you to prioritize the objectives that best suit your team composition and goals. Make sure to communicate effectively with your team to decide which dragons to prioritize and when to contest them.

Adapt Play Style

Style. This involves adjusting your strategy based on the dragon types available and your team’s situation. For example, if your team excels in team fights, prioritizing Infernal Dragons can amplify your damage output and lead to more successful engagements. On the other hand, if your team focuses on split-pushing, securing Mountain Dragons can help you take down turrets more efficiently. Adapting your play style to capitalize on the strengths of different dragon types can give your team a significant advantage in the game.

Scuttle Crab Importance

Secure Vision Control

Not only does the Scuttle Crab provide temporary vision in the river, but killing it also denies the same vision to the enemy team. Securing vision control around the river is crucial for keeping track of the enemy jungler’s movements and setting up plays for objectives like Dragon or Herald.

Contest Scuttle Crabs

One of the most important aspects of securing dragon control is contesting Scuttle Crabs. Assuming the enemy team has killed the Scuttle Crab, contesting the next spawn is vital to regain vision control and deny the enemy team valuable information.

To improve your dragon control, prioritize securing vision control by clearing enemy wards and placing your own to spot out crucial areas around the dragon pit. Contesting Scuttle Crabs is key to maintaining vision control and denying the enemy team crucial information. Bear in mind, vision wins games.

Lane Priority Awareness

Push Lanes Early

All players in a team need to understand the concept of lane priority when it comes to controlling Dragons in League of Legends. Priority is crucial in securing objectives like Dragons, and one way to establish lane priority is by pushing lanes early. Pushing lanes ensures that your minions are constantly pressuring the enemy towers, forcing the opponent to respond or risk losing valuable farm and map control. This creates opportunities for your team to rotate to objectives like Dragons without fear of being outnumbered.

Rotate to Dragon

Another important aspect of awareness when it comes to Dragon control is knowing when to rotate to Dragon pit. It is crucial to keep an eye on the minimap and the status of the enemy team. If you see the enemy team committing resources top side or in a different lane, that’s your cue to make a move towards the Dragon pit. By having this awareness and timing your rotation correctly, you increase your chances of securing the Dragon while the enemy is out of position.

Effective Communication

Use Pings Often

On the Summoner’s Rift, communication is key to success, and one of the most effective tools at your disposal is the ping system. Utilizing pings allows you to quickly convey important information to your team without the need for lengthy explanations. Whether it’s alerting your teammates of an incoming gank, signaling to take an objective, or warning of danger, using pings can help coordinate your team efficiently. Be mindful of, quick and precise communication can often be the difference between victory and defeat.

Discuss Plans Early

Now, before the game even starts, it’s crucial to discuss your team’s strategy and plans. By having an initial conversation about lane assignments, jungle routes, and overall objectives, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page from the get-go. Establishing a game plan early on helps to prevent confusion, minimizes misunderstandings, and sets the tone for a cohesive team effort.

To further solidify your team’s coordination, designate specific roles and responsibilities for each player. This can range from who will be the shot caller to who will be in charge of tracking cooldowns or initiating team fights. Having a clear division of tasks ensures everyone knows their job and can execute it effectively during the game.

To wrap up

Considering all points, mastering dragon control can significantly impact your success in League of Legends. By following these top 10 tips, such as prioritizing vision control, coordinating with your team, and timing your engagements correctly, you can enhance your dragon control strategy and increase your chances of securing objectives. Keep in mind, practice makes perfect, so consistently implementing these tips in your gameplay will help you become a more formidable player on the Rift. Keep these strategies in mind and watch as your dragon control skills improve, leading you to more victories in League of Legends.