League of Legends Teams – Team Secret

Throw NaVi, Fnatic and Alliance in one hat and you have Secret. Founded shortly after the TI4, may still be known to some of you as “The Shuffle”. Because some of the parent teams wanted to do their own thing and that became the think tank among the Dota 2 teams. Unfortunately, there were no successes and the former top players were scattered all over the world. Except for former veteran “Puppey” (who decided to stay), all of the “Founding Fathers” are now elsewhere or in gamer retirement.

However, the holes were patched and new players were already in the starting blocks to fight in the name of Team Secret in the . As a result, the balance sheet also showed better results from then on. Steady performance progress and a total focus on the team captain Puppey finally let the team fly into the pot of direct candidates. In any case, the team is definitely capable of a lot and we will see how successfully King Puppey leads his “pawns” into battle. Here are your facts:

Biggest success so far: Winner of The Shanghai Major 2016, Winner of DreamLeague – Season 8

Team Roster:

  • Carry: Ace
  • Mid: MidOne
  • Offlane: Fata
  • Roamers/Support: YapzOr
  • Hard Support: Puppey (Captain)

of Legends explained – LoL for Dummies

The name of probably the most influential title of the last few years – “” – has been heard quickly; but what exactly it is all about is rather difficult to grasp, especially for the layman. Therefore, this complex game is broken down here to simple basic elements, understandable for everyone.

League of Legends or “LoL” is a video game published by Riot Games and belongs to the genre (game category) “MOBA”. MOBA is a sub-genre of strategy games and stands for “Multiplayer Online Battle Arena” – so it is an online team game that is played on a closed map that is always the same.

On this map, usually the so-called “Summoner’s Rift”, the teams compete in a five-against-five match with the goal of destroying the enemy base, the winner being the team that destroys the enemy’s main building, the “Nexus”. This usually takes between 25 and 35 minutes, but can also take an hour.

Each player controls one of over 140 available champions. These are selected before the start of each game and matched with the team. Each of these champions has its own skillset – i.e. abilities – and thus differs fundamentally from the others. Therefore, on the one hand it is important to perfect these champions as much as possible, but at the same time to know the skills of all champions in order to be able to compete effectively against them. This is also a long-term task, since new champions are added to the game all the time.