League of Legends Skins-Gothic

When I was, a young boy, my father took me into the city… okay guys and girls, it’s time for the announcement of who won the Thematic vote for 2022. It’s pretty obvious that the Gothic skins will be revised this year.

Since we already know who will get the next visual and gameplay update, we also have to check out which skin themes will be reviewed in 2022. There were three to choose from, only one could make it and as with the VGU Poll, the was extremely clear.

We live in the year 2022 and it’s time to look back nostalgically on our look as 8th graders. That’s what Riot thinks, and that’s why they’re revamping the Gothic and Emo Thematics!

Which champions are part of the Gothic theme?

The Gothic series has only three champions so far – but they desperately need a rework. Then they could get really badass and as Reav3 had already mentioned in his gigantic blog post, different shades of black are being looked at right now to drastically improve the skins.

Personally I voted for the Gothic theme too, because I really need a revamped Emumu skin…. PLS RITO. Bit more eyeliner, some new Gerard Way quotes on his voice lines and the world would be a big bit better.

All kidding aside, these champions are part of the gothic skin line so far:

  • Emumu
  • Goth Annie
  • Goth Orianna

Which skin theme came in second?

As mentioned above, there were three themes to choose from. Gothic won by a wide margin (49.4% of the votes), while Infernal (25.4%) and Arclight (25.1%) only got about half the votes. Gothic was just way too strong – like Janna Top Lane.

What direction is Gothic Revamp going in?

In the same blog post, Reav3 also mentioned that the team is still figuring out what direction to take with the skin line. Whether the skins will stay gloomy and serious or become more friendly and fun is still being decided.

But, as long as we get some Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and Bring me the Horizon quotes, this will be the best skin series in of Legends. Fans just want the goth look in the game – and so do we!

When will the Gothic makeover be released?

It will probably take some time, so don’t expect the fresh skins in the near future. However, we suspect that the revamp will still be released in 2022 – maybe sometime in September or October.

So get ready, grab your sister’s eyeliner, hop in a time machine and fly back to 2011 – let’s enjoy some punk rock and the gothic theme together. Renata Glasc? We don’t know her. There’s only Annie, Amumu and Orianna here.

Champion skin

Champion skin (or skin for short) refers to the color scheme or appearance of a champion. Most champion skins can be purchased in the Riot Shop with Riot Points, while others are/were only available for special events/promotions. However, some selected chroma skins (color-changed skins)can be purchased at special events for Blue Essence. Some champion skins bring new particles for visual effects, quotes and sound effects. Each skin has its own splashart, which is displayed in the champion selection and loading screen. Since patch 7.16, the custom champion image is also matched to the skin in the game itself.

What is actually… “”?

“League of Legends is one of the most successful e-sports titles in the world. But what is it actually about? And what makes the game so popular? An explanation for beginners.

What is League of Legends (“LoL”) about?

In a classic game of “League of Legends,” two teams each have five characters called champions, each with individual characteristics. The main goal of each team is to destroy the opponent’s Nexus (a main building). Before this can be attacked, however, several defenses must be torn down on at least one of the three central level routes (lanes). Similar to “Dota 2”, the heroes receive continuous support on their campaign from AI-controlled units called minions. They storm the battlefield at regular intervals and independently attack enemies or enemy buildings – but only on the three main paths of the map. Those who roam around in the surrounding jungle will have to do without minion help. As usual in the MOBA genre, the champions reach higher levels by collecting experience points. In the course of the match, they learn numerous new abilities. Provided they have enough gold, the player can also strengthen himself with new equipment. Each of the 141 hero characters that the player can currently choose from is assigned to one of six classes. Warriors can deal out a lot of damage, tanks take a lot of punishment, mages have powerful special abilities, and supporters can, among other things, replenish the mana energy of allies or heal their comrades-in-arms.