League of Legends Skins-Arcane

Riot Games is giving away several free skins during the Arcane x Riot event. We’ll show you how to get your free skins!

Arcane will be released very soon and Riot is getting us hot with a huge in-game event, a fun visual novel and crossovers with other games like Fortnite and PUBG Mobile. All of that sounds like a good thing already, but we’re actually mostly interested in and what we’re getting in our favorite game.

We’ve been putting up with toxicity since 2009, so as a thank you for making Riot Games a multi-million dollar company, we should at least get some nice items, right? Well, yeah, you’re right about that. Riot Games will be thanking by giving away not one or two, but four new skins!

How do you even get the skins and which champions will get one? We’ll explain that here!

Which champion skins are free?

Since the whole event revolves around the Netflix series Arcane, the four main characters (champions) that will appear in the series will also get skins related to Arcane:

  • Arcane Jayce
  • Arcane Vi
  • Arcane Caitlyn
  • Arcane Jinx

These are the four skins that Riot will be giving away completely free. We’re not even kidding: it’s never been easier to get free skins – the only easier way is through Prime Gaming.

How do you unlock the free Arcane skins?

So, starting November 8, 2021, you’ll be able to get the Arcane Skins for free. The first skin you can unlock is Jayce’s. So you can’t choose in which order you get these skins. After all, they’re free, so we won’t complain too much about that here – and if you complete all the missions, you’ll end up with all four anyway.

If you can’t earn these skins during the event but still want them, they’ll still be available for purchase in the store for 975 RP after December 9, 2021.

But enough talking now, what missions do you need to complete to get your hands on these skins?

Mission Task RewardDate
Arcane JayceWin 1 match or play 3 gamesJayce Champion Permanent* + Arcane Jayce Skin Permanent*Nov 8, 16:00 CET – Dec 9, 20:59 CET
Arcane ViWin 1 match or play 3 gamesVi Champion Permanent* + Arcane Vi Skin Permanent*Nov 15, 16:00 CET – Dec 9, 20:59 CET
Arcane CaitlynWin 1 match or play 3 gamesCaitlyn Champion Permanent* + Arcane Caitlyn Skin Permanent*Nov 22, 16:00 CET – Dec 9, 20:59 CET
Arcane JinxWin 1 match or play 3 gamesJinx Champion Permanent* + Arcane Jinx Skin Permanent*Nov 24, 16:00 CET – Dec 9, 20:59 CET

Does Riot offer any other Arcane bundles?

While most of the Arcane content is free, there are also paid bundles that give players additional goodies. The Arcane Champion Bundles include the Champion, the Arcane Skin and another skin, and an icon.

However, as mentioned, these bundles are paid for, as are the Arcane Capsule and the Arcane Inventor’s Wonder Bag.

But don’t forget that you can earn an Arcane capsule for absolutely free by watching Arcane on Twitch on November 6! So why would you spend money on anything more?

When is Arcane coming out?

Arcane will be available for everyone to watch on November 6, 2021. The series was announced two years ago and is finally coming to the big screen. Are you looking forward to all the free goodies as well as the events in all Riot Games?

Champion skin

Champion skin (or skin for short) refers to the color scheme or appearance of a champion. Most champion skins can be purchased in the Riot Shop with Riot Points, while others are/were only available for special events/promotions. However, some selected chroma skins (color-changed skins)can be purchased at special events for Blue Essence. Some champion skins bring new particles for visual effects, quotes and sound effects. Each skin has its own splashart, which is displayed in the champion selection and loading screen. Since patch 7.16, the custom champion image is also matched to the skin in the game itself.

What is actually… “League of Legends”?

“League of Legends is one of the most successful e-sports titles in the world. But what is it actually about? And what makes the game so popular? An explanation for beginners.

What is League of Legends (“LoL”) about?

In a classic game of “League of Legends,” two teams each have five characters called champions, each with individual characteristics. The main goal of each team is to destroy the opponent’s Nexus (a main building). Before this can be attacked, however, several defenses must be torn down on at least one of the three central level routes (lanes). Similar to “Dota 2”, the heroes receive continuous support on their campaign from AI-controlled units called minions. They storm the battlefield at regular intervals and independently attack enemies or enemy buildings – but only on the three main paths of the map. Those who roam around in the surrounding jungle will have to do without minion help. As usual in the MOBA genre, the champions reach higher levels by collecting experience points. In the course of the match, they learn numerous new abilities. Provided they have enough gold, the player can also strengthen himself with new equipment. Each of the 141 hero characters that the player can currently choose from is assigned to one of six classes. Warriors can deal out a lot of damage, tanks take a lot of punishment, mages have powerful special abilities, and supporters can, among other things, replenish the mana energy of allies or heal their comrades-in-arms.