League of Legends Guides- Wild Rift – Part 1

Everyone has heard about of Legends by now. Not much is known about Wild Rift, the version for consoles and mobile. Wild Rift is expected to enter beta soon, with 41 playable champions. While we all wait for a firm release date, we thought we’d help you get to know the game’s champions in advance in a four-part series. An early EarlyGame guide to the Wild Rift Champions.

While has 148 champions, Wild Rift will start with 41 champions (may change). This will make it easier to get started with the game, as many players looking forward to Wild Rift are probably not that familiar with LoL Champions. That’s why we’ve taken the liberty of giving you a sort of overview, or early guide to all the Wild Rift champions, so you can get your bearings a bit. Granted, there’s not a lot of solid info on Wild Rift, but the official League of Legends website has generous spotlights on each LoL Champion, so we’ve taken the liberty of putting together the ones you can play in Wild Rift:


Ahri has the hidden power of Runeterra. She is a Vastaya who can form balls of pure energy by means of magic. She loves to toy with her victims by manipulating their emotions and then devouring their life essence. Despite her predatory nature, Ahri has retained some empathy, as she experiences from the memories of each devoured soul.

  • VASTAYAN ANMUT (passive) When Ahri hits a champion 2 times within a short period of time with her abilities, she briefly gains running speed.
  • BALL OF DECEPTION Ahri dispatches her orb and then retrieves it, dealing magic damage on the way out and absolute damage on the way back. After multiple hits with abilities, Ahri’s next orb restores life per hit.
  • FUCHS FIRE Ahri summons 3 fox fires that seek out nearby enemies and attack them.
  • ENCHANT Ahri casts a hand kiss that deals damage to a hit enemy, enchanting them and causing instant immobility. Charmed opponents stagger defenselessly toward Ahri. The target temporarily suffers increased damage from Ahri.
  • SPIRITHAST Ahri leaps forward and fires essence projectiles that deal damage to nearby enemies. “Ghostcast” can be activated up to 3 times before it wears off


Alistar has always been a powerful warrior with a fearsome reputation, but now he wants to take revenge on the Noxian Empire for the death of his clan. Although he was enslaved and forced to a life as a gladiator, his indomitable will saved him from becoming a beast altogether. Now free from the chains of his former masters, he fights on behalf of the oppressed and downtrodden, using his rage as a weapon, like his horns, hooves, and fists.

  • VICTORY CRIME (passive) Alistar charges his Victory Cry by stunning enemy champions, flinging them away, or when nearby enemies die. Once fully charged, he heals himself and any nearby allied champions.
  • PULVERIZING Alistar slams to the ground, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and hurling them into the air.
  • HEADBUTT Alistar rams a target with his head, dealing damage and knocking the target back.
  • TRAMPLE Alistar stomps over enemy units, ignoring unit collision checks, and gains 1 increase when dealing damage to an enemy champion. With full increases, Alistar’s next normal attack against an enemy champion deals additional magic damage and stuns it.
  • UNBELIEVABLE WILL Alistar emits a loud roar that removes all crowd control effects from him and reduces received normal and magic damage for the duration of the effect.


Annie is still a child, but she has already mastered immensely powerful fire magic. Even in the shadows of the mountains of northern Noxus, she is considered a magical oddity. Her natural affinity for fire came out early in her life through unpredictable bursts of emotion – but at some point she learned to control these “playful tricks”. Her favorite thing to do is turn her beloved teddy bear, Tibbers, into a flaming protector. Despite everything, Annie wanders the gloomy woods in her eternal childlike innocence, looking for someone to play with her.

  • PYROMANIA (passive) After every 4 spells cast, Annie’s next offensive spell stuns the target for a short time.
  • RESOLUTION Annie hurls a fireball imbued with mana that deals damage. If the hit is fatal, the mana cost is refunded.
  • BURN Annie throws a flaming cone of fire that deals damage to all nearby enemies.
  • TIBRING SHIELD Gives Annie increased percentage damage reduction, a run speed boost, and deals damage to attacking enemies with normal attacks.
  • TIBBERS Summon Annie summons her bear Tibbers to life to deal damage to nearby units. Tibbers can attack and also burn nearby enemies.


As the ice-born warrior mother of the Avarosa, Ashe commands the most numerous host of the North. She is equanimous, intelligent, and idealistic, following the sorcery of her ancestors and wielding a bow of true ice, though she is not entirely comfortable in the role of leader. Her people believe she is the reincarnation of the mythological heroine Avarosa, and Ashe hopes to reunite Freljord and reclaim the ancient lands of her tribe.

  • FROST SHOT (passive) Ashe’s attacks slow her target and inflict increased damage. Ashe’s critical hits do not inflict additional damage, but they do increase the target’s slow.
  • FOCUS OF THE FOREST RUNNER Ashe builds up “focus” through attacks. At maximum “Focus”, Ashe can activate “Ranger’s Focus”, which consumes all “Focus” increases, temporarily increases her attack speed, and turns her normal attacks into a powerful hail of arrows for the duration of the effect.
  • SALVE Ashe fires 9 arrows in a cone shape, dealing increased damage. Also applies “Frost Shot.”
  • HAWK SHOT Ashe sends her hawk on a scouting mission across the map.
  • ENCHANTED CRYSTAL ARROW Ashe fires an ice arrow in a straight line. When the arrow hits an enemy champion, it deals damage and stuns the champion. The duration increases with the flight distance of the arrow. Also, nearby enemy units take damage and are slowed.


Blitzcrank is a massive, nearly indestructible machine from Zhaun whose original purpose was to dispose of toxic waste. However, he found that his primary task limited him too much, and modified himself to better serve the fragile community of the Pit. Blitzcrank selflessly uses his strength and resilience to protect others – sometimes extending his extendable, helping metal hand, sometimes incapacitating troublemakers with electric shocks.

  • PASSIVE When Blitzcrank’s life drops below 20%, his mana barrier activates. It creates a mana shield whose strength is equal to 30% of his mana and lasts for 10 seconds. Mana barrier can be activated once every 90 seconds.
  • RAKETENGRIFF Blitzcrank hurls his right hand to grab an enemy. In doing so, he deals damage and pulls the opponent towards him.
  • OVERCHARGE Blitzcrank performs a super charge, greatly increasing his running and attack speed. After the effect ends, he is slowed down for a short time.
  • CHARGED FIST Blitzcrank charges his fist to deal double damage on his next attack, hurling the target into the air.
  • STATIC FIELD Enemies attacked by Blitzcrank are marked and take lightning damage after 1 second. Additionally, Blitzcrank can activate this ability to remove shields from nearby enemies, dealing damage and momentarily silencing them.


Braum, the beloved hero of Freljord is blessed with massive biceps and an even bigger heart. In all Methallen north of the Frostklamm, they drink to his legendary strength. Legends about him say that he felled an entire oak forest in a single night and reduced an entire mountain to rubble. With his enchanted shield, once the door to an ancient treasure trove, Braum roams the frosty north, always putting on a mustachioed smile as big as his muscles – he is a true friend to all who need help.

  • SHOCKING BLOW (passive) Braum’s normal attacks generate Shocking Blows. Once the first increase is generated, allies’ normal attacks also build up increases of Shattering Blows. When 4 boosts are reached, the target is stunned and suffers magic damage. For the next few seconds, it receives no further increases and suffers additional magic damage from Braum’s attacks.
  • WINTERBITE Braum fires freezing ice from his shield, slowing and dealing magic damage. Creates 1 enhancement “Shattering Blows.”
  • STAND BEHIND ME Braum jumps to a targeted allied champion or minion. Upon landing, he and the ally gain armor and magic resistance for a few seconds.
  • UNCONFIDENT Braum raises his shield in one direction for a few seconds, intercepting any projectiles that hit him and destroying them. It completely negates the damage of the first attack and reduces the damage of all subsequent attacks from that direction.
  • GLETSCHERSPALTE Braum rams his shield into the ground and flings up nearby enemies standing in a line in front of him. A crack in the ground remains in front of him, slowing enemies.


Armed to the teeth, Camille is able to operate outside the law as the head of the Ferros clan’s intelligence service, ensuring the smooth running of Piltover’s machinery as well as peaceful coexistence with her Zhaunite underbelly. Flexible and precise herself, she sees sloppy techniques as a disgrace that must be punished. With a mind as sharp as the blades on her body, Camille’s pursuit of superiority through hextech augmentations raises the question of which actually prevails: Woman or machine?

  • ADAPTIVE DEFENSE (passive) Normal attacks against champions grant a shield against the damage type of an attack (normal or magic) equal to 20% of Camille’s maximum life for a short time.
  • PRECISION PROTOCOL Camille’s next attack deals additional damage and increases her running speed. This ability can be re-executed within a short time and deals greatly increased additional damage if Camille allows time to pass between the two attacks.
  • BLADE FLAGER After a delay, Camille deals damage in a cone-shaped area. Enemies in the outer half are slowed, take additional damage, and heal Camille.
  • GRABBING HOOK Camille pulls herself up against a wall, pushes off, and flings enemy champions into the air as she lands.
  • THE HEXTECH ULTIMATUM Camille jumps to a champion and traps it in an area. She also deals additional magic damage with her normal attacks.


Cassiopeia is a deadly creature who finds pleasure in manipulating others with her dark intentions. The youngest and most beautiful daughter of the noble Du Couteau family of Noxus, she ventured deep into the crypts beneath Shurima in search of ancient powers. There she was bitten by a cruel tomb guard whose poison had transformed her into a serpentine hunter. Cassiopeia now slithers cunningly and agilely in the veil of night towards her victims, petrifying them with her baleful gaze.

  • SLOW GRAZY (passive) Cassiopeia’s running speed increases with each level, but she cannot buy boots.
  • GIFTEXPLOSION Cassiopeia drenches an area with poison after a short delay and gains additional running speed should she hit an enemy champion with it.
  • MIASMA Cassiopeia releases several poison clouds that slow, inhibit, and inflict minor damage on enemies running through them. Inhibited enemies cannot use movement abilities.
  • DOUBLE TEN Cassiopeia attacks, dealing increased damage to poisoned targets and healing for a percentage of the damage dealt. If the target dies due to the attack, Cassiopeia regenerates mana.
  • STUNNING GLANCE Cassiopeia sends a vortex of magical energy streaming from her eyes, stunning struck enemies in front of her who are facing her direction and slowing all others.


There is no greater symbol of Noxian power than Darius, the nation’s most feared and battle-hardened commander. From humble beginnings, he rose to become the Hand of Noxus, slashing his way through the empire’s flocks of enemies, many of whom are also Noxian. He never doubts the legitimacy of his cause and never hesitates once he raises his axe. Anyone who stands against the commander of the Trifarian Legion is mercilessly cut down.

  • BLOOD (passive) Darius’s attacks and damaging abilities inflict a 5-second bleed on enemies that deals normal damage and can be increased up to 5 times.
  • DECIMATE Darius gains momentum and swings his axe in a wide circle. Enemies hit by the blade take more damage than enemies hit by the shaft. Darius heals depending on the enemy champions and large monsters hit by the blade.
  • CRUSHING HIT Darius’ next attack hits an enemy’s vital artery. While this one is bleeding, its walking speed is slowed.
  • GRABBING Darius sharpens his axe, causing his normal damage to passively ignore a percentage of his target’s armor. When the ability is activated, Darius hurls his axe hook at his opponents, pulling them towards him.
  • NOXIAN GUILLOTINE Darius leaps at an enemy champion and delivers a devastating blow that deals absolute damage. The damage increases with each increase of Bleed on the target. When Noxian Guillotine kills someone, its cooldown is reset for a short time.


With her crescent moon blade, Diana fights as a warrior of the Lunari – a faith community that had all but disappeared from the lands around Targon. Wearing shimmering armor the color of nighttime winter snows, she is the living embodiment of the power of the silver moon. Within her pulses the essence of an aspect from beyond Targon’s mighty peak, and Diana is no longer purely human. She struggles to understand her powers and find her purpose in this world.

  • MONDSILVER CLING (passive) Every third strike deals additional magic damage to nearby enemies. After using an ability, Diana gains additional attack speed for her next 3 attacks.
  • LUNAR SWING Unleashes a blast of lunar energy in an arc, dealing magic damage. Inflicts Moonlight on hit enemies, revealing them for 3 seconds if they are not cloaked.
  • FAHLE KASKADE Diana creates 3 spheres orbiting around her that detonate on contact with enemies, dealing damage to an area. She also temporarily gains a shield that absorbs damage. When the third sphere detonates, the shield is further strengthened.
  • MONDHAST Diana becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, leaping to an enemy and dealing magic damage. “Moonhast” has no cooldown when Diana uses it to jump to an enemy that has “Moonlight” on it. “Moonlight is removed from all other enemies, regardless of whether they were the target of Moonlight.
  • Moonshine Diana reveals all nearby enemies, draws them in, and slows them down. When Diana pulls in one or more enemy champions, Moonlight descends on them after a short delay. This deals magic damage in the area around her and is increased for each target drawn in after the first.

Dr. Mundo

The completely insane, murderous and terrifyingly purple Dr. Mundo causes nightmares for many of Zhaun’s inhabitants. This taciturn monstrosity seems interested solely in causing and suffering pain. Mundo, who wields his giant meat cleaver as if it were light as a feather, is said to have captured and tortured dozens of Zhaun’s inhabitants. He subjected them to his diabolical “operations” that seemed to have no discernible goal. He is brutal. He is unpredictable. He goes where he pleases. And, in fact, he is not a doctor … or a physician.

  • ADRENAL INJURY (passive) Dr. Mundo regenerates 0.3% of his maximum life per second.
  • INFECTED HATCH Dr. Mundo hurls his hatchet and deals damage equal to a portion of the target’s current life. It also slows the target down for a short time. Dr. Mundo delights in the suffering of others and therefore regains a portion of the life cost when he hits with his axe throw (doubled for death blows).
  • BURNING QUAL Dr. Mundo drains life from himself to reduce the duration of incapacitating effects and deal continuous damage to nearby enemies.
  • MASOCHISM Dr. Mundo receives increased attack damage based on his lack of life, and his next normal attack deals additional damage to his target via headbutt. Passively increases magic resistance when Dr. Mundo takes magic damage or loses life.
  • SADISMUS Dr. Mundo sacrifices a portion of his life to gain increased running speed and greatly increased life regeneration.


In Noxus, warriors, also known as retributors, face each other in arenas where they spill their blood and test their strengths – but never has anyone been as acclaimed as Draven. A former soldier, he could wow crowds with his penchant for drama and unmatched fighting skills, as well as whirling axes. Draven is addicted to the spectacle of his own brazen perfection, and has vowed to defeat anyone so that his name will forever be hailed throughout the realm.

  • LEAGUE OF DRAVEN (passive) Draven earns the “worship” of his fans when he catches a Whirling Axe, kills a minion or monster, or destroys a tower. When he kills enemy champions, Draven receives additional gold depending on how much “Worship” he has accumulated.
  • WHIRLING AXE Draven’s next attack deals additional normal damage. This axe bounces off the target and flies high into the air. When Draven catches it, he automatically prepares a new Whirling Axe. Draven can have two “Whirling Axes” at the same time.
  • BLOODHETS Draven gains increased running and attack speed. The additional run speed drops rapidly during the duration. If Draven catches a Whirling Axe, the cooldown of Bloodlust is reset.
  • SIDE. Draven throws his axes, dealing normal damage to hit targets and knocking them aside. Targets that are hit are slowed.
  • WHIRLING DEATH Draven hurls two giant axes to deal normal damage to all hit units. The axes slowly turn around and return to Draven if they hit an enemy champion. Draven can also activate the ability a 2nd time during the flight of the axes to have them return to him immediately. Damage decreases with each unit hit and resets when changing direction.

LoL Guides – Champions, Masteries, Items, and more – With our tips you will get better in ranking.

League of Legends is a diverse game with many elements that need to be considered for a successful Ranked. In our detailed LoL guides, we try to give you some tips and tricks as detailed as possible. If you follow our LoL guides, you will conquer the Ranked ladder in League of Legends in no time.

League of Legends is one of the most popular video games of all time. Over 100 million people dabble in the MOBA from Riot Games. Almost 90% of the player base is in the Iron to the Gold range. The often-mentioned “Elohell” makes some League of Legends players struggles. Our LoL guides are here to help. We’ll show you practical tips and tricks that will help you improve your ranking.